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A very heavy storm of wind and snow was experienced here on the 8th February, and the- sea broke heavily amongst the rocks. The schooner Mary, of Montrose, coal laden from Methill for Balta Sound, brought up at anchor north of the harbour and. shortly after 7 o'clock in the evening she was being towed in, but when close to the entrance, the tow-rope broke in consequence of the violence of the sea, and the vessel drifted close to the rocks of Scurdy Ness, and anchored four or five fathoms from the Stone rock. The tug proceeded up the river to obtain the services of a Life-boat. At 7.30 the signal was fired, the crew mustered promptly, and in ten minutes the Montrose No. 1 Life-boat Augusta was launched, and taken in tow by the tug. On nearing the Leads Buoy the Life-boat left the steamer, pulled to the endangered schooner and succeeded in rescuing her crew of five men, one at a time, as the heavy seas permitted, the Life-boat being then not much more than her own length distant from the line of rocks. When all were taken on board the boat pulled back against wind and sea to the tug, and was towed back to Montrose, arriving there at 8.30. Within an hour after the men had been landed the vessel had disappeared..