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The Medal of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution, For the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck

FOR THE PRESERVATION OF LIFE FROM SHIPWRECK Obverse.—Bust of Her Majesty Queen Victoria; beneath, in minute letters, " L. C. Wyon." Double legend, " Royal National Life-boat Institution. Founded in 1824. Incorporated 1860. Victoria, Patroness." Reverse.—Three sailors in a Life-boat,—one of whom is in the act of rescuing an exhausted mariner from the waves on a fragment of the wreck. "W. Wyon, Mint." Inscription, "Let not the deep swallow me up." THE beautiful obverse of this medal, executed by the late L. C. WYON, Esq., represents the bust of QUEEN VICTORIA, Her Majesty's locks gracefully waving and gathered in a knot behind, from which issues a wreath of oak clustering over the forehead. This life-like portrait of the QUEEN, in high relief, conveys a truly pleasing and faithful likeness of HER MAJESTY at that period (1862), combining the dignity of aspect and benevolence which have always characterised the Queen throughout her long and prosperous reign.

The reverse, representing the Life-boat, in which there are three Seamen, rescuing a fourth from the sea, is a work of great merit. Two of the men are steadying the boat, while the other, stooping, draws in the Shipwrecked Sailor, whose figure is given so as to show the form in the most natural manner; and the expression thrown into his coun- tenance looking up to his preserver is supplicating in the extreme, while the easy flowing lines of this sailor are finely contrasted by those of his companions: the whole displaying a perfect knowledge of the human frame, and a command of the graver to embody what he had shadowed out to himself.

But there is another pleasing motive for admiration of this beautiful Medal, as the figure who is so humanely extending his relief to the drowning Mariner is a portrait of the Artist, the late WILLIAM WYON, Esq., R.A., himself.

The following is a LIST of the GOLD and SILVER MEDALS which have been voted by the Committee of the Institution from Its establishment in 1824 to the 31st Dec., 1890, to persons whose humane and intrepid exertions in saving Life from Shipwreck on our Coasts have been deemed sufficiently conspicuous to merit that honourable distinction. The Cases will be found recorded in detail in the several Annual Reports of the Institution.

The total number of Medals and Clasps granted by the Institution is 1,171, 98 of which were in Gold, and 1,073 in Silver.

Mote.—The asterisk (*) after the name denotes the reception of a Gold Medal. The figure after the name signifies the number of honorary distinctions received from the Institution. Abbreviations.—(X Gd.—Coast Guard. R. C.—Revenue Cruiser. M. M.—Master Mariner.

Abbot, Sidney, Clovelly.

Acraman, Mr. J., Fishguard.

Adair, Mr. R., Coxswain Ballywalter Life-boat.

Adair, Mr. W.,C'. Gi., Dun- drum.

Adam, Mr. J., O Gd., New- castle. (2) Adams, Mr. Thomas, M. M.

Agar, J..(XGd.,Morris Castle.

Agnes. Samuel, Wivenhoe.

| Ahem, John, (X G"., Kilmore.

Aikin, J.,Ct.G'1., Cushendall.

. Alexander, W., Coxswain of the Thorpeness Life-boat.

Allan, Jas., Holy Island.

Allen, Mr. Luke Jas., M. M., Wivenhoe.

Amis, Edward, late Coxswain of the Palling Life-boat.

Anderson, Mr. John G., R.N.

Annis, Mr. M., C«. G*. (2) Anthony, Mr. Owen, M.M., Holyhead.

Armstrong, Mr J., Coxswain of Hauxley Life-boat.

Armstrong, R., Newbiggin.

Armstrong, Mr. W., Blyth.

Armstrong, W., Newbiggin.

Arnold, Mr. W. H., (X G ., Sandown.

Askin, J., CXG". Ballywalter.

Atkins, T.. (X Gd., Wainfleet.

Austen.Wm., Seaman, Rams- gate Steamer Vulcan, [beg.

