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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

THURSDAY, 12th June, 1890.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bait., M.P., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Finance and Correspondence, Building and Wreck and Reward Sub- Committees and ordered their recommendations to be carried into effect.

Read the report of the Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visit to Atherfield, Isle o£ Wight.

Also the report of the Deputy Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his visit to Harwich.

Also the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following places:— Northern District—West Hartlepool, Hartlepool (three boats), Seaton Carew, Boker, Sunderland (two boats), Tynemouth, Cullercoats, Alnmouth, Moray Firth, Loasiemouth, Buckle, Banff, Peterhead, Fraserburgh, Whitelink Bay, Port Erroll, Newburgh, Glasgow and Johnshaven.

Eastern District — Walton - on - the - Naze, Clacton-on-Sea, Harwich, Thorpeness, Aidborough, Southwold (two boats), Dunwich, Kestdngland (three boats), Pake field (two boats), Lowestoft (two boats), Gorleston (two boats), Yarmouth, Caister (two boats), Winterton (two boats), Staithes, Grimsby, Donna Nook, Mablethorpe, Onapel, Sutton. and. Skegness.

Western District—Looe, St. Mary's (Scilly), Newquay (Cornwall), Port Isaac, Padstow, Mevagissey, Fowey, Hayle, Sennen Cove, Penzance, St. Ives an I Falmouth.

Irish District—Southport (two boats), New Brighton (two boats), Lytham, Blackpool, St. Anne's (two boats), Fleetwood (two boats), Barrow, Seascale, Whitehaven, Workington, Maryport and Silloth.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— F£ ». d.

" In memoriam, M. L. B." . . . 1000 - - Proceeds from " Drift Net" Magazine, per Miss MARY E. HOLDSWORTH 9 17 - Collected on board R.M.S. Msdaay, per H. B. WBIXMABSH, Esq., additional 2 - — Four little children at ST. PAUL'S, CLERKENWELL, SCNDAY SCHOOL, per the Bar. A. SrVLEitAjf HBBEiNa 1-10 —To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies:— £ t. d.

The late SAMIML Fnxwar, Esq., of Todmorden 2000 - - The late WILLIAM SANDERSON, Esq., of Kirkcaldy . . . . 720 - - £ «. d.

The late JOHN DAVID, Esq., of Cheltenham 300 10 8 The late A. S. SCHAW, Esq., of Glasgow 225 - - The late W. H. DEAN, Esq., of Stratford, additional . . . . 74 19 2 The late Mrs. F. E. THOMAS, of Niamey, Somerset, additional . 3 16 8 "Voted the thanks of the Committee to Mr. F. Gf. AsHBr, late Chief Officer of H.M.

Coastguard at Clovelly, in. recognition of his good services during the three years lie held the office of Honorary Secretary of the Clovelly Branch of the Institution.

Decided, that new Life-boat stations be formed at Atherfield, Isle of Wight and Johnshaven, Kincardineshire. | Reported the transmission to their Stations of the Thurso and Wexford new Life-boats. 1 Also that the Hayling Island and Green- ! castle Life-boats had been altered and im- I proved and returned to their stations. I Paid 5,6251. 14s. 6 J. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments. i Voted 3SI 2s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the i Cullercoats, Exmouth, Salcombe and Gourdon Life-boats in rendering the following services :— Lives Three fishing-boats of Cullercoats. Rendered assistance.

Exmouth fishing-boats. Rendered assistance.

Three Salcombe fishing-boats. Saved boats a n d . . . . . . . . 8 Gourdon fishing-boats. Rendered assistance and saved 3 (Accounts of these services will be found on pages 406 and 432.) Also 361. 11s. to pay the expenses of the Margate, Lydd and Scilly Life-boats in assembling their crews or putting off to the assistance of vessels which did not ultimately need their services.

Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution, accompanied by a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum, to FRANK PERRY and FREDERICK CARTER, for gallantly saving one of two men whose boat had been capsized in "Weymouth Bay in a strong E. breeze and a heavy surf, on the 26th May. The two lads, one of whom was sixteen and the other eleven years of age, were in another boat in smooth water, and on observing the casualty, immediately rowed out to the rescue, incurring imminent risk of their boat being either swamped or capsized in the broken water.

