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Shore-Boat Services Rewarded By the Royal National Life-Boat Institution In 1890

Jan. 4.—Two men put off in a coastguard boat and rescued the crew of three men of the barge Dewdrop, of Portsmouth, which had foundered in Langston Harbour, Hampshire, in a moderate gale from the S. W. and a rough sea—Reward. 21.

Jan. 9.—Voted the Silver Medal of the Insti- tution, accompanied by a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum, and 31. each, to Mr.

WILLIAM OWEN and Mr. GEORGE JONES, in recognition of their gallant services in putting off three times in a boat, and, at great risk, rescuing, on the second occasion, three of the crew of the barque Tenliy Castle, of Liverpool, which was wrecked in Carnarvon Bay during a strong S.W. breeze and a heavy sea, on the night of the 17th December. The Silver Medal, a copy of the vote, ami 11. each were also awarded to Mr. JOHN ROBERTS and Mr. JOHN MORRIS, who went out in the boat twice and assisted to save the lives. The Second Service Clasp was voted to Mr. J. O. WILLIAMS, Chief Officer of H.M. Coastguard at Holyhead, and Hon. Secretary of the Institution's branch at that port, who went in the boat on her final launch to attempt to save others of the ship- wrecked crew; II. each was also awarded to three other men who went out once in the boat.

Also 61. to eight men, for saving the gig William Paul, of St. Ives, and her crew of four mi-n, which was upset by a heavy sea in St.

Ives Bay, on the 18th December.

Also 31. 15s. to five men, for putting off in two boats and rescuing four men whose boat had been capsized in Oban Bay, on a dark night in September last.

Also 4J. to four men, for rescuing the crew of j three men of the schooner Ann, of Liverpool, j who had taken to their boat, their vessel having foundered off the Isle of Man during a strong S.8.W. gale and a very heavy sea, on the morning of the 13th December.

Also 21. to two men, for saving two men whose boat had been capsized off Deal, during a strong S.W. breeze and a rough sea, on the 9th December.

Also 7s, 6d. to a man for rescuing four persons whose boat had been capsized off Starcross, Devonshire, during squally weather and a smooth sea, on the 18th December.

Jan. 14.—Five men put off in three boats and saved the crew of three men of the fishing-boat Kate, of Tayport, which had been capsized »t the mouth of Broughty Ferry Harbour, during a strong gale from the S.S/W. and. a heavy sea.—Reward, II. 17s. (id.

Jan. 16.—Seven men saved the crew of seven men of the fishing-boat Friends, of Howth, which sunk off Howth in. a strong breeze and a very heavy sea.—Reward, II. ISi.

Jan. 16.—Four men put off in a boat and rescued two men from the boat St. Patrick, of Galway, which had sunk off Ballydangan, y .

Galway. in a strong S. breeze and a heavy sea.

—Reward, 21. 5».

Jan. 17.—Twenty-two men put off in three boats to the assistance of the as. Arbutut, of Dundee, which stranded on the Goldstone Koek, Holy Island, during squally weather. Tlia vessel's two boats, containing 16 persons, Tseie found by two of the shore-boats, and were towed safely to land—Reward, 1U.

Jan. 28.—Three men put off in a boat from Swanage, Dorset, and saved tb.o crew of two men of the Friends' Goodwill, of Lymingfon, which was wrecked off Billiard Point during % N.E. gal« and a rough sea.—Reward, 31.


Jan. 28.—Four men put off in a boat and saved the crew, consisting of six men, of the ! fishing-boat Kite, who had taken to their small boat when their vessel was drifting on the rocks at Moussehole, near Penzance, during a whole gale from the S.W. to N.E., and a very heavy swell.—Reward, 41.

Jan. 29.—Four men put off in the Coastguard boat at Costello Bay Station, co. Galway, and saved the eve's? of. two men of the hooker Columb Sill, which had struct on a rock and sunk, in a fresh breeze from the S.S.W., and a heavy ground swell.—Reward, 21.

Feb. 6.—One man rescued another man who had fallen overboard from Wa boat while fish- ing off Bucks, Devonshire, during a moderate E. breeze and a rough sea.—Reward, 10s.

Feb. 7.—Fourteen men saved, by means of ropes, the boat Louisa Segvah, with one man on board, which was sinking off Pakefield ia a rough sea.—Reward, 31. 10a.