Autridge, Lieut., R.N., Doon- | 2KB MAT, 1892 ] GOLD AND SILYEB MEDALS, 81 j | Avisse, Mr. J. N., M. M., Brine, Thou,, Esq., Douglas. (Chapman, Thomas, Esq., } Cummins, Mr. 3., Coxswain I Boulogne. Brinksmeaa, Mr. W., M. M. ) F.R.S..V.V.* of the ArWow Life-boat. 1 Brittain, Lieut. G. S., R.N., Chappell, Mr. T., Bideford. Cunningham, Mi. J., New- 1 Bacon, Henry, Harwich. C». G*. (2)' Chappell, Capt, W., Btdeford. castle. 1 Bacon, Mr. James, M. til. Britton, Mr. J., Master of the Chard, J., Boatman. Thorpe. Curnow, Mr. Paul, Coxswain 1 Bailey, Jas., Boatman, Deal. American Ship Rtxtaester.* Chesnutt, George, Skegness. of the St. Ives Life-boat.(2) Baillie, Lieut. Henry, R.N. Britton, Mr. Wm., Coxswain Chittenden, E., Broadstaire. Curteis, Mr. W., (?. G4. Baillie, Dent. H., B.N. of the Harwich Life-boat, j Christian, Mr. Thomas A. j Curtis, Steph., Chrtstclmrch. Bain, Alex., Seaman, Skerries* Broad, W., Esq., Famioutb.* Clark, George, Seaman. Bake, Lieut., R.N., 0. Gd. Brooks, A., C1. G4.Dungeucss. Clark. Lieut. Joseph, R.N.* Dabine, Lieut., R.N., C1. G4. Baker, Lt. G. S., R.N., C . G4. Brown, Henry, Newbiggin. Clarkson. Mr. T., Coxswain Dand, M. H., Esq. (2)1 Baker, Lt.W.H.,R.N.,C".G». Brown, James, Dunbar. of the Lytham Life-boat. Dark, Mr, William, M. M. Baker, Mr. T., O.G4., Brooke. Brown, Mr. John, Coxswain Claybum, T., Scarboro'. (2) Darling, Wm., Light-bouse Banyard, Mr. John. C«. G4. o$ Newbiggin Life-bo»t.(2) Clayton, LU.R.N., C". G4. keeper. Fern Islands. Barlach, Mr. Henry, M. M. Broira, Tnos. Cresswell (2). UleaveMt.liwM.M.,Wivenhoe Darling, Grace, bis daughter. Barnard, A., ?, G4. (2) Browne, Mr. P. R. M. (2)' Cloke, W., Pilot, Mevagissey. Darragn, H., O. G«. Barnes, George, Christchurcb. Brone, Miss B. M. Prldeaux. CoW , Ret. C, M.A., Dym- Da vies, toe Iate7ice- Admiral Barrett, Mr. J., C fi4. Brnne, Miss E. F. Prideaux. cbnrch.* George. (4)* Carnsore. (2) Brune, Miss G. K. Prideaojr. Cockrom, W., H.M.S. Eagle. Davies, Capt. Thomas, R JJ. Barrett, W., O. G4. Brune, Miss M. K. Prideaux. Coffey,P.,Tramore,Waterford Danes, George, Hoylake. Barrett, W.,jnn., ditto. Brunton, Lt. J., R.N. (2)» Colby.Nathaniel, Coxswain of Daviaon, W, Sunderland. Ban-on, R. N., Esq. Buck, W. C., Sa R.y.ff.Q*. the Pakefleld Life-boat. Dawsorj, Mr, T., Hartlepool. Barry, Lt G., R.N., Kinsale. Btickett, J., Coxswain Brigb- Cole, J., Seaman, Wivenhoe. Day, Cbr., Mlddlesbronga. Bartholomew, E. J., Esq. stone Grange Life-boat. Collard, Mr. S., Pilot. Day, Mr. Thomas, Bidelord. Bate, Samuel, Second Cox- Budd, James, Esq., Tramore. Collins, Mr, James, C'. Ga. Deane, Mr. Henry, C*. G«. swain Padstow Life-boat. Bulkeley, J. B., Coxswain of Collins, Mr. J., Master of the Delpierre, Jean A., Boulogne. Bate, Thomas, Coxswain of Teignmouth Life-boat. American ship Rotciw.* Dent, J., Newbiggin. the Bude Life-boat. Bulley, Lieut. J., K.N. (*}" Ollison, Mr. R., M. M. Desmond, Jobn, Limerick. Bates, Mr. Taos., 0. G . Bumby,Mr.J.,C'.G4.CIovelly Collopy, J., O.G .Porthcawl. De St. Crefcs, Mr.F., Jersey .* Batist, J., C«. G4. Dymchurch. Bu»t, Mr. John, P. G4. ComSe.Lt. M., R.N. De St. Orois, Mr. J., Jersey.* Beatson, Q. B. M., Esq., C*. G». Bnroari, Mr. T., Bideford. (2) Coneys, Mr.Anthony, Qifden De St. Oois, Mr. P., Jersey.* (2) Barne, J., C1. G4., Penzance Conaick, Mr. J., Dundalk. Derereux, M., Master Pilot, Beanclerk,. The tote Lord Bume, John, Sen., Shields. Cooper, Mr. Hugh, X G4., Kosslare. (S) Charles. Buroey, Mr. R., C'.G4., Banff. Cromaiae Point. DUIon, Jas., ?. Gd., Arklow. Beck, Robert, Point of Ayr. Buiy, Ld. Viscount, P.C..M.P. Cooper, Thomas, Sen., Life- Dinneen, Mr. J., C.O. s.s. Beddoe, D, Fisbguard. Butcher, James, Lowestoft. boatman, Ramsgate. Albatross, of London. Bedwell, Mr. Wm., M. M. Butcher, Rich., Lowestoft. Cooper, Thomas, Jun., Life- Dobson, T., Coxswain of the Begg, Mr., M. M. Byrne, Mr. Lawrence, CX Gd. boatman, Ramsgate. Donna Nook Life-boat. Belsey, Hy., Life-boatman, • Coppin, Lt. F., R.N., C*. G". Doafcfn, A., Cullercoats. (».) Ramsgate. Cable, Mr. James, Coxswain Corbert, W., Coxswain of the Donowa, Dennis, C1. G4. (2) Bennett, Capt. C. C., R.5f.* Aldrtargh Lift-boat. Ardmore Life-boat. DonoTac J,,(?.Gd. Boatman. Berriman, Mr. James, M.M. Cahill, U. V. S.. Esq., M.D. Corbet, P., Pilot, Guernsey. Dooley, Lt. D., R.N., O. G4. Berry, David, Life-boatman, Cain, Wm., Isle of Man. Corbett, W., Esq., Isle of Douglas, Alexander, C1. G4. Ramsgate. Callaway.W., Seaman, Lyme. Man Douglas, Jas. Jr., Harring- Bevan, Mr. John, M. M. Callow, Mr. Wm., Coxswain Cork, W., P-C Fort George. ton, Cumberland. Bickerstaffe, Mr.R.,Coxswsin of CasttetownLife-boat.(2) Corkhffl, W., Coxswain of the Dower, A., Dungarvao. Blackpool Life-boat. (2) Cunpbell, James, Leestone. j Padstaw Life-boat. (2) Downing, Nicholas B., Esq. Billett, Mr. R., C'. G'., Cox- Campbell, Miss J., Drogheda. Cornish, Lt. J., R.N., Boris. Drayson, D., O. Gd. swain of Lydd Life-boat. Campbell, Mr. Angus, Cutter CosteUo, M., Esq., RobSlare. Duffy, M., Mallaghmore. Bingham, Mr. Wm. [ter. Princess Royal. Cotton, D., Brixton, I.W. Duncan, Mr, David, Coxswain Bishop, Mr. S., C'. Ga., Cais- Cameron, Capt. Orford S., [ Cotton, W., ditto. of Montrose Life-boat. Black, A., C . G4., Strangford, B.N., O. G4. I CouJ, Alexander, Montrose. Dunmore, The Bight Hon. Biackmore, Mr. Wm., Chief Candlish, J., Coxswain of the Coul, Charles, Montrose. The. Eart of. Officer OX G».,Penzance. (2) Lyllmtu Life-boat. Gowia, J., Isle of Man. Dunn, Mr. William, M. M. Biacfcwood, Rev. J. O'Keitiy, Caunel 1, T., Isle of Man. Cos, Dr. H. L., Army Durban, John, Walmer. Batlywalier. (2) Cannon, Mr. John, Coxswain Medfcal Department. Dysi, B. Seaman, Wivenhoe. Blair.Lt. Horatio, R.N., ?.