Summary of the Meetings of the Committee
THURSDAY, 14th January, 1892.
Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., M.P., V.P., in the Chair.
Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous meeting.
The Secretary having reported the death of H.R.H. The DUKE OF CLARENCE, the Committee at once passed the following resolution, a copy of which the Secretary was instructed to for- ward to the Comptroller of the Household:— " That having regard to the terrible affliction which has befallen their Royal Highnesses The PRINCE and PRINCESS OF WALES, Vice- Patrons of the Institution, by the lamented and sudden death of H.E.H. The DUKE OF CLARENCE AND AVONDALE, K.G., the Committee beg to tender to their Royal Highnesses the expression of their deepest and most sincere sympathy." Bead and confirmed the minutes of the Finance and Correspondence, Building, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees, and ordered their recommendations to be carried into effect.
Read the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their recent visits to the following stations:— Northern District—Holy Island'(two boats), Berwick-on-Tweed, Cullercoats, and North Sunderland.
Eastern District—Brighton.
Western District — Porthleven, Penzance, Sennen, Weston-super-Mare, Watchet, Morthoe, Ilfracombe, Braunton, Appledore (two boats), Lynmouth, Clovelly, Bude and Burnham.
Irish District—Cahore, Courtown, Arklow, Wicklow, Greystones, Kingstown (two boats), Howth, Poolbeg, and Skerries.
Reported the receipt of 1,185Z. 10s. Wd. from the CIVIL SERVICE LIFE-BOAT FUND, per CHARLES DIBDIN, Esq., the Honorary Secretary. This sum comprised 6001. to complete the purchase of the Kingstown new Life-boat, the Civil Service No. 7; 500Z. on account of the endowment fund of that boat, and 851. 10s. lOd. to cover certain expenses incurred by the Institution during the past year in connection with rewards to the crews of the Civil Service Life-boats. The total sum thus contributed to the Institution by gentlemen in Her Majesty's Civil Service has been 14,6432. - lOd.
Decided that the best thanks of the Institu- tion be conveyed to the contributors—and especially to Mr. DIBDiN—for the very valuable assistance which they continue to render to the Life-boat cause.
Also the receipt of the following other special contributions:— £ g. d.
Colonel W. BLACKBURNE for the Fleetwood new Life-boat The Child of Hole 700 - - E. SALVIN BOWLEY, Esq. . . . 500 - - The Norbury Life-boat Fund for the Forth Rhuflydd new Life-boat Norbury, through the Manchester Branch, additional 300 - - £ s. d.
Mrs. MARY E. FIELDER . . . . 100 - - CECIL POWNEY, Esq., A. D. 0.
Grenadier Guards (donation). 50 — - Do. do. (annual) 10 10 - Licensed Victualler Life-boat Fund (additional) 50 - - Proceeds of concert given by Bradford Glee Union 22 13 - Collected on board E. M. S. Thomas 20 - - Proceeds of concert at Arbroath. . 19 6 - St. Michael's Paddington Life-boat Fund (additional) 18 6 6 Moiety of collection by party of Amateur Street Carol Singers, by ANDREW W. TUBE, Esq. . . . 17-7 Lytham and St. Anne's Golf Clubs. 16 1 6 Contents of Contribution Box, per E. W. MAY, Esq., Billingsgate Market ........ 16 - 10 Life-boat Saturday Collections.
£ s. d.
Bolton, per T. H. WINDER, Esq. . 688 10 - Stockport, per JAMES LEIGH, Esq. . 300 - - Life-boat Sunday Collections.
£ s. d.
27 16 8 21 19 6 10 14 9 7 16 10 7 10 1 6 15 3 6-3 478 Haslingdean Wesleyan Chapel .
Sunninghill, per Rev. J. SNOWDON Ramsgate, St. James' Church .
Preston, St. Paul's Church . .
Ramsey, various collections .
Carmarthen branch, do.
Burton-on-Trent Parish Church Penarth Wesleyan Church .
Peckham, Linden Grove Sunday School 414 Peterborough, All Saint's Church . 3 12 - Bursledon, per Rev. L. ESTRIDGE, M.A 33- Wroxham and Salhouse, per Eev.
T. F. BODDINGTON, M.A. ... 3-3 —To be severally thanked,.
Also the receipt of the following legacies-:— £ e. d.
