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The Medal of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution, For the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck


Cflmene.—Bust oi Her Majesty Queen Victoria; beneath, in minute letters, "L. C. Wyoji." Double legend, *' Royal National Life-boat Institution. Founded in 1824. Incorporated I860. Victoria, Patroness."' Reverse.—Three sailors in a Life-boat,—one of whom is in the act of rescuing an exhausted mariner from the waves on a fragment of the wreck. " W. Wyon, Mint." Inscription, " Let not the deep swallow me np." THE beautiful obverse of this medal, executed by the late L. C. WYON, Esq., represents the bust of QCEBS VICTORIA, Her Majesty's looks gracefully waving and gathered in a knot behind, from which issues a wreath of oak clustering over the forehead. This life-like portrait of the QCEEN, in high relief, conveys a truly pleasing and faithful likeness of HER MAJESIY at that period (1862), combining the dignity of aspect and benevolence which have always characterised the Queen throughout her long and prosperous reign.

The reverse, representing the Life-boat, in which (here are three Seamen, rescuing a fourth from the sea, is a work of great merit. Two of tne men are steadying the boat, while the other, stooping, draws in the Shipwrecked Sailor, whose figure is given so as to show the form in the most natural manner; and the expression thrown into his countenance looking up to bia preserver is supplicating in the extreme, while the easy flowing lines of this sailor are finely contrasted by those of his companions -. the whole displaying a perfect knowledge of the human frame, and a command of the graver to embody what he had shadowed out to himself.

But there is another pleasing motive for admiration of this beautiful Medal, as the figure who is so humanely extending Ms relief to the drowning Mariner is a portrait of the Artist, the late WILUAM WTOS, Esq., R. A., himself.

The following la a LIST of the Gfor-n and SIIVEK MEDALS which have been voted by the Committee of the Institution since its establishment in 1824, to persons whose humane find intrepid exertions in saving Life from Shipwreck on oar Coasts have been deemed sufficiently conspicuous to merit that honourable distinction. The Cases will be found recorded In detail in the several Annual Reports of the Institution.

The total number of Medals and Clasps granted by the Institution np to the present time is 1,113, SI of which were In Gold, and 1,015 in Silver.

Kate.—The asterisk (*) after the name denotes the reception of a Gold Medal. The figure after the name signifies the number of honorary distinctions received from the Institution. Abbreviations.—(?. ia.—Coast Guard. B. C.—Bevenue Cruiser. M. M.—Master Mariner.

Acraman, Mr. J., Fishguard.

Adair, Mr. R., Coxswain Ballywalter Life-boat.

Adair, Mr. W., X G«., Dundrum.

Adam, Mr. X, C«. G" ., Newcastle.

(2) Adams, Mr. Thomas, M. M.

Ajwr, J., C*. G4., Morris Castle.

Agnes, Samuel, Wivenhoe.

Ahern, John, C*. G"., Kilmore.

Aikin, J., O. G*., Cushendall.

Alexander, W., Coxswain of the Thorpeness Life-boat.

Allan, Jas., Holy Island.

Allen, Mr. Luke Jas., M. M., Wivenhoe. ; Amis, Edward, late Coxswain of the Palling Life-boat i Anderson, Mr. John G., RN.

Annis, Mr. M., C1. Ga. (2) I Anthony, Mr. Owen, M.M,, Holyhead.

Armstrong, Mr J., Coxswain of HauxJey Life-boat.

Armstrong, K., Newbiggin, Armstrong, Mr. W., Blyth.

Armstrong, W., Newbiggin, Arnold, Mr. W. H., O. &., Sandown.

Austen.Wm., Seaman, Barnsgate Steamer Vulcan.

Autridge, Ue, rt..,R.N.,Doo.nbeg.

Avisse, Mr. J. N., M. M., Boulogne.

Askln, J., O.G*. Ballywalter.