«• . of Hasborough Life-boat. Cox, Lt. H., K.N., ?.« «. (2 * Dyer, B., Seaman, Wivenhoe. Biampied, Mr. C., Jersey. Carberry, Patrick, Wexford. Cox, Joseph, Coxswain of the Dyer, Lt. H. McNeill, R.N. Biance, John, Shetland. Carbis, Thos., Coxswain of Appledore Life-boat. (3) Dyer, Mr. John, Stratton. Biissendon, William M. tn« Penzanee Life-boat. (2) Cox, J. j«n.,Secoud Coxswain, Blois, Capt. J. R., R.N.* Ca«y, H., Esq., Shrove Head. Appledore Life-boat. (2) JEarle, Lt. E. C., RJS., Rye.* Blythe, Miss Ellen. 'C»n,C&.,tivaaerto.C. Sylvia. Cox, W., Kimlore. !£astaway, R.,BoatmaD Ct.Gd Bolitbo, Simon, O. G4., Bude. Carr, Mr. Henry, H.M. Cos- , Craggs, J., C«. G »., Devonport. Kastaway, Mr. T. | Bongourd,H.,Pilot, Guernsey. toms, Wexford. ( Cragie, J., Coxswain of the Eddy, K. Pilot, Plymouth, (3) Bonner, G., O. G4., Collieston. Carr.John, C'.G4.. llunmanus. ;' Southwold Life-boat. Edingtou, Mr. Chas., ?. G". Bouchard, John, St. Martin's, Carr,Mr,Samuel,C.O.C'.Gc!. ;' Cronne, Dennis, Ballycotton. Edwards, Mr. D., Montrose. Bowen, Lieut. C. H., R.N.* Carrington, Mr. J., Master of Cropper, Peter, Liverpool. Ellis, Henry, C". G4., Bode. Boyd, Henry, C1. G4. Steam-tug li'tKrpoof, of Crosby, Nicholas, Dundalk. eiphtastone, fieo., Dundalk. Boyd, John, Porttnsh. Harwich. CroeaweH, Mr. T., Fowey. Else, Lieut., R.N., Fowey* Boyd, Mra. Captain, R.S. ' Carrington, Lieut., R.N. Crouch, J., Broadstairs. Elton. Lt. W. H., R.N., C1. G4. Boyle, Marcus, Coxswain of Carrington, W. H., Esq. Crouch, R,, Broadstairs. Elirin, Lt., R.N., Lymington. Wexford Life-boat. (2) Carter, Fredk., Weymouth. t Crowlen, Mr. J., Chief-Officer Elyarii, Lt. Col. J. (2)* Boyle.Lieut. Hon. R.F., R.N. Carter, Mr. J., . G«. of C«.G«.at Muchals.N.B. Erridge, B., Boatman, Deal. Bradley, Mr.Wm., Southend. Casey, M.,Newcastle, Ireland. Cnbitt, Mr. W., Bacton. (2) Essell, Lient. Wm. F., R.JST.* Brice, W., O. G4., Greencastle. Castei, G., Broadstairs. Cubitt, Mr.W. jun., Bacton.* Evans, Mr. D., C1. G4., Cox- Bridle, Mr.W., M. M., Lyme. Cay, Capt. R. B, R.N. C1. G J. Culmer, Mr., ?. G4., Leigh. swain, Poolbeg Life-boat. Brims, Mr. John, Coxswain Chaddock, J., ?. G4. [ Cumisfcy, W. J., Esq., Bal- Evans, Police Constable. of the Tnareo Life-boat. ' Chaplin, Mr., M. M. briggan. Henry, Carnarvon. 82 THE LIFE-BOAT. [2ND MAT, 1892. Evans, Capt. Thomas. Gerrard, Mr. R. Pilot, Fleet - Harrison, Jacob, Shields. Humphreys.Mr.D., Liverpool. Evans, Mr. J., Fishguard. wood. Hatch, Mr. N. G., 1st Mate Hurry, Mr. Stephen, M. M. Evans, Lieu-t. Thomas, R.N Gilbert, Mr. James, Cox- Ship Berkshire. Hnss, Mr. T., H.M.S. /toiler. Evans, T., sen., New Brigh- swain of the Tynemouth Hayden, Mr. F., Sandown. Hutcbinson, Mr. H., C . Gd. ton. (2) [ton. Life-boat. Hayter, Mr. John, Coxswain Hutchinson, Henry, Brid- Evans, T., Jun., New Brigh- Giles, Mr. W. M. M., Pad- of Brooke Life-boat. (2) lington. Evans, Wm., New Brighton. stow. Headon, Mr. Richard, Cox- Hutchison, Lt., Kingstown. Evans, Wm., Pilot, Neath. Glllespie, Andrew, Gunner. swain Clovelly Life-boat. Hutchison, Lient. W., R.N.' Evison, Lt. J. C., E.N., C«. Gd. Gilmer, Mr. Win., Dundalfc. Heal, J., Fisherman, Atber- Hyde, James, Scilly. Gilson,Lt.T. A. R.N., C1. G». fleld. Hynds, Mr. John Dundalk. Farmer, David, Hayling. Gimar, Mr. E., Master of the Heard, Rich., Esq., C". Q«. Hynes, B., C1. Gd., Galway. Farfin, Mr. G., H.M.S. Ajax. French brig Le Norman. Heath, Mr. Joshua, Coxswain Fell, Mr. Robert, Coxswain Gin, N. Francois, Boulogne. of the Fowey Life-boat. lies. The tote Mr. John, of Ramsey Life-boat. Gleeson, R. F., Wexford. Heavy, P., Constable, Knock. Scarborough. Fellowes, Capt. T. H. B., R.N. Glover, Mr. J., M.M. Har- Hein, Mr.F.J.,M. M. Inkster, Mr. Peter, M. M., Fernie, Peler, Buckle. wich. Henin, P., Boulogne-sur-Mer. Shetland. Festing, Lieut., R.N. Goldring, Mr. W., M.M , Henm ssy, Mr. Lawrence, Festing, Colonel Sir F. W., Hayling. C« G«. (2) James, Lieut. Horatio, R.N.* C.B., K.C.M.G., R.M.A. Goldsmith, John, Life-boat- Hennessey, J., ?. Gd. James, Lieut. Wm., R.N.* Field, Lient. Wm. Geo., R.N. man, Ramsgate. Henry, Lieut., R.N., (X Gd. Japp, Robert, Montrose. Field, Mr.W., Milford Haven. Goldsmith, Richard, Life- Henslow, Lt., R.N., ?. Gd. Jarman, Isaac, late Coxswain Finlay, G., O. Gd., Lambay. boatman, R.amsgate. Henwood, T., C1. Gd., Fowey. of Ramsgate Life-boat. (2) Kinlay, William, Moutrose. Goldsmith, Stephen, Life- Herbert, The Hon. Auberon. Jeffers, Rich., (?. Gd., Dingle. Fisn, Chas. E., late Coxswain man, Ramsgate. Herrington.B., Southwold (2) Jefferson, P., Newbiggin. (2) of the Ramsgate Life-boat Gordon, Mr. John, Second Hick, Mr. M., Scarborough. Jellard, Mr. John, M. M.* C0» Coxswain of the Tyrella Hicks, Barnard, Scilly. Jenkins, Mr. J., Coxswain Fish, John, Southwold. Life-boat. Hicks, Geo., C«. Gd., TyreUa. of the Swansea Life-boat. Fisher, Mr. S., Horseferry-rd Goss, Capt. T., R.N., C". Gd. Hicks, Samuel, Seaman. Jenkins,L., Pilot,Port Talbot. Fisher, Mrs., North Fenx (2)» Higgs, S., jun., Esq., the Jenkins, Mr. W., Fishguard. Islands. Gough, J., Fisherman, Water- late. (2) Jennings, Mr. Wm., M. M., Fitzjames, Mr., H.N., Eu- ford. Higgins, W., Second Cox- Harwich. phrates Expedition. Gould, Lt. Wm., R.N., Ct. G«. wain Penzance Life-boat. Jennings, W., C". Gd., Looe. Fitzpatrick, J., (?. Gd. Gourlay, James G., St. Highland, Owen, Anglesey. Jesse, Commander R., R.N. Flann, Wm., Portland. Andrews. Htldebrand, H., Esq. (2) Jinks, Mr. R., Chief Officer of Fleming, George, Gorleston. Graham, G., Lt. R.N., X Ga. Hill, Mr. J., Coxswain, New- Coast. Guard, Cardigan. Fletcher, T., C«. Gd., Rosslare Graham, Capt. Philip, R.N.