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Fishing Boats (1)

EXMOUTH—On the 20th May, at 12.30 P.M., a fishing-boat was observed in distress outside the bar, a strong S.W. gale having sprung up suddenly accompanied by a heavy sea. The Life-boat Joseph Somes was immediately launched, but before she could be reached the fishingboat was filled by a heavy sea and sunk, the man who was on board being fortunately rescued by another boat. As several other fishing-boats were out, andthe wind and sea were increasing rapidly, the Life-boat proceeded to the bat to render any assistance that might be required.

One boat in coming in was struck twice by the heavy seas and was in great peril, but accompanied by the Life-boat she succeeded in entering the harbour.

The Life-boat again went out to the bar, and remained afloat until 4.30 P.M., when all the boats were safe..