Atkins, T., O. Q"., Wair Bacon, Henry, Harwich.

Bacon, Mr. James, M. M.

Bailey, Jas., Boatman, Deal.

Wainfleet. Baillie, Lieut. Henry, E.N.

BaHJie, Lieut. H., R.S. Buckett, J., Coxswain Brigh- Bain, Alex., Seaman, Skerries.

tfobe, Ueut., K.N., C'. G«.

Baker, Lt. U. S., R.N., ?. Ga.

Baker, Lt.W. H.,R.N.,Ct.Gd.

stone Grange Life-boat.

Budo, James, Esq., Tramore.

Bulkeley, J . B., Coxswain of Teignmouth Life-boat.

Bmker, Mr. T., C'.G"., Brooke. Bulley, Lieut. J., R.N. (4)*» Bsnyard, Mr. John, C1. Gd. '. Bumby,MrJ.-C«.Gd. Clovelly Barlach, Mr. Henry, M. M. i Bunt, Mr. John, C . G11.

Barnard, A,. (X Gd. (2) : Burnard, Mr. T., Bideford. (2) Barnes, George, Christehurch. Burne, J., C1. Gd., Penzance Barrett, Mr. J., (?. Gd. Burne, John, Sen., Shields.

Carasore. (2) i Barney, Mr. &.,&. }«., Banff.

Barrett, W., O. Gd. Bury, Ld.Viscount, P.C..M.P.

Barrett, W., Jun., ditto.

Barron, R. N., Esq.

Burry, Lt G., B.N., Kinsale.

Bartholomew, R. J.t Esq.

Bate, Samuel, Second Coxswain Padstow Lifeboat.

Bate, Thomas, Coxswain of the Bude Life-boat.

Bates, Mr. Tbos., O, Gd.

Batist, J, C'. Gd. Dymchurcb.

Beatson, G. B. M., Esq., O. Gd.

(2) Beauclerk, The late Lord Charles.

Beck, Robert, Point of Ayr.

Beddoe, D., Fishguard.

Bedwell, Mr. Wm., M. M.

Begg, Mr-, M. M.

Betsey, Hy.( Life-boatman, Ramggate.

Bennett, Capt. C. Q, R.N.* Butcher, James, Lowestoft.

Butcher, Rich., Lowestoft.

Byrne, Mr. Lawrence, C'. Gd.

Cahill, D. F. S.. Esq., M.D.

Cain, Wm., Isle of Man.

Callaway.W., Seaman, Lyme.

Callow, Mr. Wm., Coxswain of Castletown Life- boat, Campbell, James, Leestone.

Campbell, Miss J., Drogbeda.

Campbell, Mr. Angus, Cutter Princess HoyaJ,.

Cameron, Capt. Orford S., R.N., C'. Gd.

Candlish, J., Coxswain of the Lytham Life-boat.

Cannell, T., tsle of Man.

Cannon, Mr. John, Coxswain of Hasborough Life-boat.

Berriman, Mr. James, M .M. , Carberry, Patrick, Wexford.

Berry, David, Life-boatman, ! Carbis, Thoa., Coxswain of Corbert, W., Coxswain of the Andtnore Life-boat.

Corbet, P., Pilot, Guernsey.

Corbett, W., Ksq.,Meof Man.

Cork, W., C«. Gd-,Fort George.

Corkhlll, W., Coxswain of the , Padstow Life-boat. (2) Cornish, Lt. J., B.N., Bovjs.

Costelio, M., Esq., Rosslare.

Cotton, D., Brixton, I.W.

Cotton, W., ditto.

Coul, Alexander, Montrose.

Coul, Charles, Montrose.

Co win, J., Isle of Man, Cox, Dr. H. L., Army Medical Department.

Cox, Lt.H.,R.N.,C«.(j i.(2)* Cox, Joseph, Coxswain of the Appledore Life-boat. (3) Cox,J. jun.,Secoud Coxswain, Appledore Life-boat.

