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Fishing Boats

MONTROSE.—On the 21st August the herring fleet started for the fishing ground in favourable weather; but during the night the wind blew very strongly from the E.S.E., increasing to a moderate gale, while a very heavy sea broke across thebar. At about 10.30 A.M. the following morning, it being evident that none of the boats could attempt to cross the bar unless assistance were at hand, the Montrose No. 2 Life-boat Bessie Webster was launched, pulled over the bar, and remained out until the boats, twenty in number with 140 men on board, had safely entered the harbour. Seven of the boats were strangers to the port, and to these valuable help was afforded by the Life-boat men signalling the course they should take. One of them, an Irish boat, in the absence of this assistance, would have certainly met with disaster, as she was attempting to cross the "Leads," a dangerous ridge of rocks, instead of keeping in the channel..