Feb. 13.—Voted the thanks of the Institu- tion to Mr. JAMES MARTIN, Mr. WILLIAM TEASE, and Mr. UAWEL TEAKE, and 2Z. to four other men, for wading into the sea and rescuing, by means of ropes, the crew of four men of the schooner James Williamson, of Lancaster, which hail stranded at Andreas, Isle of Man, in a moderate gale and heavy sea, on the 24th December last.

Also II. 5s, to the crew of the steam-tug Imperial, for putting out from Lowestoft Har- bour and rescuing two men from a boat which had capsized while boarding H.M. steam-tug Locust, during a smart breeze and a choppy sea on the 7th December lust.

Feb. 19.—Five men saved, by means of a rope, the crew of three men from the smack Base, of Milford, which had been run ashore at Carnsore, co. Wexford, during a strong S.S.E. breeze and a heavy sea.—Reward, II. 17s. 6d.

March 10.—Five men pot off in « yawl, which had to be dragged a quarter of a mile along the shore to an advantageous position for launching, and rescued the crew of three men from the fishing-boat Sweet Home, of Stornoway, which was in danger off that port, in a gale of wind and a heavy sea.—Reward, 51.

March 13.—Voted 2il. to twenty-four men for putting off in two cobles with the view of rendering assistance to a vessel which .was reported to be in distress about fi miles N.E. of Flamborough Head, during a breeze from the S.W. and a, moderate sea, on the night of the 30th November, They were, however, unable to find any vessel requiring assistance.

March 13.—Three men put off in a boat and saved five men whose boat had been swamped off Greenish Island, co. Limerick, during a gale from the N.W., squally weather, and a very heavy sea.—Reward, II. 10s.

March 29.—Two men put off in a boat and saved two men from a boat which was disabled off Portobello, in a strong W. gale and a heavy sea.—Reward, II.

April 7.—Four men put off in a boat and saved a man belonging to the yawl Brothers, of | Montrose, which bad sunk off that port during a heavy squall. The other occupant of the boat was unhappily drowned, his body being picked up by the salvors.—Reward, 2i.

April 8.—Seven, fishermen put off in a coble and rescued five persons from a dog-cart, which had been carried away by the tide while cross- ing from Holy Island to the mainland during a gale of wind from the north.—Reward, 3J. 10s.

April 8.—Three men saved, by means of a line, six persons from a boat which was in danger, off Lowestoft, in a gale of wind and a heavy sea.—Reward, 11. 10s.

April 13.—Two men saved a boat containing the crew, three in number, of the wrecked schooner Koh-i-noor, at Cilau Head, Carnarvon- shire, during a moderate 8. breeze and a rough sea.—Reward, 10s.

May 8.—Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution, and a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum, to Mr. HENRY HUTCHINSON, for saving life at Bridlington Quay, Yorkshire, during a gale of wind from the N. and a moderate sea on the 7th April. He picked up a rowing-boat, which was unable to return to the harbour against the wind, taking her six occupants into his own coble, and towing the boat astern.

Soon afterwards a coble was seen to capsize, and Hutchinson at once lowered his sail, got into the boat, gallantly rowed to the capsized boat, and rescued the crew, consisting of two men. He then returned to his own boat, and brought all the rescued persons safely into harbour.

Also the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, to Mr. A. J. GROSSMAN, and thanks and 11. to Mr. JAMES SIMS, in recognition of their gallantry in putting off twice in a boat, and at great risk (Grossman being twice thrown out of the boat), saving a man who was clinging to one of the pillars of the pier at Weston- super-Mare, his boat having been capsized and her other occupant drowned during half a gale of wind from the W.S. W., a very high sea, heavy rain, and intense darkness, on the night o£ the 4th March.

Also thanks to two other persons who went in the boat on the first occasion.

May 17.—Seven men, the crew of the Herald, of Kearney, saved the lives of seven of the crew of the steamer Harold, of Hull, which foundered off Cloughey, co. Down, in a light W. breeze and a smooth, sea.—Reward, 2i. 12s. 6d.

May 17.—Six men put off in a boat with the view of saving life on the occasion of the sinking of the B.S. Harold, of Hull, off Cloughey, Co. Down—Reward, II. 10s.

May 20.—Two fishermen rescued the crew of a fishing-boat which sunk off Salcombe, Devon- shire, in a strong gale from the W.S.W. and a very heavy sea. The rescued men and their salvors were afterwards taken into safety by the Salcombe Life-boat.—Reward, 11. 10s.

May 20.—Six men saved the boat Susan, of Hope Cove, and her crew of two men, in danger near Bolt Tail, Devonshire, during a whole gale from the S.S.W.—Reward, 31.

