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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

Thursday, 8th October, 1891.

Colonel FitzRoY CLAYTON, V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the pre- vious meeting.

Also read those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, Building and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees, and ordered their recommenda- tions to be carried into effect.

Read the Reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Stations:— Northern District—Bamburgh Castle, North Sunderland, Newbiggin, Blyth (two boats), and Cresswell.

Eastern District—Chapel, Skegness, Worth- ing, Shoreham, Brighton, Littlehampton, South- sen, Brighstone Grange, Brooke, Totland Bay, Atherfield, Bembridge, Hayling, and Poole.

Western District—Carmarthen Bay, Tenby, Milford, Littlehaven, Cardigan, Newport (Pern.), Fishguard (two boats), St. David's, Dartmouth and Brixham.

Irish District—Moelfre, Bull Bay, Cemlyn, Cemaes, Orme's Head. Llanddulas and Rhyl.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— £ e. d.

Sir W. H. SALT, Bart 100 - - Captain J. PATTERSON, per Ber- wick-on-T weed Branch . . . 100 - - Mrs. LOMAS, per Lytham Branch . 50 - - Proceeds of Amateur Concert at Dunbar on 28th August, per Mrs. STOKEY, Dunbar 30 - - F. H. APPACH, Esq. (additional) . 30 - - JOHN A. GREENWOOD, Esq. ... 20 - - Contents of Contribution Box on board the steamer Cedar, per Capt. McEwAN 9 - - Proceeds of Entertainment on board the Pacific Steam Navigation Company's R.M.S. Iberia, per J. W. McAPHEE, Esq 8 - - Contents of Contribution Box on board the R.M.S.S. Medway, per Mr. W. J. SMYTH 7 15 6 Harvest Festival Offertory at West London School Chapel, Ashford, Staines, per the Rev. H. J. FLYNN, D.D. ...... 3 10 8 Half of Proceeds of a Concert given by Seamen's Union, South Shields, per Mr. D. CLEMENT . 2 11 9 Readers of the "Christian," per Messrs. MORGAN & SCOTT . . 25- Life-boat Sunday Collections.

£ s. d.

Cromer Church, per the Rev. F. FITCH, M.A 49 4 9 Radcliff, Manchester, St. John's Church, per the Rev. A. PRINCE, B.A 22 4 8 Mnndesley. Various Churches and Chapels 13 7 7 North Sunderland Church, per the Rev. A.-M. MACPHEE ... 654 Port Logan Chapel, per the Rev. F. J. GUTTRIDGE 357 Palling. Various Churches and Chapels 21- Bradford, Friends Junior Sunday- school, per C. BINNS, Esq. . . 1 11 4 Life-boat Saturday Collection.

£ s. d.

Friendly Societies of Redcar and Coatham, per. W. FLEMING, Esq. 11 - - —To Tie severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies :— £ s. d.

The late J. T. HINTON, Esq., of Canonbury 90 - - The late Mrs. E. BOSWELL, of Sher- borne 17 19 1 Reported the transmission to its station of a new Life-boat for the St. Mary's, Scilly, Station.

Also of a Life-boat to the Beaumaris Station.

Also that the St. Anne's No. 2 and Llanddulas Life-boats had been altered and improved and returned to their stations.

Voted a Gold Second Service Clasp, framed testimonials, and a pecuniary grant, to Mr. CHARLES E. FISH, on his retirement, through ill-health, from the post of coxswain of the Ramsgate Life-boat. He had been out in the Life-boats belonging to that station 353 times during the past twenty.-six years, and had thus helped to save 877 lives from different ship- wrecks. He already possessed the Gold and Silver Medals of the Institution, and the Clasp now added to the Gold Medal is the first golden one ever granted by the Institution.

Voted the thanks of the Committee to Lieut: A. 0. CAREW, R.N., and MICHAEL WILLIAMS, Esq., in recognition of their past valuable ser- vices while holding the offices respectively of Honorary Secretary of the Mablethorpe and Vealm River branches of the Institution.

Paid 3,979t 16«. Zd. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 391. 5s. to pay the expenses of the St. Andrews, Holyhead No. 1, and Wexford No. 1 Life-boats in rendering the following services:— Lives saved.

Fishing-boat Agnes and Ann. Rendered assistance.

Schooner Mary and Martha 4 Schooner Ruby, of Wexford. Saved vessel and 8 The Holyhead No. 1 Life-boat brought ashore one of the lightkeepers, who was ill, from the Skerries Lighthouse.

