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Shore-Boat Services Rewarded By the Royal National Life-Boat Institution In 1891

Jan. 8.—Voted 31. to six men for putting off in a coble and bringing ashore the crew of two men from the collier Diamond, of Scarborough, which was dragging her anchors in a strong gale from the N., and a heavy sea, on the 18th October.

Also SL to &ix men, for putting off in a boat and bringing ashore the crew of five men of the schooner St. Germans, which was in danger off Moelfre in a N.N.W. gale and a very heavy sea, on the 7th November.

Also 2J. to two men who put off in a boat and rescued five men from the ketch En- deavour, of Bude, which was totally wrecked off llfracombe, in a whole gale from the W.N.W. and a heavy sea, on the 19th December.

Jan. 9.—Two men put off in a boat and rescued one of two men from a punt which had been capsized off Strangford, co. Down. The other occupant of tfie boat was drowned while attempting to swim to the shore.—Reward, II.

Jan. 31.—Eight fishermen put off in a boat and rescued the crew of five men from the fishing-boat JEliza, of Tramore, which was drifting out to sea, having broken two oars, off Inniehowin Head, co. Donegal, in a strong gale from the S.S.W.—Reward, 41.

Jan. 31,—Twelve men rendered service on the occasion of the stranding of the fishing- boat Wane, of Whitehaven, at Marypoit, Cum- berland, in a strong gale from the S.S.W. to S.W., and a very rough sia. The boat's crew of tin-en men were brought safely ashore.— Reward, Gl.

Feb. 1ft—Six men put off in two boats and rescued the crew of thirteen men from the fishing-boat Tliistle, which had been swamped and capsized off Stornoway in a strong S.W. to W.S.W. gale and a very heavy sea.—Rew&rd, 61. The crew of nine men of the fishing-boat Fe«or, of Hopeman, assisted in effecting the rescue in question.—Reward, 41. 10s.

Feb. 11.—Seven fishermen put off in a coble and rescued the crew of five men from the schooner Pioneer, of Banff, which hud stranded on the South Steel Rocks off Boulmer, North- umberland, in a heavy W. gale.—Reward, 31.10s.

Feb. 12.—Voted 11. to a farm labourer for wading into Hie surf and rescuing two of the crew of the brigantine Aurore, of Vannes, w hich stranded in Woolacombe Bay, Devonshire, in a strong gale and. a htavy sea on the 19th October, 1889.

Feb. 22.—Two men put off in a boat and rescued a boy and a girl from two boats at Mornington, co. Meaih. The boy, aged eight years, got into a little flat b'. at, which went adrift, and his sister, aged thirteen, prodeded in a similar boat to his assistance, but there ' being a strong wind and an ebb tide, she lost ail control of the boat, and it capsized. The I gill, v Uo foiiunutely retained hold of the boat, ( was insensible when rescued, and as the salvors' boat was too small to allow them to take her into it, they were obliged to tow her ashore.— —Reward, II. A reward of 10s. was presented to the girl for her bravery in attempting to rescue her brother.

March 7.—Nine men put off in a boat and rescued one o! four persons whose boat had been swamped, in squally weather and a rough sea, in Broadhaven Bay, co. Mayo.—Reward, «. 10».

March 9.—Six men rescued two of the crew of the Lizzie Ellen, of Chester, which had stranded ou the LoiigbtoneEock,near Halsands, Devonshire, in a whole gale of wind from the K., a very heavy sea and a snowstorm.— Reward, 61.

March 16.—The Chief Boatman-Hi-Charge and four Coastguard boatmen put off in the life whale-boat at Culdaff, co. Donegal, and, with considerable difficulty, the boat being swamped in the first attempt to launch it, rescued the crew of five mt-n from the schooner Westward, of Plymouth, which was in danger in Culdaff Bay, in a strong N.E. gale and a heavy sea.— Reward, 51.

April 7.—Five artillerymen rescued three persons from a small sailing-boat which had been capsized by a sudden squall at Milford Haven, in a strong E. breeze and a heavy sea.

—Reward, 21. 10s.

April 9.—Voted the Silver Medal of the In- stitution, a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum, and 11., to Mr. WILLIAM MCALLISTER for gallantly swimming through a heavy surf and rescuing one of the crew of the Portrush Life- boat, on the 2nd March.

