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at 10.30.

On the llth November, while a whole gale was blowing from the S.S.W., the barque Winnefred, of and from Laurvig for London, with wood, was seen coming north. She had lost her main and mizen masts, and had a flag flying in her forerigging.

The Life-boat was promptly launched to the assistance of the vessel, which struck on a sandbank in the bay, and filled with water. Great difficulty and danger were experienced by the Lifeboat men in taking off the crew, she having grounded on the outer edge of the shoal, on which a very heavy sea was breaking; but eventually the rescue was accomplished, some of the men being taken from the jib-boom, and others having to be hauled through the surf into the boat, and at 4.30 she returned to her station with the shipwrecked crew of sixteen men and the pilot. The barque became a total wreck..