The pilot-cutter Providence arrived at Harwich on the 3rd March flying signals denoting that the Life-boat was required.
The steam Life-boat Duke of Northumberland, with the reserve Life-boat in tow, promptly went out, and the coxswains were informed by the head pilot that the Sunk Light-vessel had been firing guns, a three-masted schooner having stranded on the Long Sand. A moderate N.W.
gale was blowing, the sea was very heavy, rain was falling, and the weather was thick and cold. On speaking the Sunk Light the pilot's statement was corroborated, and on proceeding to the Long Sand, the vessel, which was the Mercury, of and for Aberdeen, from Grangemonth with coal, was found. The Life-boats bore down on her and her crew of twelve men were taken into the steam Lifeboat and lauded at Harwich at 1.30 A.M..