(Accounts of some of these services are given on page 13.) Voted also 190Z. 11«. 6 Z. to pay the expenses of the Holyhead No. 2, Sennen Cove, Berwick- on-Tweed, Winterton No. 1, Barrow, Hastings, Bamburgh Castle, Holy Island, Ballywalter, Aldeburgh and Harwich Life-boats in as- sembling their crews and putting off with the view of rendering assistance to vessels which did not eventually require their services.

Also the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, to Mr. FRANK BODILLY, Mr. THOMAS L. BURGWIN, and Mr. HARRY J. WELCH for their valuable services in taking the places of three of the crew of the Sennen Cove Life-boat when she proceeded to the assistance of a vessel in distress in a gale of wind and a rough sea on the 30th September.

Also 4:1. 15s. to seventeen men for saving, by means of lines, the crew of three men from the sloop Esperance, which had been run ashore, being leaky, at Hastings, in a rough sea and a strong S.W. breeze, on the 18th September.

Also 21. 10s. to five coastguardmen for putting off in a boat and saving the crew of three men from the cutter Garland, of Car- narvon, which had stranded off Tramore, Co.

Waterford, in a moderate breeze from the W.S.W. and a moderate sea, on the 14th j September. Also 21. to two men for saving a boat, con- taining two persons, which was drifting out to sea in Fishguard Bay in a moderate S.S.W.

gale, very squally weather and a heavy sea, oh the 26th August.

Also 12«. 6cZ. to a fisherman and a boy for putting off to the rescue of a man whose fishing- boat had been capsized off Kennack, Cornwall, in a strong W. breeze and a moderate sea, on the 4th September. The man, unfortunately, died from exhaustion just as one of the salvors gras'ped him.

Also It, 6d. to a man for rescuing a man from the fishing-boat Jumbo, of Workington, which was sinking in a rough sea and a strong W. breeze, on the 18th September.

Also a letter of thanks to Capt. J. McGowAN, who dived into the water and rescued one of the crew of a boat which sunk while taking part in a sailing competition off Portrush, Co. Antrim, on the evening of the 8th August.

THURSDAY, 12th November.

L. T. CAVE, Esq., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Finance and Corre-spondence, Building and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees and ordered their recommen- dations to be carried into effect Read the report of the Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visit to the Aldeburgh and Thorpe Stations.

Also the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their recent visits to the following Stations:— Northern District—Anstruther, Crail, Buddon Ness, Broughty Ferry, North Berwick, St.

Andrew's, Eyemouth, Drmbar, Johnshaven and Hauxley.

Eastern District—Kimeridge, Swanage, New- haven, Hastings, Eastbourne, Winchelsea, Bye, Hythe, New Romney, Margate, Ramsgate, Kingsdowne, Walmer, North Deal, Aldeburgh and Dover.

Western District—Weymouth, St. Helier's (Jersey), St. Peter's Port (Guernsey), Teign- mouth, Torquay, Exmouth, Sidmouth, Lyme Regis, Hope Cove, Salcombe, Plymouth, Yealm River, Looe, Newquay (Cornwall), Mevagissey, Padstow and Port Isaac.

Irish District—Southport (two boats), New Brighton, Blackpool, Fleetwood (two boats), St. Anne's (two boats), Lytham, Barrow, Seascale, Whitehaven, Workington, Maryport, Silloth and Queenstown (two boats).

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— £ s. d.

Yorkshire Post Life-boat Fund, per H. J. PALMER, Esq 3,516 12 7 Mrs. SKIRROW, for i the Charles Skirrow Life-boat, etc., for Ar- drossan, in memory of her late husband 1,000 - - Mrs. MONTGOMERY, on account of cost of the Culdaff, Co. Donegal, Life-boat Establishment; the boat to be named the William Montgomery, in memory of her late Son 1,000 ,- - Anonymous 1,000 - - Mrs. BTJBCB, for the Yarmouth, Norfolk, new Life-boat; to be named the John Burch, in me- mory other late husband . . 800 - - «D," for the Tom and Jennie Life- boat at Beaumaris .... 750 - - Bart., for the Caister No. 2 new Life-boat, to be named the Beawihamp, in memory of his late Father and two Brothers . 500 - - T. HORLOCK BASTARD, Esq. . . 100 - - FRANCIS EniAoire, Esq., LL.D., per Aberdeen Branch, additional . 100 - - Miss SARAH FIELDEN .... 50 - - Miss BEATRICE FIELDEN ... 50 - - A Lady, further on behalf of En- dowment of Whitburn Life-boat 50 - - " In memory of THOMAS HILL, Esq., J.P.," per Mrs. HILL .... 50 - - Stalybridge Cycling Club, per 3.