* castle, Dundrum, Life-boat. Joachim, Capt., R.N. (4) Flynn, P., {?. Gd., Kilrusli. Granby, Mr. Charles, M. M. Hill, Mr. W., Mate. Jobson, Lt. C., R.N. (2)** Fogg, Mr. James, Fleetwood. Grandy, Mr., of the R. C. Hillary, Sir A. Wm., Bart. John, Mr. W., Breaksea. Foley, Mr. J., Port Talbot. Harpy. Hillary, Sir Wm., Bt. (4)»*»» Johns, Mr.Rich.,Mevagissey Foley, Mr., M. M. Grandy, Lient. S, R.N. (21* Hills, W., late Coxswain of Johns, Rich., Seaman, Fowey. Forbes, Mr. A., Peterbead. Grant, Mr. W., Coxswain of the Padstow Life-boat. (2) Johns, R. 0., Coxswain of the Formby, Joseph, Formby. the Margate Life-boat. (2) Hipplewhite, Mr. T., M. M. Tramore Life-boat. (3) Forward, Mr. T. R., Com- Graves, Mr. J., M. M., Car- Hodge, Mr. Robert, Clovelly. Johns, Mr. W., M. M. mander R. C. Sylvia." lisle. Hodgson, J., Carver, Sunder- Johnson, Admiral W. W. Foster, J., O. G !.. Aldboro'. Gray, A.,01. G"., Fort George. land. P., the late.* Found, Mr. W., M. M. Gray, P., C1. Gd., Kilmore. Hoed, Mr. F. P., M. M., ship Johnson, Wm., Yarmouth. Powell, John, Seaman. Gray, Mr. Geo. Bridlington. Phenom&ne.* Johnston, Mr. B., M. M. Fowler, Mr. James, M. M. Gray, Mr. J.,M.M.,Peterhead. Hogbeu, J., late Coxswain of Jones, Capt.C. Gray,R.N., the Fox, Mr. John, Fleetwood. Gray, E. W. II., Esq., Dublin. Ramsgate Life-boat. laie. (2) Foy, Thomas, Rossglass. Gregory, J., (?. Gd., St. An- Hogg, Mr. William, X G". Jones, Mr., C . G«., Wicklow. Prankish. T. H., Bridlington. drew's. Holborn, S., Broadstairs. Jones, Mr., C«. Gd., Swords. Franklin, Lt. E., R.N., Hove Grey, George, Hartlepool. Holland, Lieut. John, R.N. Jones, Mr. E., M. M., franklin, Mr. J. H., Seaton Griffith, David, Beanmaris. Holman, Lieut. T., R.N. Jones, Mr. E., Coxswain of C'arew. [Carew. Griffith, Robert, Anglesey. Hood, Hy., late Coxswain of the Holyhead Life-boat. (2) Franklin, Mr. M., 8- attm Griffiths, Mr. B., M.M., Port- the Seaton Carew Lifeboat. Jones, George, Boatman. Franklyn, Lieut. G., R.N. mad oc. Hood, Mr. W.. Seaton Carew. Jones, John, Merllyn. Freeman, Mr. Henry, Cox- Griffiths, G., Pilot, Anglesey. Hook, R.,Coxswainof Lowes- Jones, Henry, Penzance. swain of the Whitby Life- Griffiths, T., O. G«., Mulbay. toft Life-boat. (2) Jones, J., Pilot, Portbcawl. boat. (2) Gruer, Wm., C*. G*. Hopkins, Mr. John, Cox- Jones, Owen, Anglesey. Freeman, James, Helston, Guy, Mr. Philip, Bidetord. swain Portiush Lite-boat. Jones, Lt. R., R.N., O. Gd. Freeman, John, Seaman. Horsford Miss Josephine. (3)*« Freemantle, Capt. C. W., Hall, Mr. G. E., Lowestoft. Horsford, Miss Maria. Jones, Mr. Robert, Assist. R.N.» Halse, Mr. R., O. G". Houghton, H., Hartlepool. Coxswain of the Holyhead Freeney, John, KtUlney. Hamilton, Mr. B., Coxswain Howard, Francis, Private, Life-boat. French, Mr. Charles, C . G'. of the Black Rock Life-boat. 57th Regiment. Jones, Mr. Thos., Holyhead. Friend, Thos., Life-boatman, Hamilton, Mr. Geo., C'. G". ; Howe, R., ?. (i*., Ballygerig. Jones, Mr. T., M. M., Port Ramsgate. Hamilton, H. A., Esq. (3)* Howell, Mr. J., Port Talbot. Talbot. Fulton, Mr. Robert, R.N. Hamono, Mr. A., M. M. Howorth, Capt. Wm., R.N. Jones, Mr. T., M. M., Cardiff. Furlong, A., Fishguard. Manning, N., C*. Gd., Dingle. Hughes, E., Sen., Cwmerran. Joy, Mr. George, M. M.* Hansell, P. S., Broadstairs. : Hughes, G., Pilot, Guernsey. Juniper, Wm., Mundesley. Galbraith, Mrs. E.. Whitney. Hansford, John, Weymonth. Hughes, Mr. John, Coxswain Gale, Mr. W., M.M., Barking. Harrington, Mr.Dennis, Bere of Bull Bay Life-boat. Kavanagh. Mr. P., Coxswain Gallagher, P., Co. flown. Island, Cork. Hughes, Mr. John, Liverpool. of the Arklow Life-boat. Garrett, Mr. Robert, Cox- Harrington, Mr. Jas., Brtd- Hughes, Mr. R., Coxswain, Kavanagh, Mr. P., Coxswain swain of Ramsey Life- Ungton Quay. Moelfre Life boat. of the Carnsore Life-boat. boat. Harrington, T., C". Gd. Hughes, T., Pilot, Holyhead. W George, Philip, Coxswain of Harris, F., Esq., Inspecting Hughes, Mr. W., Fisherman, Kearon, Capt. Edw., Arklow. Caister Life-boat. (2) Officer, O. Gd., Seafield. j Pittenween, N.B. Kelly, Lieut. E., R.N. 2ND MAY, 1892.] GOLD AND SILVEE MEDALS. 83 Kelly, Mr. Geo. Edwd. Lingard, Lient. J., R.N,, May.Mr. A.C..H.M.S. Rover. Norcock, Capt. Q. L., R.N. Kelly, J. M., Appledore. Whitby.* : May.W. R.,C«. (H, Boscastle. Norris, Benj., Boatman, Deal. Kendall, W,,Ct.G«, Ltthaby, P., (?. G". Boatman. Meader, Henry, Life-hoat- Norris, Mr. James, M. M. Kennedy, Impecting-Lt. A., Llewellyn, Mr. David, (?. G«. man, Ramsgate. Norris, Martin, R .N .R. R.N.,O.Q4.Balljlii!age. (1) Llewellyn, M., Fishgnard. Mearns, Mr. R., jnn., M. M., Norsworthy, Mr. William, Kennedy, E., &. &*. Llewellyn, Martha, ditto. Montrose. C.O. C'.G"., Carnarvon. (2) Kennedy, Mr. H., Belfast. Lloyd, O., C" GI"., Lulworth. Mearns, Wm., Coxswain ot Nott, Capt, B. B., R.N. (2) Kennedy, Master J., Belfast. Lioyd, Lt. S., R.N., ?. G .* Moutrose No. I Life-boat. Kerley, T., (?. Gd., Penzance. Lose, Mr. John, C. O.,O. G«. Mearus, Wm. Jun., Coxswain O'Neil, Patrick, SciUy, KMT, E. C. Esq., Ramsey, Swanage. Montrose No. 2 Life-boat. Orr, Mr. Robt., Irvine, K.B. Kerrnisb, Mr. John, C'. G«. lx uchet, L. P. A. B., Anthie. Metcalfe, Jas., Hartlepool. O'Shaughnessy, Miss Nora. KIdd, IX, Fisherman, Dvroaee. Loughor, Rees, Monknash. Metherell, Lt. R. R., R.N., O'Sullivan, Mr. M., Bere. Klnch, H., Newcastle, Love, Private Robert, 63rd (?. G«.