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Glance and Glide

BROADSTAIRS AND RAMSGATE. — The brigantines Glance and Glide, of Ramsgate, both bound for Ramsgate from the north with coal, came into collision off the North Foreland in a strong E.N.E. gale, snow squalls, and a heavy sea on the morning of the 6th January. Both vessels were severely damaged and ultimately foundered, their crews taking to their boats.

The boat of the Glance having been seen in the offing, the Broadstairs Life-boat Christopher Waud Bradford put off at about 8 o'clock and rescued the seven men on board, who were in a very exhausted condition. They were landed and taken to the Ramsgate Sailor's Home. A telephonic message reporting the casualty, and stating that the boat of the Glide was adrift, was despatched from Broadstairs to Ramsgate. Immediately on receipt of the news the Life-boat Bradford and steam-tug Aid put to sea, and found the boat, containing seven men, about two miles distant. The men were taken into the Life-boat and safely landed at Ramsgate at 10 A.M.