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SCARBOROUGH. — While the herring fleet was making for the harbour on the morning of the 6th August, in fine weather with very little wind, a very heavy sea rapidly sprung up. The boats were eagerly watched, and at about 10.45 the Life-boat Queembury put off to the rescue, went to a lugger which had dragged her anchor and stranded OD the beach, and *an a warp from her to the pier. It was then seen that another lugger, the Minnie, of Lowestoft, was fast driving ashore near Eamsdale Scar; the Life-boat at once made for her, and, finding that she was fast filling with water, took off her crew, consisting of seven men and a boy, and safely landed them. The Life-boat remained out until 1.45, and rendered valuable aid to several other boats by running topes to them and assisting them in various ways..