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The Removal of Wrecks Act, 1877, Amendment Act, 1889

NOT the least important work dene by the Legislature during this year's session has been the passing of an Act to amend the " Eemoval of Wrecks Act, 1877." Prior to this Act becoming law no provision existed for the removal of dangerous •wrecks situated in non-navigable waters around our shores, it having apparently been considered quite sufficient formerly to legislate for the destruction of dangerous wreck obstructions in navigable waters only. The Committee of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, appreciating, however, the great danger frequently incurred by the Life-boat crews when on their mission of mercy, arising from wrecks on or near rocks, shoals, or banks, determined if possible to obtaiu the rectification of what they deemed to be a flaw in the law, and they accord- j ingly introduced a Bill, which was skilfully and successfully steered through the shoals and breakers of Parliamentary debate by Sir EBWABD BIBKBECK (Chairman of the Institution) in the House of Commons, and the EABL OF MILLTOWN in the Hoxtse of Lords, assisted by other good i friends to the Life-boat cause, supplying the deficiencies of the old Act. The Act! as amended will be welcomed by all the ! Life-boat crews, to whom its provisions are of great importance. It was the first' Government or Private Members' Bill ! carried through Parliament this year, and ( the first to which Her Gracious Majesty, the Patron of the Institution, affixed her signature.


(52 Viet. ch. 5.) WHEREAS it is expedient to amend the Removal of Wrecks Act, 1877: Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's Host Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: — 1. This Act may be cited as " The Removal of Wrecks Act, 1877, Amendment Act, 1889." 2. In this Act the term "the principal Act" shall mean the Bemoval of Wrecks Act, 1S77, 3. In this Act— The term "lifeboat service" means the saving or attempted saving of vessels or of life or property on board vessels wrecked or aground or gunk, or in danger of being wrecked or gettingaground or sinking.

4. The fourth and fifth sections of the principal Act shall be read as if the words "or to lifeboats engaged in lifeboat service " were inserted after the word " navigation " in each of the said sections respectively. Provided that in ease of obstruction or danger to lifeboats no expenditure shall be incurred by a general lighthouse authority except with the previous sanction of the Board of Trade.

5. The fifth section of the principal Act shall be read as if the words " or on or near any rock, shoal, or bank" were inserted after the word " seashore " in the said section.

8. The principal Act and this Aet shall be lead and construed together as one Act, and may be cite'd together for all purposes as " The Eemoval of Wrecks Acts, 1877 and 1889.".