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Ambassador and Ashlowe

SWANSEA.—The Life-boat Wolverhampton was launched at 2.15 P.M. on the 23rd January, in answer to a signal of distress from the barque Ambassador, of Aberdeen, bound from Cardiff to Bio with a cargo of coal, which bad been in collision with another vessel and seriously damaged.

At the master's request four of the Lifeboatmen went on board the vessel and assisted to take her into Swansea docks.

During the whole of the 26th January, a very heavy gale blew from the W.S.W., and a high sea was running. In the afternoon the baique Ashlowe, of and for St. John, N.B., from Cork, in ballast, was observed in distress by the Coastguardman on duty on the Mumbles Hill, and he at once fired rockets as a signal for the Life-boat. At 4.20 the Life-boat Wolvcrhampton was launched and went to the vessel, which bad parted her cable and stranded on a sandbank about two miles from the land ; she, however, succeeded in getting off the bank, but was drifting rapidly in the direction of the beach on the eastern side of Swansea pier.

The boat remained by her until she again struck the ground, when her crew, consisting of 11 men, were taken off to avoid the danger of being killed by the falling spars, or swept overboard by the very heavy seas which were breaking completely over the barque..