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Ellen Myvanwy

PORTRUSH, Co. ANTRIM.—The schooner Ellen Myvanwy, of Beaumaris, bound from Runcorn for Ramelton, co. Donegal, with a cargo of salt, anchored in Skerries Roads, off Portrush,on the 28th Feb., 1891.

On the 2nd March, a gale from the W. to N.W. set in accompanied by a very heavy sea and the vessel showed signals of distress.

The Life-boat Robert and Agnes Blair put off to her assistance but was unable to reach her and was compelled to return to the shore. All through the following day attempts were made to getthe boat afloat, but all the efforts were rendered futile by the severity of the storm. Only once did it seem that the purpose would be accomplished; the boat was got off, but was soon driven ashore again and had to be beached for the night. The next morning fresh endeavours were made, which were also fruitless until 4 P.M. when the boat went off splendidly, her crew toiling manfully at the oars. As soon as practicable sail was set and in half-an-hour the vessel was reached and her crew of three mentaken off. After tacking in the bay under sail the boat ran in beautifully to the shore, being greeted with great cheering by the people on the land..