Civil Service Life-Boat Fund
AT the annual meeting of the committee of this Fund, held on the 19th January last, and presided over by Mr. CHARLES G. TURNER, Controller-General of Inland Revenue, it was reported by Mr. CHARLES DIBDIN, the Honorary Secretary, that during the past year the fund had contri- buted the sum of 1,185Z. 10s. lOd. to the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, viz.:—6001. to complete the purchase of the Life-boat Civil Service No. 7; 5001.
towards the endowment fund of the same boat, and 851. 10s. I0d. to recoup the Institution the amount expended by it during 1891 in rewarding the crews of the Civil Service boats for services. The committee appealed for 1000Z. to complete the endowment of their last boat. The seven Life-boats of the fund have been instrumental in saving 211 lives and several vessels.
The next number of the LIFE-BOAT JOURNAL, containing the Annual Report, tic., will lie published on the 2nd May.
Vol. XIV., price 15s., of THE LITE-BOAT JOURNAL will shortly be ready and procurable at the Institution, or by order of any bookseller.
The Title-page and Index of that Volume will also be obtainable separately.