* O'Snllivan, D., C«. G . King, U. S., R.N., Sontbend. ) Regiment. Mewse, A., Boatman, Lowes- Owen, Richard, Anglesey. King, Mr. T., M.M., Harwich. lovell, Patrick, Belmnllett. toft. Owen, Capt. Wm., Holyhead. Kisbee, Com. Thos., R.N. Lucas. Mr. James, Coxswain Middleton, John, Deal. Owen, Mr. William, M. M.* Knight, Mv. Charles, Mate, Lydd Life-boat. Milburu, John, Shields. Owen, Mr. William, Pilot. Bamsgate Steamer Vukan. Lndlow, Mr. I., Master of the Mllhurn, Wm., Isle of Man. Owston, Mr. John, Coxswain Knight, J. 1., O. J4., Sivn- American &h v,Monmouth.* Miller, J, C1. Ga., Devonport. of the Scarborough Life- derland. Lusk, Mr. A., Raeberry, Miller, W., Ramsgate. boat. Kyle, Geo., Assist. Coxswain N.B. Milligan, Mr. G., Yarmouth. Page, Mr. Alfred, Master, HoJy Island Life-boat, Lyons, Lient. Win., R.N. (2) Mills, C., (X G3., Clifden. Ramsgate Steamer Vulcan. Kyle, Matthew, Coxswain Minter, 0., Boatman, Deal. Palmer, G., Esq., M.P. (2)** Holy IskBd Life-boss. Macalister, Mr, Robt., Wicfc. Mitchel, J., Pilot, Guernsey. Parker, Mr. Kdwto, O. G«., Macdonald, George, C«. Ga. Mitchell, C., Port Isaac. (2) Mothecombe. Mackay, Mr. James. Mittin, Philip, Wexford. Parker, Mr. J., Flamhoro'. Lake, Mr. A., Chief Officer of Mackell, Mr. Patrick, C1. G". Moar, Mrs., Burra Ness. Parker, Mr. Wm., M.M. ?. G i., Wick, N.B. Mackintosh, Mr. Alex.,M.M. Monger, Mr. Thomas, Cox- Parrott, Mr. R., X G"i., Lambert, John, Harwich. MacMahon, Capt. H., M. M., | swain of Tenby Life-boat. Tenby. (2) Lambeth, Benj., Harwich. East Clare Militia. Moody, Samuel, Skegness. Parry, Lieut., R.N.* Landells, Mr. Thoe., Milford. Macnanmra, Lt. T., R.N., Moody, Samuel, Coxswain of Parry, Mr. Henry, Anglesey. Lane, Lt., R.N., Dartmouth. C«. G«.» Skegness Life-boat. (2) Parry, Mr. R., M. M., Port- Ungan, Mr. Michael, First Mann, W., Assistant Cox- Moore, Gunner Jas., Coast madoc. Officer of Steamer Princesi swain Aldeburgh Life- Brigade, Royal Artillery. Parsons, Lieut. Rich., H.M. Alexandra. boat. Moreno, Mr., Master of the 35th Regiment. Langton, Lieut. T. W., R N McAllister, William, Port- Austrian Barque Eva. Parsons, Lient. Thos., RJJ. Ct. Gd. ru b. Morgan, John, Thurso, N.B. Parsons, Lt. W., R.N., X G". La Priroaudaye, Clement, McArdle, Tbotnas, Dundalk, Morgan, Lt. R., R.N., C«. G . Partridge, Capt. W. L..R.N., Commander R.N. McCarthy, J., C«. G«. Morgan, Mr. T., R.C., Stark. O. G«. Large, Mr. J., Master Gun- McCarthy, Jas., C1. Ga. Morr s, Mr. John, Anglesey. Pascoe, Peter, Porthleven. ner, R.A. McCombie, Mr. Thomas, Morris, Capt. J. Row, R.N.* Patton, David, Portrush. Larkin, Thomas, Seaman, Second Officer of Steamer Morria,R., Seaman.HoIyhead. Panl, Thos., C1. G«., Bnde. Lavington, Lt. Thos., K.N. Princess Alexandra. Morris, Mr. W. E., Port Payne, Mr. John, C. 0., Lawrence, Mr. ,lain '8, Cox- McCullocb, K., O. G«. (2) Madoc. C1. G"., Skerries. swain ,.f Selsey L fe.l»a,t. McDonald, Mr. Wm., Irvine. Morrison, Lt., R.N., (?. G4. Paynter, Capt. Richard. Lazoix, Lieut, of the French McGenis.G., barque Albany. Morrison, Mr. Silvester, O. Peake, James, Esq., H.M. Marine at Dieppe. McGladery, Lt. J., K.N., | G"., Sennen Cove, Dockyard, Devonport.* Leask, Mr. Robert, jun., Ire- C«. G*. Morrison, W., Ballywaller. Peake, Admiral T. L. * land, near Stromaesg. McKemie, J., C*.O«., Galway. Mortley, Mr., O. G"., Pad- Pearce, Rich., Esq., Penzance. Lee, Mr Charles, Coxswain McKinnon, Mr. J., M. M., stow. Pearse, Jas., Pilot, Potthcawl. Worthing LitV-b' at. Oreenock. Moss, J., Boatman, Walmer. Pearse, T., Pilot, Portncswl. Leese, Charles, GVHMWT, B..A. McMillan, J., Kantyre. Mudd. Wm., Harwich. Peart, John, Montrose. Legerton, Mr. Robert, Cox- McNamee, P., C*. G*., Dun- Mulligan, James, Sligo. Pedder, Lt. W., R.N., X G«. swain »f Clocton Life-boat. manus. Murdoch, Mr. Peter, Glen- Peebles, Mr. John, Irvine. (3) McNanghten, Neil, C". G*. drisbaig, Ayrshire. Peebles, Mr.T., M.M., Irvine. Le Geyt, Miss A. B., Batt. McPhillips, Patrick, Ser- Murphy, Mr. Adam, Cox- Peiraon, S. H.,O.G"., Bally- Leggett, Edw., Gunner. geant, R.I.C. swain of Tyrella Life-boat. gerig. Leigi, Lt. T., R.K., Ct. G". McQueen, Alex., Seaman. Murphy, James, O. Ga, St. J Penney, Robert, Kamsgate (3)« Maddick, Mr. H., M. M. Ives, Cornwall (2). Life-boatman. Leslie, Mr. J., If. M., Stone- Manby, Capt. Q. W.» Murphy, Mr. Michael, C'.G'1,, Pepper,J., C'.O"., Lymington. haven, N.B. Manifold, Mr.W., Assistant Coxswain of New Romney i Perkins, Jas., C«. Ga., Bu Se. Lett, Lt. S. J., R.N., C«. O*.» Coxsw. Arklow Life-boat. Life-boat. Perrott, Sir Edward G. L., Levett, Mr. N., late Coxswain Mann, Lieut., R.N., Cf. G". i Murray, A., (?. G«., Elie. Bart.* ot the St. Ives Life-boat. Mariole, J. B., French Pilot. Perry, Frank, Weymouth. Lewis, E.,Seaman, BarawiiUi. Mark, Wm., C1. O*., Dingle. Nelson, Mr. W., R.N., C». G«. | Petrie, Ellen, Shetland. Lewis, Mr. G., C . G"., New- UatliweU, George, Holy Nepean, Capt. St. Vincent, PhilUp8,J.,Ke«castle,Irelnd. port, Pembroke. Island. R.N. Picsrd, Mr. P., French M. M. Lewis, J., Seaman, Harwich. Marsh, Capt. D.,R.N.,C«.G4.