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Renown and Ceres

LLANAELHAIARN, NORTH WALES.—On the 29th January, the coxswain of the Life-boat observed a schooner which proved to be the Renown, of Swansea, coal laden from Cardiff for Amlwch, in distress, apparently making for Llanaelhaiarn, and knowing the dangerous nature of the bay leading to the port, he feared she would sir ike against the rocks running across pari of the bay on which the water is very shallow at low tide and which are some distance from the shore. The Life-boat temporarily placed here while the station's boat was being altered and improved was therefore launched, and proceeded to the help of the vessel, which fortunately passed safely through the danger, and the coxswain then gave information to the master as to the best direction in which to lake her. The Life-boat returned to the shoreat about 11.30 A..M. Half an hour afterwards another vessel, the schooner Ceres, of and for Carnarvon, from Cardiff, with a cargo of coal, Toeing seen in a dangerous position, the Life-boat again put off, and guided her into safety. This vessel had lost her main boom, sails, &c., and the Renown also bore traces of haying been exposed to a great storm..