TAYLOR CLARKE, Esq. ... 31 13 i Sowerby Bridge Musical Festival Committee, part proceeds of Fes- tival, per JOSEPH GREENWOOD, Esq 25 - - 12 - - Collected at Sacred Concert, by Littleborough Public Brass Band on Sunday, 27th September, per Mr. W. HOLT 67- Collected by the Newton Heath Steam Shed Band, at a Sunday Parade in Manchester, per Mr. D. KERSHAW 3 15 9 Collected amongst Workmen of Messrs. J. BLAKEBOROUGH & SONS, of Brighouse 3-4 Boys of the North Eastern County School, Barnard Castle, per E. H. PREST, Esq 2 - - Charlecote Choral Society, per the Rev. FREDERICK TOBIN . . .

14 5 Collected on board the s.s, Bede, per Captain W. ANDERSON . .

Collected by the Bali/ax Courier .

11- Collected from Drysalters' Repre- sentatives at Commercial Dinner at Halifax, per T. E. WHITE, Esq s. d.

10 7 - - 19 6 76 79 3- 26 21 17 i 15 - 10 - 1- 26 - - - - - 15 3 Life-loot Sunday and Harvest Collections.

Hadnall, Salop, per the Rev. BROOKE j 0. MORTIMER, M.A ..... 22 ! Filey Parish Church, per the Bev.

i A. N. COOPER, M.A ..... 9 I Broad Clyst Parish Church, per the t Eev. P. L. DYKE ACLAND, M.A. 7 Bournemouth, St. Paul's Church, per C. BROWH, Esq ..... 7 Farlam, Carlisle, per the Rev. C.

F. GTOTAR, M.A ...... 6 j Darwen, Holy Trinity Church, per | J. H. WRAITH, Esq ..... 3 I Egton, Yorkshire, per the Rev. M. E. JENKINS, B.A. ..... 2 i Crathome, Yorkshire, per the Rev. J. ALDER WILSON, M.A. . . . 2 Lydd Chapel and Young Men's Christian Association, per E. T.

BASS, Esq., J.P. ..... 1 Harby Church, Melton Mowbray, per the Rev. M. O. NORMAN, ! B.A ......... 1 St. Matthew's, Denmark Hill, Sun- i day School Children .... 1 1 Bolton, St. George's Road Congre-gational Sunday School, per JOHN ; HCIME, Esq. ...... 1 Broadheath Bigby Memorial San- day School, per W. RIGBY, Esq. 1 Broadheath Congregational Chapel 1 Stoke Newington Sabbath Morn- ings' Children's Meeting . . 1 Brockdish Parish Church . .

1 — To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies : — £ «. d.

The late Rev. THEOPHILUS S. ECHALAZ, A.K.C.1,., of Surbiton 3,000 - - The late C. B. WHITTON, Esq., of Wimbledon ...... 1,898 14 8 The late HENRY CHRISTEY, Esq., of Balaam ........ 500 - - 

£ s. d.

The tote Miss MARIANNE LEISH, " In memory of Arabella Leigh," for Wicklow and Wexford Branches 200 - - The late CHARLES WATSON, Esq., of Halifax 180 - - The late S. E. YATES, Esq., of Northcote, Lancaster .... 110 14 2 The late Miss MART HASTIE, of Nottingham - 50 - - The late Mrs. CAROLINE CLAGGETT, of St. John's Wood (additional). 1112 2 Reported that the Groomsport and Mary- port Life-boats had been altered, fitted with all the latest improvements and returned to their Stations.

Bead letter from the Honorary Secretary of the Poole Branch, of the 19th October, report- ing in the most favourable manner on the behaviour of the Life-boat the first time she •went out on service after being altered and improved. Some of the men, who have be- longed to the crew for upwards of twenty years, stated that they had never experienced such a heavy sea as was running on this occasion, and" that the teat's behaviour was admirable.

Bead letter from the Honorary Secretary of the Llanddulas Branch, of the 13th October, staling that Messrs. Kneeshaw, Lupton & Co., the Llanddulas Quarry Company, and Messrs. Barnes & Co., had decided to carry oat the alterations of their three landing-stages sug- gested by the Institution, in order to allow the Life-boat to pass through, at their own expense. The cost of the work in each case amounted to about 161.—To be thanked.

The Committee expressed their deep regret at the decease of GEORGE H. BOND, Esq., M.P., and JOHN BAKEWELL., Esq., who had respec- tively held the office of Honorary (Secretary of the Isle of Purbeck and Seaton Carew Branches of the Institution for many years, and it was decided that letters of sympathy be sent to their families.

The Committee also specially recognised the valuable services rendered by Mr. PATRICK KAVANAGH, who had been coxswain of the Carnsore Life-boat for thirty years. During that period he had assisted, in the Life-boats on that Station, to save 130 lives, having been out twenty-nine times on service.