* Newnham.Lt.N.,R.N.,O.G'i. | Pilchet, Mt. Stephen, Cox- Lewis, Mr. Thos., Dundalk. Marsball,Capt.J., Bideford. ; Newsom, Mr. W., M. M., swain Tramore Life-boat. Lewis, W., Seaman. (2) Marshall, Mr. John, Jun., 1 Harwich. Pillar, W., Gunner, H.M.S. Lewis, W., Aberystwith. Second Coxswain of the ' Nicbol, Mr. J., M. M., Mon- Eagle. Ley, J., Pilot, Mevagissey. Seaham Life-ooat. : trose. Pincomb, T., Pilot, Exmonth. Liffen, Thomas, tjuwestoft. Martin, Mr. Chas., (X G ., : Sicholas, Matt., Coxswain of Pitt, E,, C1. Ga., Atherfleld. Lik«-Iy, Henry, Limerick. St. Ives, Cornwall. ] the Scnnen Cuve Life-boat. Pomeroy, H., C". Gd. Llnaker, Mr. Hiram, Sew ; Mason, J., (X G"., Elie. ' Nicholson, M., Knock. Porter, William, Seaman. Brighton. • Matthews, Mr. Edwin, Cox- . Nicolle, Mr. Philip, Jersey. Pounder, Mr. Thos., Hartle- Lindsay, Llent. A. J., E.A. swain of Lizard Life-boats. Niles, Mr. Wm.. Coxswain pool. Lindsay, Lieut. Jag., R.N.* Matthews, Lt. B. B., R.S.* ; of Cardigan Life-boat. Powell, Mi. John, M. M. 84 THE LIFE-BOAT. [2ND MAT, 1892. Pratt, Lt. Jas., E.N., P. Gd. Bobertson, Lt. J. H. M., E.N. Smith, Peter, P. G"., Lydd. Thomas, J., C1. Gd., Bocken, Prattent,;Lieut. John, E.N. * Bobertson, Lieut. E., R.N.* Smith, T., P. Gd., Balllna. Isle of Wight. Preston, Mr., P. Gd., Newton. Eobertson-Macdonald, Vice- Smith, Wm,, Bombardier, Thomas, R. J., Coxswain of Preston, W. M. Esq., Beau- Admiral D. R.A. New Brighton Life-boat. maris, Eobins, Mr. J. Gunn, P. Gd. Smith, Mr. W., Aldborough. Thompson, D., Thurso, N.B. Prewel, E., P. Gd., Kilrnsh. Eobinson, Lleul., E.N. Smyth, H., P. Gd., Kilmore. Thompson, Mr. G., Annalong. Price, Thos., Beaumaris. Robinson, Mr. J., Aberdeen. Snell, Lt. G., E.N., C'. Gd.» Thompson, Mr. B. Klrkpat- Pride, C., C'. Gd.,Christchurch . Robinson, T., Whltby. Somerville, Lt.J.,E.N., P.Gd. rick, C. 0., P. G«. (3)* Pringle, Mr. T., Coxswain of Rockcllffe, W., Southport. (2)* Thompson, Mr. R., Sunder- the North Sunderland Roderick, E., P. Gd., Dun- Southey, Lt., E.N., P. G". land . Life-boat. manus. Spark, Mr. A., M. M. Thompson, W., Apprentice, Prior, Mr. George, C. 0., Roderick, J.S., Esq., Ardmore. Spraggs, J., Seaman, Hayllng. Smack Ruby of Hull. C'. Gd., Ballywalter. Rodgers, J., Royal Charter* Stables, B., Holyhead. Thorp, Mr. T., Newcastle. Prior, Lt. T. H., R.N., P. Gd. Boe,B.,Esq., J.P., Lynraonth. Standing, Edward, New Tlndall, Mr. Smith, M. M., Prosser, Mr. H., P. Gd. Eose,W.,Boatman,Lowestoft. Bomney. Scarborough. Purdy, H., P. Gd., Tyrella. Boss, R., P. Gd., Cnrracloe. Stannard,Mr.F., M.M., Sonth- Tlndall, The late W., Esq. Puxley, H., Esq.; Dunboy. Boss, B.. P. Gd Dunmore. wold. Toole, Capt. W., Cnrracloe. Pym, LtE. E, E.N.,Whltby* | Ross, Capt. Sir Thos., E.N * Stap, Mr. E., P. G«., Dunbar. Toomey, J., Kingstown. , Rossiter, T., Wcxford. Stark, Lt. P., R.N., P.Gd. (2)* Torrens, Capt. John A. W. Qnadling, Mr.B. E., P.Gd.(2)» 1 Bothery, Lieut. J., E.N. Starke, Mr. J., P. Gd. O'N., Royal Scots Greys.* Quayle, Capt. E. (2) j Eowe, W.. P. Gd., Dingle. Starr, Capt. L. G. Town, J., C'. Gd., Folkestone. Qulgley, Mr. W. T., P. Q«. j Eowe, W., Scllly. Steane, Lt. J., E.N., Bye.* (2) Quirke, G., Esq., Douglas. Eowe, W., Seaman, Helston. Steel, Mr. C., C'. Gd.* Town, J., P. G4., Castle- jEowlands, Mr. T., M. M., Steele, John, Esq., Ayr. gregory. Eae, Wm., Whitbnrn. ! Newport, Pembroke. Stephens, A., Tramore. Tredwen, Mr. E., Padstow. Eandall, Lt. H., R.N..P. Gd., ! Rowlands, Mr. W., Coxswain, Stephenson, Mr. B., Coxswain Tregidgo, Mr. W. H.,P. Gd., (2)** i Holyhead Life-boat, f 21 of the Boulmer Life-boat. Newquay. (3) Eandle, Mr. J., Bristol. Ruddock, J., Boatman, Filey. Stevens, Henry, Gunner E.A. Trent, J., Atherfield. Rawstone, Lt., E.N., P. G". Russell, B., Esq., J.P. Stewart, W.,P.Gd., Ardmore. Tresilian, Mr. E. Ray, J., Boatman, Tenby. Butter, Mr. J., Scarborough. Stokes, Mr. E., late Cox- Trevaskis, Mr. E., Coxswain Raye, Lient. H. R, H. M. Rymer, Lt. D., B.N., P. G4.* swain of Poole Life-boat. cf the Hayle Life- boat (2) Read, Lieut. J., E.N., P. Ga. Storr, J., Whltby. Trlphook, Mr. B., B. C. Eeade, W. M., Esq., Tramore. Sadler, A., C'. Ga. Stone, J., C'. Gd., Boscastle. Hamilton, Dumworldly. Beading, Mr. Daniel, Master Salmon, C., Gorleston. Stout, Mr. B., Coxswain Trott, T., Boatman, Deal. of Ramsgate Har. stm. tugs. Sailer, F., Brixton, I.W. Longhope Life-boat. Tnckfleld, Mr. T., Bideford. Bedford, J., Cullercoals. Sanderson, Lieut. J. P., E.N., Stragnell, Lt., E.N. Tudor, Capt.J.,R.N.,Wlck.(2) Eees, Mr. A., Port Talbot. P. Gd., Bridge of Don. Stranan, Mr. H., Pilot. Fully, W., Newcastle. Eees, Mr. T. M., St David's. Sands,Mr.E.,M.M., Bahamas. Strains, Mr. J., P. Gd. Tnrnbull, R., Fisherman, Eees, Mr. W., Fishgnard. Sarony, Mr. 0., Scarborough. Streader, Mr. W. T., H.M. Dunbar. Eeeve, Mr. J., Swansea. Sauvage, Mr., French Fish- Customs, Shoreham. Turner. Lt. C., R.N. Regan, D., P. Gd., Kilmore. ing-boat IsabeUe. Strong, Mr. Fran. F. M. Turner, Mr. Jas.,C.O. P Gd., Keilly, Patrick, Private, Sawtell, Mr. Edwin, P. Gd. Stiowger, Mr. G., Coxswain, Leysdown, Kent. A.S.C. Scanlan, Maurice, P. Gd., Kessingland Life-boat. Turpin, Mr. J., C'. G'., Sal- Renowden, J.,P. Gd., Dingle. Belderig. Stuart, Lt. J., E.N., C'. G". combe. Eevell, Edw., Seaman, Rams- Scarlett, E., Harwich. Stuart, Ll. T., R.N., P.Gd. (2) Tutl, E., P. Gd., IJunmanus. gate Steamer Vulcan. j Scott, Major Henry, Dover. Stubbs, C., Seaman. Tuvache. Mr. M. M. French. Riach, Wm., Buckie. i Scott, Mr. G. R., BeetlMoen. Stubbs, H., Atherfield. Richards, Mr. E., M. M. | Scott, Mr. J., M. M. Stugglns, Mr. W., Sec. Cox. Orell, Mr. J., C. O., P. Gd. Eichards, Henry, Penzance. I Selly, W. H., P. Gd., Pen- Teignmouth Life-boat. Usher, Mr. J., Bridlington. Eichards, James, Penzance. 1 zanoe. (2) i Sullivan, J., Newhaven. Eichards, Mr. T., M. M. ! Sergeant, Lt. J., B.N., P. Gd. j Sullivan, Wm. C. L., Esq.

