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The S.S. Circassian Prince

PALLING AND WINTERTON, NORFOLK.— Daring a strong breeze from W.N.W., a heavy sea, and thick weather on the night of the 21st March, the Palling No. 2 Life-boat British Workman and the Winterton No. 2 Life-boat Margaret proceeded to the Hasborough Sands, as signals of distress had been heard in that direction.

On arriving there the s.s. Circassian Prince, of and from Newcastle for New York in ballast, was found stranded. The Life-boat men, and others who had come off to the vessel in jawls, did all in. their power to get her afloat, working hard until the night of the 24th, when the weather became so stormy that they were compelled to make for the shore, nine of the steamer's crew being landed by the Palling Lifeboat, and 13 others by the Winterton Life-boat, which also took ashore several of the men who were helping to save the vessel. On the following morning the weather had somewhat moderated, and the Life-boat men and others returned to the ship and renewed their efforts to get her afloat. With the help of steam-tugs this was eventually accomplished on the morning of the 26th, and the vessel was taken, to Yarmouth Koads..