Decided, that Captains A. W. STIFFE and H. WYATT, younger brethren of the Trinity House, and Captain C. A. WHITE, be invited to serve on the Supervising Committee of the forthcoming competitive trials with sailing Life-boats at Lowestoft.

Decided, that with the view of improving the condition of the Life-boat men, signalmen, and helpers employed in the service of the Institu- tion, and of better recognising their services, they in future be allowed one half more than the present rates of pay for all assemblies for service, launches for service—excluding cases of property salvage—and launching for exercise during the six months of each year beginning the 1st October and ending the Slat March, the present rates of pay being allowed for the six months of each year beginning the 1st April and ending the 30th September.

Paid 4,7181. 14s. Id. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 772?. 13«. 2d. to pay the expenses of the Thorpeness, Gorleston No. 1, Douglas No. 2, Ramsey, Fleetwood No. 1, Holyhead No. 1, Torquay, Peel. New Brighton No. 2, Moelfre, Mablethorpe, Silloth, North Berwick, Port Logan, Teignmouth, Arbroath, Cullercoats, Cemlyn, Dover, New Romney, Caister No. 2, Great Yarmouth, Poole, Margate, Clacton, Courtown, New Romney, Worthing, Deal , Aldeburgh, Lowestoft No. 1, and Burnham Life-boats in rendering the following services :— Lives Ketch Tynemouth Castle. Rendered assist-tance.

Ketch Ada, of Portsmouth , 4 Barque MirUton. Rendered assistance.

Schooner Progress of Castletown ... 4 Brig Colwnba, of Christiansaud ... 9 Schooner Unity, of Chester. Assisted to save vessel and 4 Pour fishing-smacks. Remained by vessels.

Schooner Margaret and Jane, of Bangor . 4 Fishing-smack Louie, of Plymouth. Ren- dered assistance.

Schooner Glide, of Belfast 4 Schooner Nelson, of Belfast 6 Fishing-boat Spray. Assisted to save boat and 3 Fishing-boat Sophia, of New Brighton.

Assisted to save boat and .... 2 Schooner Thomas, of Liverpool.... 3 Schooner Catherine Lathom 8 Schooner Sir Robert 3 Cutter Nancy, of Grimsby. Rendered assistance.

Fishing-boats, of Silloth- Rendered assist- ance and saved one boat.

Steam-launch Puffin 3 Schooner Mart/ Ann, of Belfast ... 4 FisHing-boat Trio, of Teignmouth, and other boats. Rendered assistance.

Sloop William IV., of Teignmouth. Re- mained by vessel.

Arbroath fishing-boats. Remained afloat.

Cullercoats fishing-boats. Remained in attendance.

Schooner Ocean Maid 4 Government Dredger No. 18 Barque Jarlen, of Moss 16 Barge Brighttingsea, of Harwich ... 4 Schooner Royal George, of Shoreham . . 4 Schooner Mount Glairy, of Plymouth. Re- mained by vessel.

Barquentine Amtra, of Riga. Landed 10 men from Light-vessel.

Schooner Isabel, of Arklow 4 Brigantine Mains, of Arendal .... 8 Schooner Yong Karl, of Christiania . . 7 Barque Gapella, of Hamburg .... 7 Ketch Thistle, of Plymouth .... 5 Fishing-boat Paramount, of Hopeman . 2 Barque Winnefred, of Lauwig. ... 37 Brig Solertia, of Tonsberg 9 Fishing-boat Ethel, of Teignmouth . . 3 And assisted other boats.

Smack Elizabeth, of Gloucester ... 3 Ketch Flora, of Gloucester 3

17 The Gorleston No. 1, Ramsey, Kirkcudbright, Caister No. 2, Courtown and Cahore Life-boats also rendered the f ollowing services:— Barque Toho, of Nagu, assisted to save vessels and 13 lives; ketch Ada, of Portsmouth, saved vessel; brig Star, of London, assisted to save vessel and 6: brig Columba, of Christian- sand, assisted to save vessel • schooner Mary Agnes, of Dumfries, assisted to save vessel and 3; brigautine Jane, of Belfast, saved vessel and 4; schooner 0. S. Atkinson, of Belfast, assisted to save vessel and 5; schooner Isabel, of Arklow, rendered assistance, and barquentine Frederica, of St. John's, rendered assistance.

