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Jannett and Jane

RAMSGATE.—At 12.45 A.M. on the 27th January, during a fresh N. breeze, the Life-boat Bradford, in tow of the steamtug Vulcan, left the harbour in response to signal guns which had been fired by the light-vessels. On Hearing the North Sand Head, a -vessel burning flares was sighted stranded there. When within a moderate distance the Life-boat was slipped from the tug, and sailed to the •vessel, which, proved to be the schooner Jannett and Jane, of Carnarvon, bound from ^Rochester for Belfast, with a cargo of cement, and carrying a crew of three men. Endeavours were made to save the vessel, and when the tide flowed the steamtug backed in towards her, taking the sand in doing so, and remaining aground about half-an-hour. A tow-rope was passed to the schooner, and when the water rose, the steamer commenced the attempt to tow her off. After towing about an hour the rope broke, but it was again attached, and at 7 A.M. she was got afloat, and was taken to Ramsgate harbour, arriving there at 8.30.