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Wanderer and The Nautilus

Again, on the 10th May, the fishing boats were oTertaken by a heavy sea, which sprang up very suddenly and which was felt all along the east coast of Scotland.

The boats made with all speed for the harbour. One of them, the yawl Wanderer, in crossing the bar, was struck by a heavy sea, which knocked the helmsman from his post, and caused the boat to roll so heavily that she shipped water at both sides ; however, she fortunately got in safely. The Nautilus, also, rolled over until her sails touched the water, and had narrow escape. As she passed the Lifeboat house her skipper hailed for the Life-boat to be launched as there were other boats in danger. Accordingly, the Augusta was at once taken afloat, pulled lown to the Bar, and convoyed the boats in. It is believed they would not have ittempted the passage had not the Lifeboat been there. Just as she was turning to accompany them, she was struck on iier port bow by a heavy sea, hove on her >eam ends and half filled with water.

Sowever, she righted and freed herself f water immediately, and the crew were nuch pleased with the way in which she recovered herself..