Also 31. to twelve men of Newbiggin, Northumberland, for saving two boats containing the crew of eleven men of the s.s. Swallow, of Hull, which had foundered during a moderate breeze on the 25th May.

Also 31. to six men for saving the boat Susan, of Hope Cove, and her crew of two men, in danger near Bolt Tail, Devonshire, during a I whole gale from the S.8.W. on the 20th May.

Also 21. 12s. 6 J. to seven men, the crew of the Herald, of Kearney, for saving the lives of seven of the crew of the steamer Harold, of Hull, which foundered off Cloughey, co. Down, in a light W. breeze and a smooth sea, on the 17th May.

Also II, 10s. to two fishermen, for rescuing the crew of a fishing-boat which sunk off Salcombe, Devonshire, in a strong gale from the W.S.W. and a very heavy sea, on the 20th May. The rescued men and their salvors were afterwards taken into safety by the Salcombe Life-boat.

Also 10s. to two men for saving a boat containing the crew, three in number, of the wrecked schooner, Kohinoor, at Cilan Head, Carnarvonshire, during a moderate S. breeze and a rough sea on the 13th April.

THURSDAY, 10th July.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., M.P., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Finance and Correspondence, Building and Wreck and Reward Subcommittees and ordered their recommendations to be carried into effect.

Read the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Stations :— Northern District—Montrose (three boats), Gonidon, Stonehaven, Arbroath, Brought? Ferry, Buddon Ness, North Berwick, Irvine, Troon, Girvan, Ayr, Ballantrae, Port Logan, Port Patrick, Whithorn and Kirkcudbright.

Eastern District—Blakeney, Wells, Hunstanton, Brancaster, Sheringham, Cromer, Mundesley, Hasborongh, Palling (two boats) and Lowestoft (two boats).

Western District—Porthleven, Church Cove, Mullion, Cadgwith, Porthoustock, Polpear, Ilfracombe, Braunton, Morthoe, Lynmouth, Appledore (two boats), Bude, Clovelly, Watchet and Burnham.

Irish District—Blackrock and Giles' Quay (Dundalk), Newcastle and Tyrella (Dundrum Bay), Cloughey, Ballywalter, Groomsport, Portrush and Greencastle.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— £ s. d.

EDWARD F. WHITE, Esq., and Miss S. E. WHITE, annual subscription 75 - - CYCLIST LIFE-BOAT FIND, one year's maintenance of Hartlepool No. 3 Life-boat, the Cyclist, per H. STDKMEY, Esq 70 - - ABIHXIR W. YODNS, Esq., additional 50 - - Fine from a Seaman, per Major W, PERCY CHAPMAN, H.B.M. Consul, Kouen 12 - - S.S. Circassia, contents of contribution box, per Captain J.HEDDEBWICK 386 Collected in BAKNINGHAM CHURCH, per the Rev. A. W. EDWAEPS (additional) 147 £ t. d. Collected in STONISGDALE SCHOOL { CuAPEt, per the Rev. W. H. GlRDLESTONE, D.D 116 —To be severally thanked- Also the receipt of the following legacies:— £ e. d.

The late Miss LUCY TABOETT, of Kentish Town (additional) . . 5000 - - The late W. G. STEEB, Esq., of Upper Clapton 1985 8 2 The late E. S. Dowmra, Esq., of Holland Villas Road, Kensington 450 - - The late Lady BENTINCK . . . 50 - - Reported the death of Admiral JOHN Boss WABD, who had for thirty-eight years been a member of the Committee of Management of the Institution, and had for many years held the post of Chief Inspector of Life-boats. (Vide the last number of THE LIFE-BOAT, No. 157, page 393.) Resolved, that a letter of condolence be addressed to the family of the late Admiral WARD, accompanied by a copy of the following resolution:— "That the Committee desire to place on record their high sense of the roost valuable, important and faithful services rendered to the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION by Admiral WARD for the long period of thirtyeight years, during the whole of which time he was intimately connected with the Institution, and they most sincerely deplore his loss." Reported the transmission to their stations of the new Life-boats for Lowestoft, Thorpeness and Kildonan.