Also 21. to a Coastguard man, who assisted in effecting the rescue, having previously helped another man to reach the shore.

Also the Silver Medal, a copy of the vote on vellum, and 11. to Mr. JAMES E. GOURLAY, for taking command of the Boarhills, Fifeshire, private Life-boat, and at great risk rescuing the i-rew of six men from the schooner Francis, of Drammen, which became a total wreck in St. Andrew's Bay, in a gale from the E. and a very rough sea, on the 5th April.

II. each was also awarded to twelve other men, who formed the crew of the boat on the occasion.

Also the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum, with the sum of 21 to Mr. WILLIAM FITZGERAlD, Chief Officer, and SI. each to four Coastguard men, for putting off in their life whale-boat and at great risk, the boat being capsized iii returning ashore, rescuing the crew of three men from the ketch Western Bette, of Exeter, which had stranded at Felpham, Sussex, in a strong E. gale and a heavy sea, on the 9th March.

Also 5s. each to ten Coastguard men, who assisted to launch the boat and rendered help with lite-lines.

Also 51. to five men for services rendered to two Vessels which Lad stranded at Dungeness in a heavy sen, on the 9th March.

May 11.—Six fishermen put off in two boats and saved two men from a small fishing-boat which bad been capsized off Cromer, Norfolk, in a N. to N.E. wind and a rough sea.—Reward, SI. 15s.

May 14.—Voted the Silver Medal of the In- stitution, accompanied by a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum, to Mr. JOHN BOYD and to Mr. DAVID PATTON, for rescuing at considerable risk, a boy who, while proceeding to a smack lying in Portrush Harbour, co. Antrim, on the 8th May, came in contact -with the -warp of a vessel, and was thereby thrown out of his boat.

BOYD, who was on board a vessel about a hundred yards distant, jumped overboard with his clothes and heavy sea-boots on, and reached the boy first PATTON was on shore, about two hundred yards off, and on -witnessing the accident at once ran to the quay, throwing off his coat as he went, jumped into the water, and also swam to the rescue. Both men then supported the boy until all were picked up by a boat from the shore.

May IS.—The Chief Boatman and four Coastguard men put off in a boat from Culdaff Bay station, co. Donegal, and saved the crew of four men from the schooner Twin Brothers which was in distress in the bay in a strong N.E. gale and a very heavy sea.—Reward, 21. 10s.

May 18.—Three fishermen put off in a boat and saved the crew of four persons from the yacht Dorothy, which had stranded and sunk off Dungeness, Kent, in a strong s. wind, a rough sea, and thick weather.—Reward, It 10s.

May 18.—Two men put off in a boat from the Fleetwood and Belfast steamer Prince of Wales and saved four men, whose boat was in danger near Bi-rnard's Wharf in a strong N".W. breeze and a rough sea.—Reward, II.

May 30.—Four men put off in a boat and rescued a man and a woman from another boat which had been upset off Cullercoats, North- umberland, in a strong sea.—Reward, 2{.

June 11.—Voted 21. to two men for putting off in a boat and rescuing one of the crew of the fishing-boat Jsa, of CampbeUown, which had stranded on the rocks at Cliiuehog, Bute, in a strong S.E. breeze and a rough sea, on the 15th December.

Also 11. to a man who put off to assist in another boat and arrived at the scene of the disaster about the same time as those who effected the rescue.

Aug. 3.—The master and one of the crew of ; the fishing vessel Genista,, put off in their j small boat and rescued one of two men from the boat Faith, which had been capsized in l Torbay, Devonshire, in a heavy squall and a rough sea.—Reward, U. t Aug. 3.—Three men saved a man from a boat belonging to the Drogheda Harbour ' Commissioners, which had been capsized off Mor,.ington, co. Meath, during squally weather. , —Reward, 15s.

Aug. 6.—Voted a letter of thanks and 4J. to the Chief Officer and seven coastguard men for putting off in the whale-boat from Howth (co, Dublin) station and saying three men whose boat was drifting on to Ruane Hocks, in squally weather and a rough sea, on the 6th July.

