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The S.S. Lady Katherine


—A signal of distress was made by a vessel northward of Newbiggin point, on the morning of the 9th Jan. 1889. The wind was blowing a gale from the S.E., the sea was very rough, and the darkness intense. The coxswain of the Life-boat at once fired the signal for the crew to assemble, and at four o'clock the Lifeboat Robert, and Susan was launched and proceeded to the scene of the wreck, when it was found that the s.s. Lady Katherine, of Sunderland, bound for that port from Uddevalla, Sweden, with pit props, had run ashore on the Outcars Bock, half-a-mile N. of Newbiggin. Owing to the darkness it was a difficult matter to ascertain the position of the steamer, but eventually the Life-boat men succeeded in rescuing the crew of sixteen men and two passengers, and landed them at 7 o'clock..