Richardson, Mr. A., M. M. '. Sewell, Lt.H.F., R.N., C'.Gd.* ! Sumner, Mr. E., Formby.* V»n Houten, Mr. W., Rotter- Richardson, W., Esq., Cole- '• Sewell, Master John, Belfast. ' SupervUle, Mr., M. M., Bor- dam. (2) Verion, Chas., Life-boatman, ralne. Shanahan, Mr. Michael, Bere. i deaux. Ridge, Capt. G. A. E, E.N.

Eidge, Mr. J., Mate of B.C. Shankey, E., C'. Gd. (2) Shannon, P., P. Gd., Kllrush. 1 Surry, W., Penzance.

Sutcliffe, Thos., Sergeant Ramsgale. [field.* Vicary, Lt. W., R.N., Ather- Vondy, 1., Isle of Man. (3) K'«- [with. Sharrock, J. P., C' Gd., Bos- R.I.C. Eidge, Mr. J., P. Gd., Cadg- castle. . i Sutherland, D., P. G". Kater- Eimmer, Mr. Thos., Cox- Shaw, Lt. C, E.N., P. G . i line. Waddy, Dr., Churchtown. swain St. Anne's Life-boat. Shea, D., Coxswain of the Sutler, Mr. J., M. M. Wade, Mr., M. M., Padstow. Bioch, E., P. Gd., Collieston. ! Padstow Life-boat. (3) Sutton, Mr. C., Fort Talbot. Wake, Mr. Baldwin Arden, Eitchie, Mr., Sanda. Shea, D., P. Gd., Porthcawl. Swarbrick, Mr. W., M. M. Mid. H.M.S. Forester. Rivers, T., P. Gd., Lydd. Sbieldon, Eobt., Eedcar. ; Symmes, Lt. H. A. S., R.N. Wales, G., Broadstalre. Roberts, David. Colwyn Bay. Simpson, Mr. Jas., late Mate ! C1. Gd.* Wales, J., Broadstairs. Eoberts, Mr. John, Clogwyn. of Ramsgate H. Steamtugs. Synge,TheEev.A.,Balbriggan Walker, Lieut., R.N. Roberts, Mr. John, Cefti Coch. Sims, J, P. Gd., Dnngeness. | Walker, Mr. J., Brlgg. Roberts, John, Caellun. Sims, Lt. And., E.N. (2) Talt, Grace, Shetland. Walker, Mr. W. Lewis, Beau- Roberts, O., Pilot, Anglesey. Slnclalr.Mr. B., Thurso, N.B. Talbot, C. E. M., Esq., M.P. maris. (2) Roberts, Mr. R.. Carnarvon. Sinnott, R., P. G«., Mullagh- i Taylor, J., P. Gd., Dundrum Wallace, Mr. J., M. M. Eoberts, Mr. E., Assistant more. ; Taylor, Mr. W.,C. 0.,P.Gd. Wallace, Mr. William. Cox. Llanddulas Life-boat. Smallridge, Mr. J. H., Cox-i Dunny Cove. (3) Wallace, Mrs. William. Eoberts, Mr. E., Assistant swain Braunton Life-boat. Taylor, W. H., New Rom- Walsh, J., Esq., Lloyd's Cox. North Deal Life-boat. (2) i ney. Agent, Dublin. Eoberts, Mr. Robert, Cox- Smlth,F.,Boatman,Lowestoft. Tecl, Mr. W., late Coxswain Walsh, Mr. Martin, M. M.* swain of Penmon Life- Smith, Hy., Pilot, Gloucester. ; Plymouth Life-boat. | Ward, J., R. C. Sylvia. boat. I Smith, J., Shields. Tegg, Mr.T., M.M., Cornwall. Ward, Vice-Admiral J. R.* Roberts, Mr. T., Coxswain i Smith, Mr. J., Thurso. Terrett, T., Constable, Knock W Holyhead Life-boat (2). | Smith, Mr. Owen, Bideford. ! Thomas, J., P.Gd., Atherfield j Warder, D. T., P. Gd. 2ND MAT, 1892.] GOLD AND SILVER MEDALS. 85 Warford, Mr. G., Coxswain West, Mr. Wm., ? G«. Williams, Mr. H., Coxswain Wood, Mr. T. L., ?. G«. (3) Pakefleld No. 1 Life-boat. Westbrook, Lieut., R.N. of Kingstown Ufe-boat. Woodgate, Mr. James, Cox- Warn, W., sen., AtherBeld. Wharrier, Mr. William, En- Williams, Hugh, P.nmaen. swain Dover Life-boat. Warn, W., jun., ditto. gineer of Ramsgate Har- , Williams, Rev. J.,Anglesey.« Woods, Mr. E. W.. Coxswain Warren, Lt. C. D., R.N. hour Sleam-tng. (3) WilliamsJVfr.J., Bidetbrd. (2) GorleBton NJ. 1 Life-bolt. Wasey.Capt. E. F.N.K..R.N. Wheeler, C., Atherfleld. I Williams, Mr. J., Swansea. Woodham, Lt., R.N., Banff. (3) Wheeler, J., ditto. (2) Williams, Owen, Cemlyn. Woodward, Geo., Stoker, Waters, Wm., Sonthwold. Wheeler, R., ditto. j Williams, Rev. 0. Lloyd. (2) Ramsgate Steamer Vulcan. Watt, A., Montrose. Wheeler, W., Pilot. j Williams, Mr.J.M., Padstow. 1 Wordley, S., Harwich. Watt, Capt. F., Portrush. White, Jas., Coxswain of the Williams. Mr. J. 0., C. 0. i Wright, John, Seaman. Watts, Mr. Charles, M. M. Fishguard Life-boat. (3) C'. G «., Holybead (2). Wright, Mr. J., M. M. Watte, Mr. William, M. M. White, John, Coxswain of Williams, William, Grocer, Wright, Mr. Robert, Cox- Watts, Lieut. W. S., R.N.* Howth Life-boat. Llanddulas. swain of Fleetwood Life- Waugh, E., (?. G"., Wex- White, Joseph, Portland. Williams, William, Qunry- boat. ford. White, J. Kearney, Esq., man, Llandciulas. Wyatt.G., Seaman, Harwich. Webb, Mr. Wm., Coxswain of Padstow Life-boat. O. GO. (2) Williamson, Mr. R., M.M. (2) Wylde, Lt. S., R.N., C«. G .

