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NEWPORT (PEMBROKESHIRE).—In reply to signals of distress, the Lifeboat Clevedon was launched at 3 A.M. on the 8th October while the wind was blowing a strong gale from "W. by N. to W.N.W.

It was found that the signal was shown by the brigantine Reliance, of and from Wexford, for Newport, Monmouthshire, in ballast, she having had her masts carried away by the gale two days previously.

The mate of the vessel had been washed overboard and drowned. The remainder of the crew, three in number, were taken into the Life-boat, which then made for her station; but this was found to be impossible, owing to the strength of the gale, and she was forced to go to Cardigan, where the rescued men were landed. The boat afterwards left Cardigan in tow of a steamer, but the weather was still so boisterous that she had to put back; however, on the following day she was enabled to return to Newport, arriving there at about 8 P.M..