Paid 5,9982. IDs. Id. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 651. 103. to pay the expenses of the Palling No. 2, Scarborough, Caister No. 2, Newbiggin and Carmarthen Bay Life-boats, in rendering the following services:— Lives.

Ketch. Thamai Owen, of Portmadoe . . 3 A pilot coble. Assisted to save boat and 4 Dandy Florence Mary, of Yarmouth.

Remained by vessel.

Fishing-coble Jane Isabella. Rendered assistance.

Smack W. H. Treherne (Details of these services are given on pages 400, 430, 432 and 433.) Voted also 173Z. 3s. Gd. to pay the expenses of the Winterton No. 2, Holyhead No. 1 Rhoscolyn, Polpear, Walton - on - the - Naze ' Workngton, Harwich and Aldborough Lifeboats, in assembling their crews or putting off to assist vessels which did not eventually require the services of the boats.

Also 8J. 19s. to pay the expenses incurred at Stromness in despatching assistance to distressed fishing-boats on the 25th and 26th June.

Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution, with a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum, to Mr. JAMES DOUGLAS, jun., for swimming to the assistance of two men whose boat had been capsized at Harrington, Cumberland, in a strong W. gale, thick weather and a rough sea, on the 25th June. At great risk he succeeded in rescuing one of the men, but the other was drowned in attempting to swim to the shore.

Also the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum to Mr. HERBERT LION, and 1J. to his boatman, for rescuing three of four persons from a boat which had been capsized near Hurst Castle in a strong breeze and a rough sea on the 24th May.

Also U. 15s. to seven men for putting off in a x at with the view of saving life on the occasion of the sinking of the s.s. Harold, of Hull, off Cloughey, co. Down during fine weather on the 17th May.

Also 11. IDs. to three men for putting off in a boat and saving five men whose boat had been swamped off Greenish Island, co. Limerick, during a gale from the N.W., squally weather and a very heavy sea, on the 13th March.

Also l. 10s. to four men for putting off in a wat and saving six men from a boat which had been capsized between Baltimore, Co. Cork and Hare Island, in a gale from the S.W. and a rough sea on the 3rd June.

Also 11. 10s. to four men for rescuing, by means of lines from the shore, the crew of sixteen men from the barque Hermine, of Liverpool, which had struck on the rocks and sunk at Porth y Garron, Anglesey, in a breeze from the S.W., a moderate sea and thick weather on the 16th June.

Also II. 10«. to four men for saving the fishing- boat St. Patrick, of Gfalway, and her crew of five men, which had been dismasted and had sprung a leak in Galway Bay during a strong S.W. breeze on the 16th June.

Also 10s. 6d. to three men for putting off in a boat and rescuing two boys from a boat which was drifting out to sea at Llanaelhaiarn, Carnarvonshire, during a moderate breeze on the evening of the 21st Jane.

THURSDAY, 7th August.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., M.P., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Finance and Correspondence, Building and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees and ordered their recommendations to be carried into effect.

Read the report of the Deputy Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visits to Kirkcudbright and Troon.

Also the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following stations:— Northern District—Balcary, St. Andrews, Ardrossan, Huna, Anstruther, Crail, Ackergill and Thurso.

Eastern District—Kingsdowne, Brooke, Bernbridge, Thorpenesg, Brighstone Grange, Totland Bay and Aldborough.

Western District — Weston - Super - Mare, Swansea, Penarth, Porthcawl, Tenby, Fishguard (two boats), Ferryside (Carmarthen Bay), Port Eynon, Burry Port, St. David's and Littlehaven.

Irish District—Drogheda (two boats) and Balbriggan.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— £ ». d.

ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERS annual subscription in aid of the support of their three Life-boats. 150 - - DISTRICT  PORT AND DOCKS BOASD annual subscription . . . . 75 - - WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF MERCHANT TAYLORS, additional . . . . 31 10 - Offertory at WEST HACKNEY Church, the Rev. H. BICKERSTETH OTTLEY, Rector, per Mr. CHURCHWARDEN MITCHELL 2 18 6 Offertory on board H.M.S. Active per the Rev. F. C. STEBBWO, E.N. . 1 10 9 —To be severatty thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies:— £ s. d.

The late Miss LUCY TABGETT, of Kentish Town, additional . . 7,884 3 7 The late Mrs. CATHERINE SWOT of Kensington 700 9 9 The late Mrs. ELIZABETH Cra- NINGHAM, of Chatham . . . 600 - - Voted the thanks of the Committee to JAMES WABEACK, Esq., THOMAS McCoiwocHiE, Esq., and HARRISON GBTJNDY, Esq., in recognition of their past valuable co-operation as Honorary Secretaries respectively of the Montrose, Girvan and Ormskirk Branches of the Institution.

Reported the transmission to its station of the new Life-boat for St. Agnes, Scilly Islands.

Paid 1,8142. 8s. Id. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 741. 10*. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Newhaven, Eastbourne, Holyhead, Cemlyn, Cemaes and Lowestoft (No. 2) Life-boats in rendering the following services:— Lives.

Fishing-luggers Louita and Beauty, of Brighton. Rendered assistance.

Dandy Eureka, of Rochester . . . . 4 S.S. Qvlf of St. Vincent, of Greenock , 2 Fishing-boats Edith and Alice and Don't Know, of Yarmouth. Assisted to save boats and 2 (Particulars of these services are furnished on page 433.) Also 501. to pay the expenses of the Newhaven, Winterton No. 2 and Aldborough Lifeboats in putting off to the help of vessels not ultimately requiring their services.

Voted the Silver medal of the Institution, with a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum, to Mr. THOMAS POUNDER, pilot, and JAMES METCALFE, his assistant, for rescuing, at great risk, two persons from » boat which had been capsized near the Longscarr Rocks, off Hartlepool, in a strong N.N.E. breeze and a rough sea on the 26th May.

Also 21. to four men for rescuing two men from the boat PJuxnix, of Caiater, which had been upset by a squall off Sheringham, Norfolk, during a fresh N.W. breeze and a rough sea on the 8th July.

Also li. to two Coastguardmen for putting off in a shoreboat and saving two persons from a boat which had been capsized off Goring-, Sussex, in a strong breeze from the S.W, and a rough sea on the 13th July.

7s. 6d. was also granted to three other Coastguardmen who launched the boat used by the salvors on the occasion.

Also 10s. to a boatman for rescuing three men from a boat which had been capsized off the Isle of "Wight in a strong W.S.W. breeze, squally weather and a rough sea on the 20th June.

Also 51. to a Coastguardman who was injured while -assisting to launch the Walton-on-the- Naze Life-boat on service on the 6th July.

THURSDAY, 11th. September.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., M.P., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Finance and Correspondence, Building and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees and ordered their recommendations to be earned into effect.

Read the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their recent visits to the following stations:— Northern District — Stromness, Longhope, Dornoch Firth and Embo, Southend (Cantyre), Campbeltown, Kildonan, Berwick-on-Tweed, Middlesbrough, Saltburn, Redcar, Seaton Carew, West Hartlepool (two boats), Seaham, Hartlepool (three boats) and Whitburn.

Eastern District—Southsea, Hayling Island, Worthing, Selsey, Littlehampton, Brighton, Shoreham, Kimeridge, Swanage, Poole, Newhaven, Eastbourne, Hastings, Winchelsea, Rye, Lydd, New Romney, Dover, Margate, Kingsgate, Hythe, North Deal and Walmer.

Western District—Newport (Pembrokeshire), Cardigan, Milford, Aberdovey, Portmadoc, PorthdinUaen, Llanaelhaiam, Abersoch, Barmouth, Aberystwith, Newquay (Cardiganshire), St. Agnes and St. Mary's (Scilly Islands).