GREENACRE, JOHN, Esq., Great Yar- mouth 100 - - GREGORY, FRANCIS, Esq., Yatton . 50 - - MUSSAKD, K. T. Esq., Islington . 426 14 3 SAUL, JAMES, Esq., Tottenham (addi- tional) 250 - - STEPHENS, Miss MABY, Cheltenham 5 - - WIGNEY, Mrs. L. 0., Twyford . . 900 - - WILLATS, RICHARD, Esq., Homerton 90 - - Read letter from the London and North- Western Railway Company, stating that the Directors gladly complied with the request of the Committee, that such of the Company's signalmen as are stationed on the coast be instructed to report any shipwrecks they may hear of to the nearest Life-boat stations through the Company's private wires.
To be thanked and the Life-boat stations to be informed accordingly.
Voted the thanks of the Committee to Captain E. B. PRINCE and H. DE MOULMED, Esq., in recognition of their valuable services while holding the office of honorary secretary re- spectively of the Maryport and Colchester branches of the Institution.
Also the Silver Medal, copy of the vote inscribed on vellum, a framed certificate of service, and a pecuniary grant to Mr. W.
FOREMAN, late Coxswain of the Broadstairs Life-boat, in acknowledgment of his good services in saving life from shipwreck.
The Committee also recognised the services of Mr. EDWARD CHTNN, while serving as Assistant Coxswain of the Hayle Life-boat.
Reported the transmission to its station of the new Life-boat provided for the Appledore No. 2 Station.
Also that the Barmouth, Black Bock, Mon- trose No. 3, and Whitehaven Life-boats had been altered and improved, and returned to their stations.
Paid 9,7551. 9s. Id. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.
Voted 486Z. la. 4 Z. to pay the expenses of the Lowestoft No. 1, Blyth No. 1, Winterton No. 1, Caister No. 2, Palling No. 2, Exmouth, Penarth, Donna Nook, Winchelsea, Dover, Eyemouth, Ballywalter, Wexford No. 1, Lynmouth, Douglas No. 2, St. Ives, Porthdinllaen, and Filey Life- boats in rendering the following services:— Lives eared.
Schooner Belted Will, of Jersey. Rendered assistance.
Ship Dominion, of Liverpool. Landed pilot and picked up his boat.
A smack's boat. Rendered assistance.
Brig Queen of the Isles, of West Hartlepool.
Remained by vessel.
Schooner Amelie, of Copenhagen ... 7 Sloop Mater Dei, of Dunkirk .... 4 Ship Drumblaire, of Greenock .... 16 Ship Lord Brassey, of Liverpool. Remained by vessel.
Trawler Hope, of Grrimsby. Rendered assistance.
Barque Warwickshire, of London ... 33 .Lugger Alice and William, of Eyemouth.
Rendered assistance.
Steam-tug Defiance, of Greenock. Re- mained by vessel.
Fishing-boat Liberator, of Wexford. Ren- dered assistance.
Schooner The Saint, of Runcorn ... 5 Schooner Droughty Castle, of Portaferry . 3 S.S. Alonso, of Hull 7 Schooner Boss, of Carnarvon .... 3 Brig Lancet, of Whitby 7 The Lowestoft No. 1, Caister No. 2, Ramsgate, Lynmouth, and Milford Life-boats rendered the following services :—Trawler Salem, of Lowes- toft, rendered assistance; schooner Hannah Hansom, of Bridgwater, saved vessel and crew, 5; smack Leaflet, of Ramsgate, remained by vessel; schooner The Saint, of Runcorn, rendered assistance; and barque Tamar Marshall, of Nova Scotia, rendered assistance.
(Accounts of some of these services are fur- nished on pages 232-3.) Voted also 6661. 4s. to pay the expenses of the Margate, Saltburn, Gorleston No. 1, Winterton No. 2, Kingsgate, Portmadoc, Walmer, Southend (Essex), Dover, Hunstanton, North Deal, South- port No. 1, Great Yarmouth, Newhaven, Lowes- toft No. 1, Harwich, Walton-on-the-Naze, Fleet- wood No. l. Beaumaris, Orme's Head, Peterhead, Barrow, Rye, Port Eynon, Douglas No. 1, St.
Ives, New Brighton No. 2, Broughty Ferry, and Cemaes Life-boats in assembling their crews or putting off to the assistance of vessels which did not eventually, require their services.
Also 71. to a helper who was injured while assisting to launch the Winchelsea Life-boat on service on the 29th December last.
Voted the Second Service Clasp of the In- stitution to Mr. ALFRED PAGE, who has been master of the Ramsgate harbour steam-tugs since the 1st of April, 1874, and has towed the Ramsgate Life-boat on every occasion of service since then.
