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The Life-Boat

The night was dark and stormy, The waves were rough and high ; A gallant ship was tossing,— Her crew were like to die.

But see! they've launched the life-boat; 'Tis manned by Britons brave, Who risk their life for duty Upon the ocean wave.

They know their wives and sweethearts.

Are playing there on shore; They hear their comrades shouting Above the ocean's roar.

They brave the furious gale; At times are lost to view ; They reach the sinking vessel, And save th' endangered ciew.

Ah! listen to the cheering, The life-boat's come ashore; It makes one's very heart leap To know they're safe once more.

Easibosime, February, 1889.



The next number of the Lifs-boat Journal will be published on the let November next..