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PEEL, ISLE OF MAN.—The schooner Richard, of Buncorn, coal laden, from Whitehaven for Killough, with a crew of three men, was seen running for the harbour during a strong gale from the N.W. and a heavy sea on the morning of the 16th October. She had only a top sail which was much torn, all her other sails having apparently been carried away, and as it was feared that she would be unable to round the breakwater, and in that case would be completely wrecked, the Life-boat John Monk pnt off at 9.30, boarded her as she entered the bay, and assisted in getting out her anchor, etc.

A large fishing-boat then arrived on the scene, and took a rope from the schooner to the pier, and, with the combined help of the Life-boat men, fishermen and men on shore, the disabled vessel was got safely into port..