May 21.—Two men rescued three persona whose boat bad been disabled off Spithead, in a moderate breeze and a rough sea.—Reward, 15s.

May 25.—Twelve men ot' Newbiggin, North- umberland, saved two boats containing the crew of eleven men of the s.s. Swallow, of Hull, which had foundered during a moderate breeze.

—Reward, SI.

June 3.—Four men put off in a boat and saved six men from a boat which had been cap- sized between Baltimore, co. Cork, and Hale Island, in a gale from the S.W. and a rough sea.

—Reward, 11. Ws.

June 12.—Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution, accompanied by a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum, to FRANK PERRY and FREDERICK CARTER, for gallantly saving one of two men whose boat had been capsized in Wey- mouth Bay in a strong B. breeze and a heavy surf, on the 26th May. The two lads, one of whom was sixteen and the other eleven years of age, were in another boat in smooth water, and on observing the casualty, immediately rewed out to the rescue, incurring imminent risk of their boat being either swamped or cap- sized in the broken water.

June 16.—Four men saved the fiVJung-boat St. Patrick, of Gal way, and her crew of five men, which had been dismasted and had sprung a leak iu Gal way Bay during a strong S. W.

breeze.—Reward, 11. 10s.

June 16.—Four men rescued, by means of lines from the shore, the crew of sixteen men from the barque Hermine, of Liverpool, which had struck on the rocks and sank at Forth y Garron, Anglesey, in a breeze from the S.W., a moderate sea, and thick weather.—Reward, 11. 10».

June 20.—A boatman rescued three men from a boat which had been capsized off the Isle of Wight in a strong W.S.W. breeze, squally weather, and a rough sea.—Reward, 10«.

June 21.—Three men put off in a boat and rescued two boys from a boat which was drift- ing out to sea at Llanaelhaiarn, Carnarvon- shite, during a moderate breeze.— Reward, July 8.—Four men rescued two men from the boat Phoenix, of Caister, which had been upset by a squall off Sheringham, Norfolk, during a fresh N.W. breeze and a rough sea.— Reward, 2Z.

July 10.—Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution, with a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum to Mr. JAMES DOUGLAS, jun., for swimming to the assistance of two men whose boat had been capsized at Harrington, Cumber- | land, in a strong W. gale, thick weather, and a rough sea, on the 25th June. At great risk he succeeded in rescuing one of the men, but the other -was drowned in attempting to swim to the shore.

Also the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, to Mr. HERBERT LYON, and H. to his boatman, for rescuing three of four persons from a boat which had been capsized near Hurst Castle, in a strong breeze and a rough sea on the 21th May.

Also SI. 19s. to pay the expenses incurred at Stromness in despatching assistance to dis- tressed fishing-boats on the 25th and 26th June.

July IS.—Two coastgnardmen put off in a shore-boat and saved two persons from a boat which had been capsized off Goring, Sussex, in a strong breeze from the S.W. and a rough sea.—Reward, 11.

7«. 6cJ. was also granted to three other Coast- guardmen, who launched the boat used by the salvors on the occasion.

July 20.—A man waded neck deep into the water to a boat which was lying at anchor off Port Carlisle, Cumberland, lifted the anchor, and saved the lives of four men from a boat which had been capsized in a light N.W. breeze and a smooth sea..—Reward, 11.

July 22.—Two men saved one of the crew of the fishing-boat Hawk, of Waterford, which bad been capsized in a squall off Dunmore, Co. Waterford.—Reward, 11.

Aug. 7.—Voted the Silver Medal of the In- stitution, with a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum, to Mr. THOMAS POUNDER, pilot, and JAMES METCALFE, his assistant, for rescuing, at great risk, two persons from a boat which had been capsized near the Long Boar rocks, off Hartlepool, in a strong N.N.E. breeze and a rough sea on the 26th May.

Aug. 11.—Six men put off in a boat and saved a boy from a boat which was disabled off Courtmacsherry, Co. Cork, in a strong breeze from the N.W. and a rough sea.—Be- ward, 11.10s.

Aug. 15.—Six men rescued, by means of surf lines, the crew of four men from the schooner Annie, of Hayle, which was totally wrecked off Hastings in a strong S.W. breeze and a Heavy ,sea.—Reward, 31.

Sept. 20.—Eight men put off in two boats and saved a boat, containing three persons, which was being rapidly carried out to sea off Llandudno, North Wales, during a stiff S.W. breeze and a strong ebb tide. The boat was half full of water and her occupants were much exhausted when rescued.—Be- ward, 21.