Voted also 7901. 6». Hot. to pay the expenses of the Thorpeness, Giles' Quay, Gorleston Nos.1 and 2, Douglas No. 1, Howth, Ramsey, Holy- head Nos. 1 and 2, Harwich, Newburgh, Margate, Aldeburgh, Oloughey, Plymouth, Southwold No. 2, Torquay, Poole, Southport No. 2, Work- ington, Tynemouth No. 2, Anstruther, Barrow, Fleetwood No. 1, Berwick-on-Tweed, Wexford No, 1, Brooke, llfracombe, Cresswell, Llan- ddwyn, Rhosneigir, Rhoscolyn, Kingsdowne, Walmer, Lydd, Lowestoft No. 1, Donna Nook St. Ives, Aldeburgh, Palling No. 2, Winterton No. 2, Mablethorpe, New Romney and Little- hampton Life-boats, in assembling their crews or putting off to the assistance of vessels which did not ultimately need their help.

Bead a letter from the Board of Trade, of the 12th October, forwarding- a handsome gold watch which H.I.M. THE EMPEROR OF GERMANY desired to be presented to Mr. BENJAMIN STOUT, Coxswain of the Longhope Life-boat, together with the sum of 241. to the crew of the boat, in recognition of their services in rescuing the crew, eleven of whom were German sailors, from the 8.S. Victoria, of Sunderland, which was wrecked in the Pentland Firth on the 3rd March last. The watch bears His Majesty's portrait and monogram, surmounted by the Imperial arms.

Voted the silver medal, with a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum, to Mr. E. W. WOODS, Coxswain of the Gorleston No. 1 Life-boat, in recognition of his general gallant services in j the boat, particularly on the occasion of the rescue of the crew, numbering four men, of the ketch Ada., of Portsmouth, in a whole gale from the S. and a very heavy sea, on the 30th October.

The thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, were awarded to Mr. ABEL ADAMS and Mr. HENRY HOWARD for gallantly Volunteering for service in the Life-boat and assisting to rescue the crew of the Ada. An extra pecuniary ' reward was also granted to all the men forming the crew of the boat in acknowledgment of their praiseworthy services.

Also the thanks of the Institution inscribed i on vellum to Mi. CHARLES SEELY, and 11 to a ; coastguard man and a fisherman, for wading into the water with life-lines and saving four of the crew of the schooner Henri et Zeontine, of Nantes, which had stranded at Brooke, Isle of ! Wight, in a moderate S.W. gale and a very I heavy sea, on the 19th October. i Also the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum to Mr. THOMAS WALES and Captain : ROBERT MORTON, and 11. to a miner, for saving the crew of four men from the schooner Peveril, of Peel, which had stranded at Laxey, Isle of Man, in a whole gale from the E.S.E. and a very heavy sea, on the 13tb. October.

Also thanks and 11. to the Station Officer H.M. Coastguard at Buintisland, and 51. to five other men, for putting off in the Coastguard life-whaleboat and attempting to save the crew of the brig EUida, of Mandal, which had stranded on Burntisland Sands in a whole gale from the S.S.W. and a very heavy sea, on the 13th October. The boat, however, was disabled, and was obliged to make for Petticur Harbour.

The crew of the vessel were rescued on the following morning.

Also thanks and IDs. to the Chief Officer of H.M. Coastguard at Lamlash, Arran, and 21. to four Coastguardmen, for saving the crew of three men from the Elizabeth IteGlure, of Bel- fast, which had stranded on the Hamilton Book, off Lamlash, in a moderate to fresh gale and a heavy sea, on the 14th October.

Also 181. 5s. to the crews of a trawler, a steam- tug and two rowing-boats, for very laudable services rendered during a gale which suddenly sprung up at Silloth. on the 13th October. A boat with one 'occupant having been overtaken by the gale, the two coxswains of the Institu- tion's Silloth Life-boat, with three other men, put off to her assistance in a trawler. On near- ing the distressed boat, the coxswain and two of the men got into a rowing boat which they had in tow, and, having rescued the man, attempted to regain the trawler. They were unable to do so, and their danger being- seen from the shore, a steam-tug, with a long; boat in tow, put off to their help and rescued the four men. Mean- while the trawler dragged her anchors, lost her sails, and finally grounded on the North Bank, her two occupants reaching the land partly by walking and partly by swimming.

Also HZ. to fourteen men, for putting off in two boats and saving the crew of six men from the fishing-boat Temperance Tar, of Kirkcaldy, which had stranded on the rocks off St. Cuth- bert's Island, in Holy Island Harbour,.ina whole gale from the E.S.E. and a very heavy sea, on the 13th October.

Also U. 2s. 6d. to eleven men, for putting off in the Institution's boarding-boat, at St. Anne's, and rescuing the crew of two men from the fishing-smack Two Sisters, of Southport, which was in distress in the North Channel, in a moderate gale and a rough' sea, on the Hth October.

Also SI. 15s. to the crews of two steam-tugs, for proceeding- to the assistance of two fishing- boats in distress off Maryport, in a gale on the 13th October. One of the boats, with two men on board, was towed into the harbour.