Cox, W., Kimlore.

Craggs, J., C». Gd., Devonport.

Cragie, J., Coxswain of the Southwold Life-boat.

Cronne, Dennis, Ballvcotton.

Cropper, Peter, Liverpool.

Crosby, Nicholas, Dnndalk.

Crosswell, Mr. T., Fowey.

Crouch, J., Broadstairs.

Crouch, R., Broadstairs.

Crowden, Mr. J,, Chief-Officer of C'. G . at Muchals, N.B.

Cubitt, Mr. W., Bacton. (2) Cubitt, Mr.W. .jun., Bacton.* Culmer, Mr., C . Ga, Leigh.

Ramsgate. ': the Penzance Life-boat. (2) Cumisky, W. J., Esq., Bal- Bevan, Mr. John, M. M. Carey, H., Esq., Shrove Head.

Bickerstaffe, Mr.E.,Coxswain Blackpool Lifeboat. (2) Billett, Mr. R., C'. Gd., Coxswain of Lydd Life-boat.

Bingham, Mr. Wm. [ter.

Bishop, Mr. S., C'. Gd., Cais- Bladt, A., C". Gd., Strangford.

Blackmore, Mr. Wm., Chief OfflcerC«. G i.,Penzance. (2) Bl&ckwood, Rev, J. O'Reilly, Bally waiter. (2) Blair.Lt. Horatio, R.N., O.G".

BUunpied, Mr. C., Jersey.

Blanco, John, Shetland.

Blissendon, William M.

Blois, Capt. J. R., R.N.* Bijthe, Miss Ellen.

Bolitho, Simon, C1. Gd., Bude.

Bongoard.H., Pilot, Guernsey .

Bonner, 6., C". G«., Collieston.

Bouchard, John, St. Martin's.

Bowen. Lieut. C. H., R.N.* Bovd, Henry, ?. Gd.

Boyd, Mrs. Captain, R.N.

Boyle, Marcue, Coxswain of Wexford Ufr.boat (2) Boyle,Lieut. Hon. R. F., R.N.


Brice, W., C1. Gd., Greencastle.

Bridle, Mr.W., M. M., Lyme.

Brims, Mr. John, Coxswain of the Thurso Life-boat.

Brine, Thoe., Esq., Douglas.

Brinksmead, Mr. W., M. M.

Ci rr,C.S.,Guriner K.C. Sylvia.

Carr. Mr. Henry, H.M. Custinis Wexford.

Carr.John, C'.G11., Dunmanus.

Carr, Mr. Samuel. C.O. C'.Gd.

Carrington, Mr. J., Master of Steam-tug Liverpool, of Harwich.

Carrington, Lieut.. R.N.

Carrington, W. H., Esq.

Carter, Mr. J., C1. Gd.

Casey, M.,Newcastle, Ireland.

Castel, G., Broadstaire.

Cay, Capt. R. B., R.N. C'.Gd.

Chadcteck, J., (?. Gd.

Chaplin, Mr., M. M.

Chapman, Thomas, Esq., F.R.S, V.P.* Chappell, Mr. T., Bidrford.

Chappell, Capt. W., Btdeford.

Chard, J., Boatman. Thorpe.

Chesnutt. George, Skegness.

Chittenden, E., Broadstairs.

Christian, Mr. Thomas A.

Chirk, George, Seaman.

Clark. Lieut. Joseph, R.N." Clarkson. Mr. T.. Coxswain of the Lytbam Life-boat.

Clayburn, 1 ., Scarboro'. (2) Clayt,.n, Lt.,R.N., C".Gd.

CleaveMr.K.,M.M.,Wlvenhoe Cloke, W., Pilot, Mevagissey.

• Cobb, R.-V. C., M.A., Dymr.

hiirrh.* Bmtain, Lieut. G. S., Corkrom.'w., H.M.S. Kagle.

