The Spanish Life-Boat Society
MADRID, Jane 5.—At its annual general meeting the Spanish Life-boat Society was able this year to say that since its founda- tion in 1880 it had established 67 local branches, many of them self-supporting, 30 stations provided with life-boats, and 57 stations provided with rocket apparatus and other accessories for assisting ship- wrecked mariners. About 1,000 men have been enlisted and trained to act as crews of life-boats, and to manage all the appa- ratus for saving life. The society has spent 19,OOOZ. on its material, and the boats and rocket apparatus have saved 712 lives. The society has also rewarded persons who contributed to save 1,590 shipwrecked persons. Since its founda- tion in 1880 the society has awarded six gold, 210 silver, and 598 bronze medals.
I see in the report that among other foreign shipwrecked crews it contributed to save those of 14 English vessels. Ex- cept an annual State subsidy of 1,400Z.
the society is entirely supported by volun- tary contributions. Few institutions in Spain are more worthy specimens of private initiative.—Daily News Correspondent.