Also 21. 5s. to three men, for putting off in a boat and saving one of three persons from a boat which had been filled by rough seas, and had sunk off Felixstovte, Suffolk, in a moderate gale from the S.W., on. the 31st August.

Also 2J. to eight men, for putting off in two boats and saving fire persons whose boat had been capsized in a squall at Carlingford, Co. Louth, on the 27th September.

Also 11. 10s. to three men, for putting off in a boat and saving- one of two men from a boat which had been capsized off Ilfraoombe, in a strong W.S.W. wind, squally weather, and a moderate sea, on the 23rd September.

Voted also WOl., with an expression of deep sympathy, to the widow of W. GORDON, who died from the effects of an operation performed for the amputation of his right leg, necessitated by an accident while assisting to take the Douglas No. 1 Life-boat to the launching slip, when her services were required on the 38th October.

Northern District—Alnmouth, Saltburn, and West Hartlepool.

Eastern District — Kingsgate, Broadstairs, and Staithes.

Western District — Falmouth, Porthoustock, Hayle, St. Ives, Fowey, Polpear, Church Cove, and Cadgwith.

Irish District—Wexford (two boats), Kilmore and Carnsore.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— 8. d.

WEDNESDAY, 25th November.

(Special Meeting.) Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart, M.P., V.P., in the Chair.

Read the Report furnished by the Chief Inspector of Life-boats of the public enquiry he held, with the assistance of the District Inspector, into the circumstances attending the capsizing of the Lydd and Hythe Life-boats while on service during a very severe gale on the llth November, on which occasion three of the Life-boat men unhappily lost their lives.

Voted 6001. in aid of the local subscription for the relief of the widows and children of the two men who were lost from the Lydd Life-boat, and 1501. in aid of the subscription raised locally for the widow of the Hythe Life- boat man who was drowned.

Voted also the Silver Medal of the Institu- tion to Mr. JAMES LUCAS, Coxswain of the Lydd Life-boat, and to Mr. LA WHENCE HEN- NESSY, Coxswain, and Mr. A. SADLER, Assistant- Coxswain of the Hythe Life-boat, in recog- nition of their gallant conduct. Increased pecuniary rewards were also granted to them and to the crews of the boats.

Decided that a new large sailing Life-boat be stationed at Dungeness.

THURSDAY, 10th December.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart, M.P., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the pre- vious Meetings.

Also read those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, Building, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees, and ordered their recommend- ations to be carried into effect.

Read the Report of the Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visits to Hythe, Lydd, Shoreham, and Brighton.

Also the report of the Deputy Chief Inspector of Life-boats on bis visits to Hythe, Dungeness, Folkestone, and Shoreham.

Also the reports of the District-Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Stations:— Manchester Life-boat Saturday Fund, CHARLES W. MACAEA, Esq., Chairman (paid through Manchester Branch), on account 4,600 Mrs. THOMAS SIMCOX, for Dunge- ness new Life-boat Station; the boat to be named the Thomas Simcox 1,050 Miss CURLING, for Folkestone new Life-boat ; to be named the J. IfeConnel Hussey .... 700 G. BUCKSTONE BROWNE, Esq. (addi- tional) 250 " J. C., Edinburgh " (A Lady). . 100 Miss L. M. V. WENTWORTH (addi- tional) 55 Independent Order of Odd Fellows (Manchester Unity), Annual Sub- scription . 50 Ditto. (Donations from several Lodges) 9 Mrs. LAMBERT 50 The Misses Harding .... 50 ALBERT BRASSEY, Esq., J.P. (addi- tional) 50 " G. W. C." 25 10 - 1 6 5 7 1 - The Committee of Lloyd's ... 25 WALTER G. KLEIN, Esq. ... 20 Do. (Annual Subscription) ... 10 Proceeds of concert by Wookey Hole Club, near Wells, Somerset, per JAMES GRANT, Esq. ... 5 Miss F. M. DURNFORD, proceeds of sale of work 5 Collected on board K.M.S. Drum- mond Castle, per Captain RIGBY 5 Girls' School, Christ's Hospital, Hertford, per Miss KING. . . 1 Life-boat Sunday Collections.

£ 8. d.

St. Alban's, Sunninghill, per C. D.

KEMP-WELCH, Esq 19 7 2 Long Ditton Parish Church, per R. J. BATES, Esq 14 4 5 Weston, Shifnal, per the Rev.

GEORGE HASSELL 13 5 6 Tulse Hill Holy Trinity Church, per Mr. Churchwarden STAIGHT 10 13 - Wollaton, Notts, per the Rev. H. C.