C1. Gd. (2)' Coffey,P.,Tramore,Waterford Brttton, Mr. J., Master of the Colby.Nathaniel, Coxswain of American Ship Kochesttr.* the Pakefield Life-boat.

Button, Mr. Wm., Coxswain ' Cole, J., Seaman, Wivenhoe.

of the Harwich Life-boat. Collard, Mr. S., Pilot.

Broad, W., Esq., Falmonth.* Collins, Mr. J., Master of the Brooks, A., C1. Gd.Dum*encss, American ship ftoscius.* Brown, Henry, Newbiggin. Collison, Mr. R., M. M.

Brown, James, Dunbar. Collopy.J., Ct.Od.,Portbcawl.

Brown,-Mr. John, Coxswain Combe, Lt. M., R.N.

ofNewbiggin Life-boat. (2) ' Coneys, Mr. Anthony, Clifden.

Brown, Thos. Cresswell. Connick, Mr. J., Dundalk.

Browne. Mr. P. R. M. f2)* ; Cooper, Mr. Hugh, (?. Gd., Brune. Miss B. M. Prideanx. ' Cromaine Point.

Brune, Miss E. F. Prideanx. { Cooper, Thomas, Sen., Life- Brone, Miss G, R. Prideaux. boatman, Ramsgate.

Brune, Miss M. K. Prideaux. Cooper, Thomas, Jun., Life- &nmtou, Lt. J., K.N. (2)* ' bonfin.-tn Ksmsg*ite.

Bnck,W.C.,Esq.,R.N.,C .Gd. i Coppin, Lt. F., R.N.. O. G«.


Cummins, Mr. J., Coxswain of the Arklow Life-boat.

Cunningham, Mr. J,, Newcastle.

Curnow, Mr. Paul, Coxswain of the St. Ives Life-boat.

Curteis, Mr. W., O. G i.

Curtis, Stepn., Christchurch.

Rabine, Lieut., R.N., ?. Gd.

Dana, M. H., Esq. (2) Dark, Mr. William, M. M.

Darling, Wm., Light-house keeper, Fern Islands.

Darling, Grace, his daughter.

Darragh, H.. O. Gd.

Davies.the late Vice- Admiral George. (4)* Davies, Capt. Thomas, R.N.

Davies, George, Hoylake.

Davison, W., Sunderland.

Dawsou, Mr. T.. Hartlepool.

Day, Chr., Middlesbrough.

Day, Mr. Thomas, Bideford.

Deane, Mr. Henry, P. Gd.

Delpierre, Jean A., Boulogne.

Dent, J., Newbiggin.

Desmond, Jolm, Limerick.

De St. Croix, Mr. F., Jersey.* De St. Croix, Mr. J., Jersev.* De St. Croix, Mr. P., Jersey.* Devereux, M., Master Pilot, Rosslare. (3) Dillon, Jas.. O. Gd., Arklow.

Dinne n, Mr. J., C.O, s.s.

Al' atross, of London.

Dobsun, T., Coxswain of the Donna Nook Life-boat.

Donkin, A., Cuilercoats. (2.) Donovan, 1 Jennis, O. Gd. (2) Donovan J. .G1. Boatman.

Dooley, Lt. D. R.N., (X Gd.

Douglas, Alexander, C1. Gd.

Dower, Capt. A., Dungarvan.

Downing, Nicholas B., Esq.

Drayson. D.. C1. Gd.

i Duffy, M.. Mullagbmore.

Duncan, Mr. David, Coxswain of Montrose Life- boat.

Dunmore, The Right Hon.

i The Earl of.

i Dunn, Mr. William, M. M.

l urban, John, Walmer.

Dyer, B. Seaman, Wivenhoe.

Dyer, B., Seaman, Wivenhoe.

Dyer, Lt. H. McNeill, R.N.

Dyer, Mr. John, Stratton.

