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Thomas and Catherine Latham

During a strong S. gale on the 13th October, signals of distress were shown by the schooner Thomas, of and from Liverpool, for Amlwch, laden with coal, which was lying at anchor in Bed Wharf Bay.

The crew of the Life-boat were at once summoned, and at 4.30 P.M. the boat was launched and proceeded to the vessel.

She had lost most of her sails, and, as the crew were afraid that she would drag heranchors and be driven ashore, they were taken into the Life-boat and safely landed at 6 o'clock. They numbered three men.

Soon after the Life-boat had reached the shore, she was again called out by a signal of distress, shown by the schooner Catherine Latham, and found that that vessel also bad her sails carried away arid was in. danger of dragging her anchors. Her crew, consisting of four men, were therefore taken ashore..