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Resolutions Passed at the Annual Meeting for 1892


Moved by The Bight Hon. Sir MICHAEL HICKS-BEACH, Bart., M.P., President of the Board of Trade.

Seconded by Sir EDWARD BIRK- BECK, Bart., M.P., V.P.

1. That the Report now read be adopted, printed and circulated.

Moved by The Eight Hon. the Earl of MOUNT EDGCUMBE, P.C., Lord Steward of the Household.

Seconded by The Eight Hon.


2. That this Meeting, fully appre- ciating as it does the great work carried on by the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION and the gal- lantry so frequently exhibited by the Life-boat Coxswains and Crews, as well as the valuable co-operation ex- tended to the Institution by the Local Honorary Secretaries, Treasurers and Committees, desires to express its unqualified satisfaction that the Government, at the instance of the Institution, supported by the Chambers of Commerce and Ship- ping, has undertaken to establish a complete system of electrical com- munication on the coast, which while tending to promote the efficiency of the Life-boat Service, will, it is believed, be the means of reducing considerably the great loss of life from shipwreck which annually takes place on the coasts of the United Kingdom.

Moved by Admiral Sir WILLIAM DOWELL, K.C.B., Chairman of the Royal Naval Exhibition, Chelsea.

Seconded by Sir SADDLE Caoss- LEY, Bart., M.P.

3. That the following Noblemen and Gentlemen be the Officers of the Institution for the current year:— ( Vide opposite page for this list.) Moved by Colonel CLAYTON, Y.P.

Seconded by R. U. PENROSE FITZGERALD, Esq., M.P.

4. That the cordial thanks of this Meeting be tendered to Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., M.P., Y.P., for kindly presiding over this the Sixty-eighth Annual Meeting of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.