JSarle, Lt. K. C., R.N., fiya* Eastaway,R.,Boatman,O.Gd.

Kastaway, Mr. T.

Eddy, R. Pilot, Plymonth. (3) Edington, Mr. Chas., ?. Gd.

Edwards. Mr. D., Montrose.

Ellis, Henry, C«. 6"., Bude.

Elphlnstone, Geo., Dundalk.

Else, Lient., R.N., Fowey .* Elton, Lt. W. H., H.N., (?. 6d.

Elwin, Lt., R.N., Lymington.

Elyard, Lt. Col. J. (2)* Errklge, E., Boatman, Deal.

Essell, Lieut. Wm. F., R.N.* Evans, Mr. D., ?. Gd,, Coxswain, Poolbeg Life-boat.

Evans, Police Constable Henry, Carnarvon.

Evaoe, Capt. Thomas.

Evans, Mr. J., Flshguard.

Evans, Lient. Thomas, R.N Evans, T., sen., New Brighton.

(2) Evans, T., jun., New Brighton.

Evans, Wm., New Brighton.

Evans, Wm , Pilot, Neath.

Evison, Lt. J. C., R.S., &. 6".

Farmer, David, HayllDg.

Farrin, Mr. G., H.M.S. Jjoz.

Fell, Mr. Robert, Coxswain of Ramsey Life-boat.

Fellowes, Capt. T. H. B., R.N.

Festing, Lieut., R.N.

Festing, Colonel Sir F. W., C.B.,K.C.M.G.,R.M.A.

Field, Lieut.Wm. Geo., R.N.

Field, Mr.W., Milford Haven.

Finlay, G., P. G Lambay.

Finlay, William, Montrose.

Fiso, Chag. E., Coxswain of the Ramsgate Life-boat (2)* Fish, John, Southwold.

Fisher, Mr. S., Horscferry-rd Fisher, Mrs., North Feroe Islands.

Fite atnes, Mr., K.N., Euphrates Expedition.

Fitzpatrick. J.. C1. Gd.

Klann, Wm., Portland.

Fleming, George, Gorlt-ston.

Fletcher, T., C*. G«., Rosslare.

Flynn, P., C*. Gd., Ki'rusli.

Foley, Mr. J., Port Talbot.

Foley, Mr., M. M.

Forbes, Mr. A., Peterhead.

Formby, Joseph, Formby.

Forward, Mr. T. R., Commander K. C. Sylvia* Foster, J., O. Gd., Aldboro'.

Found, Mr.W., M.M.

Fowell, John, Seaman. j Fowler, Mr. James, M, M.

Fox, Mr. John, Fleetwood.

Foy, Thomas, Rossglass.

Prankish, T.H., Bridlington.

Franklin, Lt. E., R.N., Hove.

Franklin, Mr. J. H., Seaton Carew.

Franklin, Mr. M., Staton Carew.

Franklyn, Lient. G., R.N.

Freeman, Mr. Henry, Coxswain of the Whitby Lifeboat.

(2) 1 Freeman, James, Helston.

Freeman, John, Seaman.

Freemantle, Capt. C. W., R.N.* Freeney, John, Killiney.

French, Mr. Charles, C*. Gd.

Fr!end, Thos., Life-boatman, Ramsgate.

Fulton, Mr. Robert, R.N.

i Furlong, A., Fishguarr'.

Galbralth, Mrs. E., Whitney.

Gale, Mi.W.,M.M., Barking.

Gallagher, P., Co. Down.

George, Ptittp, Coxswain of Caister Life-boat. (2) GerraKl,Mi.B.. Pilot, Fleetwood.

Gilbert, VLt. James, Coxswain of the Tynemouth Giles, Mr. W. M. M., Pad- Glllefpie, Andrew, Gnnner.

Gflmra, Mt. Wn ., Dvmdalk.

Gilson, Lt.T. A. E.N-.C'.G''.