Aug. 20.—Two men put off in a boat and saved a pilot whose boat had been swamped by a swell caused by a steamer entering the harbour at Nesvlmven, in a moderate S. breeze and a rough sea.—Reward, l.

Aug. 22.—Four men put off in a boat and saved three persons from a boat which hdd been capsized off South Hayling, Hants, in a moderate sea. Two other occupants of the capsized boat were, unhappily, drowned.— Reward, II, Aug. 23.—Two men put off in a boat and assisted to save two men on board the skiff Violet, which was drifting towards the sands N. of Ness Point, Lowestoft, in a moderate gale from the N.N.E. and a heavy sea.—Reward, It Aug. 26.—-Two men saved a boat containing' two persons, which was drifting out to sea in Fishguard Bay in a moderate S.S.W, gale, very squally weather and a heavy Sea.— Reward, 2t Aug. 31.—Three men put off in a boat and saved one of three persons from a boat which had been filled by rough seas, and had sunk off Felixstowe, Suffolk, in a moderate gale from the S.W.—Reward, 21. 5s.

Sept. 4.—A fisherman and a boy put off to the rescue of a man whose fishing-boat had been capsized off Kennack, Cornwall, in a strong W. breeze and a moderate sea. The man, unfortunately, died from exhaustion just as one of the salvors grasped him.—Reward, 12s. 6d.

Sept. 14.—Five coastguard men put off in a boat and saved the crew of three men from the cutter Garland of Carnar- von, which had stranded off Tramore, Co.

Waterford, in a moderate breeze from the W.S.W. and a moderate sea.—Reward, 2t 10s.

Sept. 18.—Seventeen men saved, by mt'ans of Hues, the crew of three men from the sloop Esperance, which had been run ashore, being leaky, at Hastings, in a rough sea and a strong S.W. breeze.—Reward, 41. 15«.

Sept. 18.—A man rescued a man from the fishing-boat Jumbo, of Workington, which was sinking in a rough sea and a strong W.

breeze.—Reward, 7«. 6d .

Sept. 23.—Three men put off in a boat and saved one of two men from a boat which had been capsized off Ilfracombe, in a strong W.S.W. wind, squally weather, and a moderate sea.—Reward, 11. 10s.

Sept. 27.—Eight men put off in two boats and saved five persons whose boat had been capsized in a squall at Carlingford, co. Louth.—Reward, 21 Oct. 8.—Vofc d a letter of thanks to Capt. J. McGowAN, who dived into the water and rescued one of the crew of a boat which sunk while taking part in a sailing competition off Port- rush, Co. Antrim on the 8th August.

Oct. 12.—Five men put off in the Coast- guard life-whaleboat at Carnarvon, saved three men whose boat had been swamped, and towed ashore another boat, containing one man, which was drifting into the breakers in a whole gale from the S.W, and a very heavy sea.—Reward, 5?.

Oct. 13.—The crews of a trawler a steam-tug and two rowing-boats rendered very laudableservices during a gale which suddenly sprung up At Silloth. A boat with one occupant having been overtaken by the gale, the two coxswains of the Institution's Silloth Life- boat, with, three other men, put off to her assistance in a trawler. On nearing the distressed boat, the coxswain and two of the men got into a rowing boat which they had in tow, ami, having rescued the man, attempt d to r.'gain the trawler. They were unable to do so, and fheir danger being seen from the shore, a steam-tug, with a long boat in tow, put off to their help and rescued the four men. Mean- while the twwlei dragged her anchors, lost her Bails, and finally grounded on the North Bank, her two occupants reaching the land partly by walking and partly by swimming.—Reward, lot. 08.

Oct. 13.—Fourteen men put off in two boats and saved the crew of six men from the fishing-boat Temperance Tar, of Kirkcaldi, which had stranded on the rocks off St. Cath- l ert's Island, in Holy Island Harbour, in a whole gale from the E.S.E. and a very heavy sea.— E TOrd, HI Oct. 13.—The crews of two steam-tugs proceeded to the assistance of two fishing- boats in distress off Maryport, in a gale. One of the boats, with two men on board, was towed into the harbour.—Reward, 31. 15s.

