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ST. ANDREW'S, FIFESHIRE.—The barque Elisabeth, of and from TSnsberg for Leith, with a cargo of pit-props, was seen in St. Andrews Bay steering N.N.W., about three miles off the shore at 4 P.M. on the 16th March. It seeming probable that she would ultimately need assistance, as a heavy gale was blowing from the E.N.E., the sea was very rough and the weather thick, the crew of the Life-boat Ladies' Own were summoned; the boat was taken out of the house and remained in readinessreadiness for service. After tacking about for three hours the vessel stranded on the West Sands. As soon as it was seen in which direction the boat's services would be required, she was taken towards the West Sands, and was launched at 7.20, some of the oars being double-banked in order to accelerate her progress through the heavy seas. She promptly reached the vessel, which became a total wreck, and rescued her crew of eight men..