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Staatsrath von Brock

PETERHEAD.—On the morning of the 9th January, a mounted messenger gave information at the Life-boat Station that a vessel was ashore on Scotstown Head, about five or six miles N. of Peterhead.

The Life-boat temporarily placed here while the boat belonging to the station was being altered and improved was launched at about 9.20, and proceeded under canvas to the stranded vessel, which proved to be the brig Staatsrath von Brock of Rostock, bound from Dantzic for Peterhead, with a cargo of timber. On arriving alongside, the Life-boat was struck by a heavy sea, driven on the top of » sandbank, and filled with water, and three ofher crew were thrown into the surf, but were speedily rescued. On the boat freeing herself, which she did almost immediately, the crew of the vessel, consisting of nine men, were taken into the Lifeboat by means of a rope, and she then remained near the vessel for some time, so as to be at hand to assist should there be any chance of saving the ship. - There did not, however, appear to be any probability of her floating, and the Life-boat therefore made for the shore, landing the rescued persons at Fraserburgh, at about 1 P.M., a strong head breeze and heavy sea preventing her from reaching her station until the following day..