Oct. 14.—Eleven men put off in the Institution's boarding-boat at St. Anna's, and rescued the crew of two men from the fishing-smack Two Sisters, of Southport, which —— in distress in the North Channel, in a gale and a rough sea.—Reward, moderate «. 2s.

Nov. 8.—Six men went out in a steam- tug and a pilot-boat and saved the crew of three men from the schooner Margaret Mitchell, of Ardrossan, which had stranded at Horse Island, off Ardrossan, in a moderate S.W. gale and a heavy sea.—Reward, 42. 10s.

Nov. 10.—Eight men put off in a fishing-boat and saved the crew, four in number, of another boat which was in danger in Newquay Bay, Cornwall, in a strong E.S.E. gale and a rough sea.—Reward, 81.

Now 11.—Ten men put off in a boat and rescued the crew of four men from the schooner J. K. A., of Padstow, which had stranded and sunk on the Irishman's Ledge, Scilly Mauds, in a whole gale from the N.N.W, and a very heavy sea. — Reward, 20J.

Nov. 11.—Twenty-one men saved, by means of lines, the crew of five persons from the schooner Nerissa, of Aberystwith, which had stranded at Hastings in a strong breeze from the S.W. and a rough sea.—Reward, 12(. 10s.

Nov. 11.—Two men saved one of two men whose boat, while proceeding to the assist- ance of a stranded vessel, was capsized near the Middle Shoebury Buoy in a strong S. gale and a heavy sea.—Reward, 11.

Nov. 12.—Voted the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum to Mr. JOHN SEELY, and 11. to a coastguardman and a fisherman, for wading into the water with life-lines and saving four of the crew of the schooner Henri st Leontine, of Nantes, which had stranded at Brooke, Isle of Wight, i» a moderate S.W. gale and a very heavy sea, on the 19th October.

Also the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, to Mr. THOMAS WALES and Captain ROBERT MOSTON, and II. to a miner, for saving tie crew of four men from the schooner Peveril, of Peel, which had stranded at Laxey, Isle of Man, in a -whole gale from the E.S. B. and a very heavy gea,, on the 13th October.

Also thanks and II. to the Station Officer H.M. Coastguard at Buratisland, and 51. to five other men, for putting off in the Coastguard life-whale boat and attempting to save the crew of the b/igr KlliAa,, of Man )al, which bad stranded on Bnrutisland Sands in a whole gale from the S.S.W. and a very heavy sea, on the 13th October. The boat, however, was disabled, and was obliged to make for Petticur Harbour.

The crew of the vessel were rescued on the following morning.

Also thanks and 10s. to the Chief Officer of H.M. Coastguard at Lamlash, Arran, and 2Z. to four Cuastguardmen, for saving the crew of three men from the Elizabeth McClure, of Bel- fast, -whiuh. had stranded on the Hamilton Rock, oil' Lamla»h, in a moderate to fresh gale and a heavy sea, on tlie 13th October.

Nov. 16.—Three fishermen saved three otier fishermen whose boat had been disabled off Gal way, in a strong S.W. breeze and a heavy sea.—Reward, 3J.

Dec. 10.—Voted the Silver Medal and copy of tlie vote inscribed on vellum and the sum of 11, each, to W. H. TAYLOR and EDWARD STANDING for gallantly saving, at great risk, two of the crew of a Deal lugger which was driven ashore near Littlestone, Kent, in a whole gale from the 8. and a very heavy sea, on the 11th November.

Also the Second Service Clasp and 21. to Mr. LAWRENCE HENNESSY, Coxswain of the Hythe Life-boat, for rescuing by means of lines four of the crew of the schooner Eider, ) which had stranded at Sandgate, Kent, in a whole gale from the S.S.E. and a very heavy sea on the llth November.

Also the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum, with the sum of 2Z., to Mr. DONALD MAC/DONALD for putting off in a boat and saving one of three men whose boat had been capsized off Inchcolme Island, Fifeshire, in a strong gale from W. by N. and a rough sea, on the 19th November.

Also 251. in aid of a local fund for the relief of the widows and orphans of two men who unfortunately lost their lives while endeavouring to rescue a man who had been washed over- board from a boat, and who was also drowned, in a strong wind and a very high sea, in Barry Roads, on the 11th November.