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EASTBOURNE.—The barge Eureka, Rochester, laden with linseed cake and oats, hoisted a signal of distress while riding at anchor in the offing in a strong 3. wind and thick weather, accompanied by a heavy sea, on the morning of the 8th July. She appeared to be in much danger, her decks being swept by the seas which broke over her bows. As soon as the distress signal was seen no time was lost in getting out the Life-boat, acd at about 5 o'clock she was launched from the transporting carriage at the Wish Tower, proceeded under oars to the distressed vessel, veered alongside, and after several attempts succeeded in taking off the master, his wife, and the crew of two men, and brought them safely ashore.

About half an hour after the rescue had been accomplished the barge's cable parted, and she drifted ashore near Langney Point apparently destined to bej come a total wreck, but some of her cargo having been taken out she eventually floated, and was towed by a steam-tug Bye..