Irish; District—Courtown, Kingstown (two boats), Poolbeg, Howth, Skerries, Greystones, Wicklow, Arklow, Cahore, Wexford (two boats), Kilmore, Dunmore, Fethard and Tramore.

Reported the receipt of 700!. from Miss PuiNGLEKlDD, of Lasswade Bank, Mid-Lothian, to defray the cost of the Kildonan, Isle of Arran, new Life-boat, the boat to be named the David and Elizabeth Kidd, the Brother and Sitter Life-boat.

Decided that the best thanks of the Committee be conveyed to the Donor for her muoh valued gift and that the boat be named accordingly.

Reported also the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— £ g. d.

WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF DRAPERS, annual subscription . . . . . 52 10 - Collected at Avonmouth and Sharpness Mercantile Marine Offices, per A. OBAM, Esq. 7 - - ODD FELLOWS of Ipswich, per "VV.

OEFOCD WHITE, Esq 55- Offertory on board H.M.S. Boadicea, per the Rev. J. M. CLARKSON, K.N. 5 5 - Collected on board E.M.S. Medway, per Mr, H. B. Whitmarsh . . . 3 - - Offertory in HARRY. CHURCH, MELTON MOWBRAY, on 3rd August, pel the Eev. M. O. NORMAN , . . . 2 9 - Master and crew of Barque Earl of Rosebery, per Lieutenant MARTIN FRAMPTON, B.N.B., Master. . . 2 8 - Collected on board the s.s. Gunibrae, of Glasgow, Captain ROBERTSON, per the Bev. H. C. MILWARD . . 1 9 6 —To 6e severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies: — £ ». d.

The late Mrs. ELIZA PRICE, of Cheltenham 1,362 11 9 The late HENRY LUCAS, Esq., of South Kensington . . . . 337 10 - The late Miss C. C. HALLETT, of Maeclesfield 100 - - The late Mrs. M. B. HARVEY, of Clifton 45 - - The late Miss MART DEAN, of Stepney 41 13 - The late J. M. LENNARD, Esq., of Middlesbrough-on-Tees . , 20 - - Deep regret was expressed at the death of the Kev. JOHN LAWSON, who had been the much valued Honorary Secretary of the Seaton Carew Branch of the Institution for thirty-four years, and it was decided to send a letter of sympathy to his family.

Voted the thanks of the Committee to Mr. WILLIAM MASEE, in recognition of his kind services during the period in which he occupied the office of Honorary Secretary of the Aranmore Branch of the Institution.

Reported the transmission to their stations of the Kingstown No. 2 and Carnsore new Lifeboats.

] Also that the Cahore Life-boat had been : altered, fitted with jail modern improvements and returned to its station.

! Paid 3,310Z. 19s. 9d. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

I Voted 451. 18s. to pay the expenses of the | Gorleston No. 2, Port Patrick and Lowestoft, : No. 2 Life-boats in rendering the following services:— I Lives.

j Dandy Favourite, of Great Yarmouth . 5 Schooner General Cathcart, of Ballywalter 4 Smack Frolic, of Lowestoft. Rendered assistance and saved 2 The Southwold No. 2 Life-boat assisted to save the brigantine Veeta, of Harwich and her crew of five men.

(Accounts of these services are given on page 434.) Also 817. 13s. to pay the expenses of the Gorleston, Cahore, Walton-on-the-Naze, Hastings, Broadstairs and Llanddwyn Life-boats in.

putting off to assist vessels which did not eventually need their help.

Also 31. to six men for rescuing by means of surf lines, the crew of four men from the i schooner Annie, of Hayle, which was totally I wrecked off Hastings in a strong S.W. breeze i and a heavy sea on the 15th August.

Also 11. to a man for wading neck deep into the -water to a boat which was lying at anchor off Port Carlisle, lifting the anchor and saving the lives of four men from a boat which had been capsized in a light N.W. breeze and a smooth sea on the 20th July.

Also 11 to two men for saving one of the crew of the fishing-boat Hawk, of Waterford, which had been capsized in a squall off Dunmore, Co. Waterford, on the 22nd July.