Whitley, Mr. Ellas, Jersey. Williamson, Robert, Thnrao. 1 Wyrill, H., Boatman, Sc«r- Weblln, J., C". G4., Tramore. Whyte, Mrs., Aberdonr. WUUamson, W., Pilot, Wick. boro1. Webster, Mr. John, Cox- Wilds, Mr. Robert, Coxswain Wilson, J.,Pllot St. Andrew's. swain of Maryport Life- of the Deal Life-boat. (2) Wilson, Mr. J., M. M. Yare, Richd., Stoker, Ranls- boat. Wilkie, Mr. C., M. M. Wilson, Ralph, Holy Island. gate Steamer Vulcan. Wedge, W., (?. Q"., Salcombe. Wilkinson. Geo., Fleetwood. Wilson, T., Esq., M.P.* Young, A.,C'.G*.,Shoreh«m. Weeki-s, Wm. Wall, Seaman. Wttlcox, J., (?. G"., Lydd. Wilson.T., Pilot, Holy Island. Young, A. H., C1. Gd., Blafli- Weldrake, E., Spurn Point. Wllllams, Mr. D., Aber- Wllson,W.,PiIot,HolyIsland. ington. Welsh, Mr. M., M. M. dovey. Wlshart, J., Wick, N.B. Young, Lt. T., R.N., C . Ga..