Also the Silver Medal of the Institution and 21. each to Mr. JAMES WATSON, master, and WILLIAM BURTON, EDWIN HUBLE and ARTHUR E. FISHER, the crew, of the smack Britain's Pride, of Ramsgate, for gallantly saving an apprentice from the ship Enterkin, of Glasgow, which was wrecked on the Galloper Sands in a heavy W. gale and a very heavy sea on the 12th of December.
Also the Silver Medal and 11. each to JOHN ABBOTT and EDWIN WEBB, Coastguardmen, for gallantly swimming' out in a heavy sea and effect- ing the rescue of the crew of six men from the schooner Faavaret, of Stavanger, which stranded near West Wemyss, Fifeshire, in a moderate E.S.E. gale on the 13th of November.
The thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, were awarded to Mr. MICHAEL MONDAY, Chief Officer, and II. each to four Coastguard- men who assisted to rescue the shipwrecked crew.
Also the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, to Mr. THOMAS NEIL and Sergeant COLVILLE, H.L.I., for assisting to save the Cox- swain of the Lydd Life-boat on the occasion of the accident to that boat on the llth of Novem- ber ; 11. each was also awarded to five men who helped to save two of the Life-boat's crew on the occasion in question.
Also 11. 10s. to five men for putting off in a boat and saving three of the crew of the smack Walrui, of Voe, Lerwick, -which had stranded at Revra Baas, Papa Sound, Shetland, in a strong S.W. by S. breeze and a heavy sea on the 3rd October.
Also 61. to four men for saving the crew of eight men of the steamer Oalgorm Castle, which sunk close to Penmon lighthouse, Anglesey, in a strong N. gale and a very heavy sea on the 7th of December.
Also 4Z. 10«. to three men for putting off in a boat and saving two of the crew of the Louise, of Thisted, which had stranded in Luce Bay, Wigtownshire, in a strong 8.E. gale and a heavy sea on the 12th of December.
Also 4Z. to four men for saving the crew of four men of the fishing-boat Elizabeth, of Castlebay, which had struck on a rock and was sinking off Canna, Hebrides, in a strong W.N.W. gale and a very heavy sea on the 2nd of October.
Also SI. lOe. to seven men for rescuing three of four men from two fishing-boats which had been sunk by shots fired from a gunboat while at target practice outside Plymouth Sound on the 30th of October.
Also 31. to six men for putting off in the Shaldon, Devon, surf-boat, and saving a man from a fishing-boat which had been capsized on Teignmouth bar on the 2nd of December.
Also 21. 10». to five men for putting off in a boat, and remaining by the fishing-boat Tin- daunted, of Girvan, which was in danger in a gale from the N.W. and a rough sea on the 11th of December.
Also 21. 5s. to three fishermen for saving three men from the boat of the Russian schooner Vertia, which boat had been capsized off Tenby in a squall on the 8th of December.
Also 15». to three men for saving a man who had fallen overboard from the brigantine Thomas, of Lowestoft, which was lying at anchor off Lowestoft harbour on the 2nd of January.
THURSDAY, 11th February.
Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., M.P., V.P., in the Chair.
Read and confirmed the Minutes of the pre- vious meeting.
Also read those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, Building and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees, and ordered their recommen- dations to be carried into effect.
Read letter from the Comptroller of the Household of H.R.H. the PRINCE OF WALES, of the 18th ult., conveying the heartfelt thanks of the PRINCE and PRINCESS OF WALES to the Committee of the Institution for their kind resolution of sympathy with them on the occa- sion of the lamented death of H.R.H. the DUKE OF CLARENCE AND AVONDALE, K.G.
Read the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following stations:— Northern District—Hartlepool (three boats), West Hartlepool (two boats), Middlesbrough, Redcar, Saltburn, Whitburn, Seaton Carew, Seaham, St. Andrew's, Anstruther, Crail and Buddon Ness.
Eastern District—Southend, Clacton-on-Sea, Walton-on-the-Naze, Harwich (two boats), Caister (two boats), and Pakefield (two boats).
Western District—Aberystwith, Aberdovey, Barmouth, Pwllheli, Llanaelhaiarn, Abersoch, Porthdinllaen and Portmadoc.
Irish District—Balbriggan, Drogheda (two boats), Black Rock, Giles' Quay, Tyrella and Newcastle Dundrum Bay, Cloughey, Bally- waiter, Groomsport, Portrush, Greencastle, Greystones and Rhyl.
Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting :— £ s. d.
Oldham Life-boat Fund, per A.
NICHOLSON, Esq 700 - JOHN TURNBULL, Esq 100 — - Executors of the late Mrs. AMELIA, BALLARD 100 - - Trustees of the late W. THORNGATE, Esq. (annual subscription) . . 80 - - R. A. B. PRESTON, Esq., in aid of Cornish Life-boats (annual sub- scription) 50 - - " P. F. W." 50 - - Newcastle-on-Tyne Co-operative Society, Limited 25 - - d.
£ s.
1 7 Proceeds of performance by Old Tenisonians Dramatic Club at St. George's Hall on the 21st of November, per C. F. CART- WRIGHT, Esq 10 Collected on board P. & O. s.s.
Assam, per Capt. BROWNE . . 10 - - Proceeds of concert by Ossett Cycling Club, per J. E. HAL- STEAD, Esq 10 - - lAfe-Twat Sunday Collections.
Streatham, St. Peter's Church, per J. F. TOWNSEND, Esq. ... 88- Cranleigh, per the Ven. Arch- deacon SAME 817 Sudboum and Orford, per Rev.
G. M. SCOTT, M.A 5 - - Titchfield, per Rev. R. A. R. WHITE, M.A 4 18 - Great Marlow Parish Church, per Rev. H. O. F. WHITTINGSTALL, M.A 4 - - Adderley, per Rev. A. CORBET . 3 17 6 Saul, per Rev. R. HALL, M.A.. . 3 12 3 Alexandria Garrison, offertory and collection, per Rev. J. K. LETH- BRIDGE, M.A., Chaplain of H.M.
forces 272 —To lie severally thanked.
Also the receipt of the following Legacies:— £ «. d.
ELLET, Mrs. MAEF, Stafford . . 50 - - GOWLAND, JAMES, Esq., Harston . 393 18 2 Lisa, Miss MART, North Runcton 5 - - MULLIGAN, T. M., Esq., Demarara 50 - - PICKARD, Mrs. HANNAH, Ossett . 1000 - - SwAHBHicKj Miss M. A., Bolton . 50 - - Resolved that a letter of condolence be addressed to the Widow of JAMES OSBORN, Esq., who had been Honorary Secretary of the Aide- burgh Branch of the Institution for thirty-two years.
Voted the thanks of the Committee to Dr.
W. W. FULLARTON and Mr. GEORGE MUNDELL, in recognition of their valuable services while holding the office respectively of honorary secretary of the Ballantrae and Silloth branches of the Institution.
The Committee also specially recognised the good services rendered by Mr. DAVID HICKS, Mr. THOMAS BATE, Mr. MATTHEW NICHOLAS, and Mr. ROBERT ROBINSON, during the long period in which they respectively served as coxswains and assistant coxswains of the St.
David's, Bude, Sennen, and Seaton Carew Life-boats.
Reported that new Life-boats had been forwarded to the Caister No. 2 and Port Erin Stations.
Also that the Southport No. 1 and Workington boats had been sent back to the coast, after being altered and improved.
Paid 4,3201. 4s. 2d. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.
Voted 928Z. Is. lid. to pay the expenses of the Atherfield, Brighstone Grange, Brooke, North Sunderland, Dungarvan, Broadstairs, Arbroath, St. Andrew's, Southwold No. 2, Wexford No. 1, MUford, Holy Island No. 1, Caister No. 2, Holyhead No. 1, Fraserburgh, Newbiggin, Rhyl, and Orme's Head Life-boats, in rendering the following services :— Lives saved.
S.s. Eider, of Bremen 379 Two fishing cobles of North Sunderland.
Rendered assistance.
Cutter John, of Dungarvan. Landed an injured man.
Brigantine Douse, of South Shields . . 6 Fishing-boats of Arbroath. Remained afloat.
Sloop May Ann, of St. Andrew's. Ren- dered assistance.
Fishing-punt Mary Ann, of Southwold . 4 Ketch Marys, of Aberystwyth ... 3 Schooner Harriet, of Bristol. Remained by vessel.
Ten fishing-boats of Holy Island. Ren- dered assistance.
Dandy Canpida, of Great Yarmouth.
Remained by vessel.
S.s. Meaih, of Sunderland 38 Schooner Breeze, of Sunderland ... 5 Fishing cobles of Newbiggin. Remained in attendance.
Steamer Lady Louisa, of Liverpool. Ren- dered assistance.