RUSSELL, LL.B 878 St. Michael's, Cornhill, per the Rev. R. H. SINCLAIR, M.A. . . 781 St. Peter's, Streatham, per J. F.

TOWNSEND, Esq 77- Laleham, Staines, per the Rev. H.


19 £ «. d.

726 6 13 - 6 10 6 5 12 3 4 18 - 488 487 4 - - 378 26- 24- 228 191 2 - - 1 13 2 143 119 11- Dinsdale, Darlington, per the Rev.

3. W. SMITH, M.A .....

Port KnocMe Fishing Village Col- lection, per the Rev. J. MCINTYRE Budby Parish Church, per the Rev. J. JOHHSON, M.A, ....

Upper Arley Church, per the Rev. 0. J. Witpnre .....

Farnborough, Banbury, per the Yen. Archdeacon Holbeck . . Dawlish, Parish Church and St.

Mark's ........

Famborongh School Chapel, Hants, per the Rev. G. 0. CABTEB, M.A. Wareham, per the Rev. SELWYN Cortoa Deaham, per the Hon. and Rev. W. B. POSTMAN, B.A. . . Greasborough, Rotherham, per the Rev. J. B. BEARD, M.A. ... Cawthome, per the Rev. C. J.

Pratt, M.A. ...... Muston, near Filey, per the Rev. J.


Broadstairs,per the Rev. T. DAVIES Do. Rev. H. BEES .....

Sunningdale School Chapel, per the Rev. W. H. GIRDLESTONE, D.D .........

Long Honghton, Northumberland, per the Reverend H. G. DICKIN- SON, M.A ........

Boston Men's Pleasant Sunday Afternoon Society, per J. BBC- LAH, Esq. .......

Holm-by-Kirkwall, Orkney, per the Reverend C. BUNCIMAN . .

St. James* Lecture Hall, Eden Grove, Holloway, per A. H. CAESAR, Esq ...... . - 15 9 Filey Primitive Methodist Chapel. - 12 - Ashton-on-Trent, per the Reverend JAMES S. HOLDEN, M.A. ... - 10 - — To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies : — The late PETER CARMICHAEL, Esq., of Athurston ...... 900 - - The late W. J. EDMUNDS, Esq., of Elmere Road, Islington (on account) ....... 675 — — The late MrS. MARY TAIT, of York Terrace, Begent's Park ... 529 2 4 The late Miss A. A. HIBBERT, of Sonthport ....... 360 - - The late Miss ANN PYNE, of Exeter ........ 200 - - The late Mrs. EZRA BEATSOW, of Norsend ....... 150 - - The late Miss MARY BAIRD, of Edinburgh ....... 150 - - The late Captain JOHN KENNAWAY SIMCOE, of Honiton .... 100 - - The late Miss M. CHALMERS, of Broughty Ferry ..... 100 - - Reported that the Palling No. 1 and Middles- brough Life-boats had been altered, fitted with all the latest improvements and returned to their Stations.

Deep regret -was expressed at the death of Mr. WILLIAM SELBY, who had been Honorary Secretary of the Brooke (Isle of Wight) Branch of the Institution for sixteen years, and it was decided to send a letter of sympathy to his family.

Voted the thanks of the Committee to ALFRED WEST, Esq., and G. C. CHALONER, Esq., in ac- knowledgment of their past valuable co-operation while holding the office respectively of Honorary Secretary and Assistant Honorary Secretary of the Bridlington and Barmston and Portsmouth and Southsea Branches of the Institution.

Also the Silver Medal of the Institution and a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum, to Mr. JAMES WOODGATE, Coxswain of the Dover Life-boat, in consideration of his valuable services during the twenty-one years he had occupied that position. During that period he had been out in the boat sixteen times on service and assisted to save twenty-four lives.

The Committee also specially recognized the long services of Mr. JOHN AUSTIN, late cox- swain of the Shoreham Life-boat. He had held that position for twenty-six years, during which period he had been oat in the boat six times on service, and assisted to save twelve lives.

Decided that a new Life-boat station be formed at Folkestone.

Paid 3,216k 3s. 4cf. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 1021. 14«. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Bridlington, Eastbourne, Clovelly, Culler- coats, and New Brighton No. 2 Life-boats, in rendering the following services : — lives saved.

Fishing-boats of Bridlington. Remained by vessels and saved one boat and . . 3 Royal Sovereign light- vessel. Landed an injured man.

Ketch Rose, of Bristol ...... 4 Fishing-coble of Cullercoats. Saved boat 4 25 and ........ ...

Barque Hannalt. Landlea, of Glasgow . .

The Ramsgate Life-boat saved four lives from the ketch Touch Not, of Hall.

