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List of the Services of the Life-Boats of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution During the Year 1889

Lives saved.

Alcedo, steamer, of Bilbao—assisted to save vessel and 21 Aratus, brigantine, of Teignmonth —rendered assistance.

ArTc, ketch, of Bridgwater 3 Arktoto, ship, of Windsor, N.S.— rendered assistance.

Arnold, schooner, of Copenhagen 5 Axel, barque, of Drammea— landed a pilot.

Bazar, brig, of Oscarshamn 6 Bee, lugger, of Winterton 3 Birling, s.s., of London—rendered assistance.

Blue Bell, trawler, of Plymouth... 4 Bonnie Lass, schooner, of Wick... 4 Border Queen, fishing smack, of Annan—remained by vessel.

Bonlmer fishing cobles—rendered assistance.

Brilliant, schooner, of Peelsaved vessel and 4 British Sovereign, fishing boat— saved vessel and 6 Brucklay Castle, barque, of Aberdeen —rendered assistance.

Carl Rosinius, brigantine, of Haugesnnd 10 Cerdic, B.S., of Newcastle-on-Tyne —rendered assistance.

Ceres, schooner, of Carnarvon— rendered assistance.

Charles, brigantine, of Great Yar- ,_ mouth—saved vessel and 6 Charles Elisa, schooner, of Paimpol —assisted to save vessel and 6 Clutha, s.s., of Middlesbrough— rendered assistance.

Colridge, s.s., of Exeter—landed a pilot.

Contrast, smack, of Scarborough 6 Cordoba, steamer, of Havre—remained by vessel.

Cwm Avon, schooner, of Swansea 4 DeJcar, schooner, of Hull 4 Dorothy Watson, schooner, of Korth Shields 5 Dronning Sophie, barque 11 Do. —rendered assistance.

Edvard, galliot, of Sbonevig— saved vessel and 2 Effort, smack, of Berwick 2 Ellen and Ann, dandy, of Liverpool 4 Ellizer, Norwegian barque—remained by vessel.

Enterprise, schooner, of Dublin... 4 Ethd, schooner, of Faversham ... 6 Ferryden fishing boats—remained in attendance.

Lives saved.

Flamborough fishing cobles—rendered assistance.

Florence, steamer, of Preston 1 Fly, of Preston—put a pilot on board.

Fortuna, brig, of Riga 1 Gannett, steam trawler, of Gran ton 8 Garibaldi, lugger, of Grave lines 5 Glanmire, S.B., of Cork—saved vessel and 30 Glynwood, barquentme, of Rhyl —rendered assistance.

Gorleston boat 1 Gourdon fishing boat 2 Gonrdon fishing boats—remained in attendance.

Harvest Home, schooner, of Preston 4 Infatigable, Swedish barque 11 Inveresk, barque, of Liverpoolrendered assistance.

Isa, schooner, of Inverness 4 Jane, fishing smack, of Annan— remained by vessel.

Jane Kilgour, barque, of Dundee —saved vessel and 8 Janet, brig, of Peterhead 8 Jannett and Jane, schooner, of Carnarvon — assisted to save vessel and 3 Lady AiUa, s.s., of London—rendered assistance.

Lady JEglington, s.s., of Cardiffsaved vessel and 13 Lady Catherine, s.s., of Sunderland 18 Lark, smack, of Portmadoc—remained by vessel.

Lee, s.s., of Cork—remained by vessel and saved 13 Linnet, dandy, of Lowestoft 6 Londesborough, brig, of Faversham 6 Lymington, schooner, of Harwich 6 Jdadryn, schooner, of Carnarvon —saved vessel and 3 Maggie, schooner, of Ardrossan— assisted to save vessel and 5 Malta, s.s., of Glasgow—rendered assistance and saved 7 Mandalay, barque, of Glasgow— assisted to save vessel and 16 Mary, schooner, of Montrose 6 Minerva, ketch, of Bridgwater ... 3 Minnie JSlkin, schooner, of Carnarvon —saved vessel and 6 Mitford, barque, of Newcastleland ed 2 men.

Montrose fishing boats—remained in attendance.

Lives saved.

Newbiggin fisbing cobles —remained in attendance.

Olga, brig, of Ronne 7 Patrick, smack, of Peel 4 Perseverance, smack 4 President HarUtz, barque, of Sandfjord—remained by vtssel.

Qiteen of Youghal, ketch, of Youghal — landed crew and saved vessel 2 Reliance, brigantine, of Wexford 3 Renown, schooner, of Swansearendered assistance.

Richard and Francis, sloop, of Goole—remained by vessel.

Ringwood, steamer—rendered assistance.

Roe Cliff, schooner, of Skene 6 St. George, ship, of Christlania... 23 Staatsrath von Brock, brig, of Rosteck 9 Staithes fishing cobles—rendered assistance.

Star of Hope, schooner, of Wexford —assisted to save vessel and 5 Sylph, schooner, of Beaumaris ... 6 Terlings, s.s., of London 16 Thomas, schooner, of Liverpoolrendered assistance.

Topsy, cutter, of Torquay—saved vessel and 3 Velin-helii schooner, of Carnarvon —remained by vessel. • Verbena, lugger, of Lowestoft 8 Viscoivntess, B.S., of Aberdeen— r* mained by vessel.

Volunteer, boat, of Ramsey, I.M.

—rendered assistance.

Wave, ketch, of Gloucester—rendered assistance.

William Jones, schooner, of Carnarvon 4 William Maskill, schooner, of Goole 4 Lives saved by Life-boats in 1889, in addition to 17 vessels 420 During the same period the Institution granted rewards for saving lives by fishing and other boats 207 Number saved in 1889 627 Total of Lives saved since the establishment of the Institution in 1324.-34J670 n should fo specially noted that the Life-boat crews, excepting when remunerated by the owners of vessels for property salvage services, are paid by the Institution for their efforts, whether successfvl or not, in saving life..