Sept. 24.—Two men took the places of two absentees of the crew of a coastguard boat at Portreath, Cornwall, which wad launched with the view of assisting a man who had gone out fishing in a small boat in a moderate W. breeze, and a moderate sea.—Reward, 10s.

Oct. 15.—Two men rescued a man whose boat had been capsized in Plymouth Sound in a strong breeze and a rough sea.—Reward, 11.

Nov. 7.—Four crews manned a fishing boat and rescued sixteen persons from four vessels which were in distress off Moelfre, Anglesey, during a gale from the N.N.W., and a very rough sea.—Reward, 151.

Nov. 7.—Sis men rescued the crew of four men from the schooner Alexandria, of Liver- pool, which stranded near Bed Wharf Bay, Anglesey, in a whole gale from the N.N.W.

and a very heavy sea.—Reward, 3i.

Nov. 7.—Two men rescued the crew of three men of the schooner Lord Mostyn, of Liverpool, which sunk off Moelfre, Anglesey, in a whole gale from the N.N.W., and a very heavy sea.— Reward, 11. 10«.

Nov. 13.—Voted the Silver Medal and a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum and 11. each to SIDNEY ABBOTT and ROBERT HODGE for putting off at great risk in a small boat and gallantly rescuing two men from a boat which had been capsized off Clovelly, Devonshire, in a gale from the N.N.E., and a heavy sea, on the 5th November.

Also the Silver Medal and a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum to JOHN JONES, HUGH WILLIAMS, WILLIAM WILLIAMS (Quarry- MAT 1,1891.] REWARDS.

515 man), WILLIAM WILLIAMS (Grocer), and JOHN ROBERTS, and 161. to these and seven other men in acknowledgment of their gallant and determined services in putting off in a shore- boat on the occasion of the wreck of the schooner Ocean Queen, of Padstow, off Llanddulas, in a whole gate from the N.W., and a very heavy sea on the 7th November. Seven times the boat was launched, the crew being frequently changed, and it almost seemed that all efforts to reach the vessel would be ineffectual; but on the eighth occasion the rescue of the four shipwrecked men was happily accomplished.

The sum of 22. was also granted to the owner of the boat used on the occasion to enable him to repair the damage it received.

Dec. 11.—Voted the Silver Medal of the Insti- tution accompanied by a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum and 11, to M.r. JAMES FOGG, master of the fishing- smack Osprey; the Silver Medal, vellum and 2Z. to GEORGE WILKINSON, one of the crew, and II. to J. K. THOMASON, boy cook, in acknowledgment of their gallantry in attempt- ing to save the lives of the crew of the schooner Jean Campbell, of Wigton, which was in distress in Morcombe Bay, in a strong gale from the N.N.W., and a heavy sea, on the 7th November.

Whilst the 0sprey was returning home, having lost her jib and mainsail, the distressed vessel : was sighted, and on being appealed to for help Captain FOGS caused his punt to be launched.

The boat was manned by GEORGE WILKINSON, and two other men and with great difficulty took off the schooner's crew consisting of three men; but in returning to the smack, the punt was swamped and of her six occupants only GEORGE WILKINSON was saved. He was rescued by Captain FOQQ, assisted by the boy; but the 1 smack having been further disabled and there 1 being only the master and the boy on board, the other men drifted to windward and it was 1 unhappily impossible to save them.

j Also the Silver Medal, copy of vote on vellum ! and H. each to PETER FERNIE and WILLIAM Ri ACH, and U. each to five other men for wading iuto the wafer and at great risk rescuing the crew of three men from the German smack Industrie, I which had stranded near Oluny Harbour,Buckie, in a strong N.N.E. gale, and a very rough sea ! on the night of the 28th October.

| Also the Silver Medal and vellum to DAVID I ROBERTS for going out with other men in a ; shore-boat on two occasions to the rescue of the j crew of the Ocean Queen, of Padstow, which had ! stranded off Llauddulas in a gale from the i N.W. on the 7th November.



B, E S A OF MONEY OR MEDALS Are granted by the Royal National Life-Boat Institution to all persons who, AT THE RISK OF THEIR OWN LIVES, Save or" endeavour to save, BY MEANS OP SHORE-BOATS OR OTHERWISE, The lives of those on board Vessels or Boats Wrecked or in Distress on any part of the coasts of the United Kingdom.

In all cases the Rewards are given without further delay than is necessary to obtain proof of the merits of each case, and to ensure payment being made to the right parties.