Voted also 735Z. 10«. to pay the expenses of the Brighton, Shoreham, Courtmaesherry, Har- wich, Porthleven, Lytham, Aranmore, Skeg- ness, Bye, Winchelsea, Weymouth, Douglas Nos, 1 and 2, Mablethorpe, St. Mary's, Donna Nook, Sonthport No. 2, Bembridge, Portmadoc, Hastings, Gorleston No. 1, New Romney, Port Isaac, Walton-on-the-Naze, Brixham, Arbroath, Cemlyn, Cetnaee, Bude, Bridlington, Newburgh, Falmouth, Southsea, Montrose No. 1, Clacton- on-Sea, "Withemsea, and Weymouth Life-boats, in assembling their crews or putting off with the view of assisting vessels which did not eventually need their services.

Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution, with a copy of the vote inscribed on. vellum, to Mr. CHARLES LEE, Coxswain of the Worthing j Life-boat, in recognition of his gallant services on the occasion of the rescue of the crews, numbering in all fourteen men, from the three- masted schooner Yong Karl, of Christiania, and barque Oapetta, of Hamburg, which had been driven ashore in a whole gale of wind from the S.S.W. and a very heavy sea on the 11th November.

Also the Silver Medal and copy of the vote on vellum to Mr. JAMES CABLE, Coxswain, and Mr. W.MANN, Assistant-Coxswain of the Aide- burgh Life-boat, in recognition of their several gallant services in the Life-boat, particularly on the occasion of the rescue of seventeen men from the Norwegian barque Winnifred, of Laurvig, in a whole gale from the S.S.W. and a very heavy sea on the 11th November.

Also the Silver Medal and copy of the vote to W. H. TAYLOR and EDWARD STANDING for gallantly saving, at great risk, two of the crew of a Deal lugger which was driven ashore near Littlestone, Kent, in a whole gale from the S. and a very heavy sea on the 11th November.

Also the Second Service Clasp and 21. to Mr. LAWRENCE HENNESSY, Coxswain of the Hythe Life-boat, for rescuing by means of lines four of the crew of the schooner Eider, which had stranded at Sandgate, Kent, in a whole gale from the S.S.E. and a very heavy sea on the llth November.

Also the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum, with the sum of 21., to Mr. DONALD MACDONALD for putting off in a boat and saving one of three men whose boat had been capsized off Inchcolme Island, Fifeshire, in a strong gale from W. by N. and a rough sea, on the 19th November.

Also 51. 15s. 4d. to the signalman at the Tramore Life-boat station, who was injured while firing the signal mortar, on the 8th September.

Also 37i. 10«. to two men who were injured while assisting in taking out the Scarborough Life-boat, to launch her to the assistance of a distressed vessel, on the 6th August.

Also 81. to a helper, who was injured while assisting to launch the Porthleven Life-boat on service, on the 1st inst.

Also 251. in aid of a local fund for the relief of the widows and orphans of two men who unfortunately lost their lives while endeavouring to rescue a man who had been washed over- board from a boat, and who was also drowned, in a strong wind and a very high sea, in Barry Roads, on the 11th November.

Also 201. to ten men for putting off in a boat, and rescuing the crew of four men from the schooner J. K. A., of Padstow, which had stranded and sunk on the Irishman's Ledge, Scilly Islands, in a whole gale from the N.N.W. and a very heavy sea, on the llth November.

Also 121. 10s. to twenty-one men, for saving, by means of lines, the crew of five persons from the schooner Nerissa, of Aberystwith, which had stranded at Hastings in a strong breeze from the S.W. and a rough sea, on the llth November, Also 81. to eight men who put off in a fishing- boat, and saved the crew of another boat which was in danger in Newquay Bay, Cornwall, in a strong E.S.E. gale and a rough sea, on the 10th November.

Also 51. to five men who put off in the Coast- guard Life-whaleboat at Carnarvon, saved three men whose boat had been swamped, and also towed ashore another boat, containing one man, which was drifting into the breakers in a whole gale from the S.W. and a very heavy sea on the 12th October.

Also 41. Ids. to six men for going out in a steam-tug and a pilot-boat, and saving the crew of three men from the schooner Margaret Mitchell, of Ardrossan, which had stranded at Horse Island, off Ardrossan, in a moderate S.W. gale and a heavy sea on the 8th November.

Also SI. to three fishermen for saving three other fishermen, whose boat had been disabled off Galway, in a strong S.W. breeze and a heavy sea on the 16th November.

Also 21. to two men for saving one of two men whose boat, while proceeding to the assist- ance of a stranded vessel, was capsized near the Middle Shoebury Buoy in a strong S. gale and a heavy sea, on the 11th November.