Giraai, Mr. E., Master of the French brig Lt fformam.

Gin, M ., Boulogne, Gleeson, R. F, Wexford.

Glover, Mf. J., M.M. Sunfleet Sand.

GoMring, Mr. W., M.M., Hayling.

Goldsmith, John, Life-boatman, Ramsgate.

QaldsmittL, Richard, Lifeboatman, Ramsgate.

Goldsmith, Stephen, Lifeman, Ramsgate.

Gordon, Mr, John, Second Coxswain of the Tyrella Life-boat.

Goss, Capt. T., R.N., C'. Gd.

(2)* Gough, J., Fisherman, Waterford.

Gould, Lt. Wm., R.N., C*. G".

Graham, G., Lt. R.N., C«. Gd.

Grabam, Capt. Philip, R.N.* Granby, Mr. Charles, M. M.

Grandy, Mr., ot the E. C.


Grandy, Lient S., R.N. (2 * Grant, Mr. W., Coxswain of toe Margate Life-boat. (2) Graves, Mr. J., M. M., Carlisle.

Gray, A..C1. Gd., Fort George Gray, I)., ?. Gd., Kilmore.

Gray, Mr. Geo, Bridlington.

Gray, Mr.J.,M.M..Peterhead.

Gray, E. W. 1)., Esq., Dublin.

Gregory, J., O. Gd., St. Andrew's.

Grey, George, Hartlepool.

Griffltn, Oavid, Beaumaris.

Griffith, Robert, Anglesey.

Griffiths, Mr. B., M. M, Portmadoc.

Qriftiilis.O., Pilot, Anglesey.

Griffiths, T.. O.G«., MuVbay ttruer, Wm.. O. nd.

Suy, Mr. Philip. Biueiord Hall, Mr. G. B. Lowestoft.

Halse, Mr. R., C . G".

Hamilton, Mr. W, Coxswain of the Black Rock Life-boat.

Hamilton, Mr. Geo.. C'. «".

Hamilton, H. A., Esq. (3)* Haraono, Mr. A., M. M.

Hanning, N., O. Gd., Dingle.

Hanseil. P. S., Broadstairs.

Hansford, John, Weymouth.

Harrington, Mr.Dennis.Bere Island, Cork.

Hsrrtnglon. Mr. Jas., Brtdllngton Quay.

Harrington, T., O. Gd.

Harris, K., Esq., Inspecting Officer, ». G4.. Seafield Harrison, Jacob, Shields., Mr. N.G., 1st Mate Ship Berkshire.

Haynen, Mt. F., Saridowtt Hayter, Mr. John, Coxswain of Brooke Life-boat. (1) Headon, Mr. Richard, Coxa- wain CloveUy Life-boat.

Heal, J., Fisherman, Atberfi& ld..

Heath, Mr. Joshua, Coxnwain of tbe Fowey Life-boat.

Heavy, P., Constable, Knock.

Hein, Mr.F.J.,M. M.

Henin, P., Boulogne-sur-Mer.

Hennesssy, J., C . Gd.

Henry, Lieut., R.N., C». G«.

Henslow.Lt., R.N.,C'.G'!.

Henwood, T., O. Gd., Fowey.

Hci'bert, The Hon. Auberon.

Herrington,B.,Soutbwold (2) Hick, Mr. M., Scarborough.

Hicks, Barnard, Scilly.

Kicks, Geo., C«. Gd., Tyrella, Hicks, Samuel, Seaman.

Higgs S., Jan., Esq., the late. (2) Higgins, W., Second Coxwain Penzance Life-boat.

Highland, Owen, Anglesey.

Hildebrand, H., Esq. (2) Hill, Mr. J., Coxswain, Newcastle, Dnndrum, Life-boat.

Hill, Mr. W., Mate.

Hillary, Sir A. Wm., Bart, Hillary, Sir Wm., Bt (J )»**« Hills, W., late Coxswaiu of the Padslow Life-bout. (2) Hipplewhite, Mr. T., M, M.