Schooner John Nelson, of Beaumaris. . 2 Ketch Seagull, of Beaumaris .... 3 The Atherfield, Brooke, and Brighstone Grange Life-boats also saved the mails, specie, etc., from the Norddeutscher Lloyd steamer Eider.
(Accounts of some of these services will be found on pages 232-234).
Voted also 526J. 15s. 4d. to pay the expenses of the Eyemouth, Winchelsea, Redcar, Flam- borough No. 2, Aldeburgh, Harwich (steam Life-boat), New Brighton (stage boat), Kings- gate, Withernsea, St. David's, Peterhead, Gorleston No. 1, Winterton No. 2, Palling No. 2, Whitelink, Hasborough, Cloughey, Pwllheli, Bull Bay, Caister No. 2, Fraserburgh, Orme's Head, Rye, Cullercoats, and Worthing Life-boats in assembling their crews, or putting off to the aid of vessels not ultimately needing their help.
Read letter from the Secretary of the Board of Trade, stating, for the information of the President, Chairman, and members of the Institution, that the Queen had commanded the President of the Board of Trade to convey to the crews of the Atherfield, Brighstone and Brooke Life-boats Her Majesty's warm appre- ciation of their gallant conduct in saving the crew and passengers of the s.s. Eider, and requesting that the crews might at once be informed accordingly. The Secretary reported that he immediately telegraphed Her Majesty's gracious message to the three Life-boat Sta- tions, and that it had given the crews the greatest satisfaction.
Resolved that the General Committee of tho Royal National Life-boat Institution, having rece-ived a communication from Her Majesty the Queen, the patron of the Institution, con- veying her approval of the brave conduct of the crews of the Atherfield, Brighstone, and Brooke Life-boats, who so courageously rescued the passengers and crew of the s.s. Eider, desire to record their deep appreciation of the Queen's gracious message, which has given such en- couragement to the Life-boat service, and that a copy of the resolution be sent to General the Right Hon. Sir HENRY F. PONSONBY, G.C.B.
Voted the Second Service Clasp of the Institution to Mr. WILLIAM COTTON, Coxswain of the Atherfleld Life-boat, the Third Sen-ice Clasp to Mr. JOHN HAYTER, Coxswain of the Brooke Life-boat, and the Silver Medal to Mr.
JAMES COTTON, Coxswain of the Brighstone Grange Life-boat, in recognition of their gallant services to the stranded s.s. Eider, of Bremen.
Read letter from the Directors of the South Holland Life-boat Institution, conveying con- gratulations on the success which had attended those Life-boats in rescuing the Eider's passen- gers and crew.—To be thanked.
Voted 4Z. to one of the crew of the Lynmouth Life-boat, who was injured while on service in the boat on the 7th January.
Also 501. to a man who was engaged as a driver of horses on the occasion of the launch of the Margate Life-boat on service on the night of the llth April last. On that occasion he incurred considerable exposure, causing an attack of paralysis, which hag partially disabled him for work.
Voted also 11. We. to five men for putting off twice in a boat, and rescuing four men from the smack Abbey and flat Agnes, both of Beaumaris, which were in danger in Llaududno Bay in a strong gale from W.N.W. to N.W., and a rough sea on the 1st instant.
The sum of 51. 5s. was also awarded to seven men who brought ashore one of the crew of the Also SI. to the master and crew of the fishing smack Princess, of Hoylake, for saving two men from the punt of the flat Hannah and Joseph, of Liverpool, which had sunk in Liver- pool Bay in a strong S.E. gale and a very heavy sea on the 18th January.
Also 61. 5s. to five men for saving a boy who had been washed overboard from a boat towing astern of a schooner near Western Calf Island, co. Cork, in a strong S.W. breeze and a rough sea on the 21st of January.
Also 61. to eight men for putting off in a boat from Collieston, Aberdeenshire, and saving four men from a boat belonging to the stranded steamer Florence, of London, in a moderate S.S.E. wind and a heavy sea on the 25th of November.
Also 21. 10. to the crew of a steamer for towing into Aberdovey harbour a fishing- smack, with four men on board, which had lost her sails in a gale of wind on the 26th of October.
Also 21. to four men for putting off in a boat and saving three of four men from a boat which had been capsized at Bullinacourty, co. Water- ford, while endeavouring to raise a vessel's anchor during a light N.W. breeze and a smooth sea on the 18th of January.
Also 11. to two men for saving three persons from a boat which had been capsized off Teign- mouth on the 12th of January.