Hodgson, J., Carver, Sunderland.

Hoed, Mr. F. P., M. M., ship phenomtne.'* Hogben, J., late Coxswain of Hamsgate Life-boat.

Hogg, Mr. William, C1. G".

Holborn, S., Broadstairs.

Holland, Lieut. John, R.N.

Holman, Lieut. T., R.N.

Hood, Hy., late Coxswain of the Seftton Carew Lifeboat.

Hood, Mr. W., Seaton Carew.

Hook, R.,Coxswairt of Lowestoft Lifeboat. (2) Horsford, Miss Josephine.

Horsford, Miss Maria.

riougbtoii, H., Hartlepool.

Howard. Fnnicis, Private, 57th Regiment.

Howe, R., C'. Gd., Ballygerig.

Hovsell, Mr. J., Port Talbot.

Howortb, Capt. Wm,, R.N.

Hughes, E., Sen., Cwmerran.

Hughes, G., Pilot, Guernsey.

Hughes, Mr. John, Liverpool.

Hughes, Mr. R., Coxswain, Moelfre Life-boat.

Hughes, T., Pilot, Holyhead.

Hughes, Mr. W., Fisherman, Pittenween, N.B.

Humphreys, Mr. D., Liverpool.

Hurry, Mr. Stephen, M. M.

HUBS. Mr T., H.M.S. Haver.

Hutchinson, Mr. H., C1. Gd, Hutchison, Lt., Kingstown.

Hutchison, Lieut. W., K.N.' Hyde, James, Scilly.

Hyn ts, Mr. John Dundalk.

Hynes, B., C«. Gd., Galway.

lies, The late Mr. John, Scarborough.

Inkster, Mr, Peter, M. M., Shetland.

James, Lieut. Horatio, R.N,* James, Lieut. Wm., R.N.* Japp, Robert, Montroee.

Jarman, Isaac, late Coxswain of Ramsgate Life-boat (2) Jeffers, Ricn., O. Gd., Dingle. ; Jefferson, P., Newbiggin. (2) ' Jellaru, Mr. John, M. M* Jenkins, Mr. J., Coxswain of the Swansea Life-boat, i Jenkinn,L., Pllot.Port Talbot.

Jenkins, Mr. W., Fishguard. ; Jennings, Mr. Wm., M. M., Harwich.

Heard. Rfco., Esq., X G". Jennings, W., ?. G«., Looe.

Jesse, Commander R., R.N. Legerton, Mr. Robert, Cox- Jinks, Mr. R.,Chief Officer of 1 swain of ClactonLife-lloa.t.

Coast Guard, Cardigan. (2) Joachim, Capt., R.N. (4) Jobson, Lt. C., R.N. (2)** John, Mr. W., Breaksea.

Johns, Mr,Rich.,Mevftgisgey.

Johns, Rich., Seaman, Fowey Johns, R. O., Coxswain of the Tramore Life-l»at. (3) Johns, Mr. W., M. M.

Johnson, Admiral W. W.

P., the late.* Johnson, Wm., Yarmouth.

Johnston, Mr. B., M. M.

Jones, Capt.C.Gray,R.N.,the laie. (2) Jones, Mr., C . G"., Wicklow, Jones, Mr., C'. G ., Swords.

Jones, Mr. E., M. M., Jones, Mr. E., Coxswain of the Holyhead Life-boat. (2) Le Geyt, Miss A. B., Bath.

Leggett, Edw., Gunner.

Leigh, Lt. T., R.N., O. G".

(3)** Leslie, Mr. J ., M. M., Stonehaven, N.B.

Lett, U. S. J., R.N., (?.«• .* Levett, Mr, N., late Cox.*waiD ot the St. Ives Life-boat.

Lewis, E.,Seaman, Barmonth.

Lewis, Mr. G., C«. Gd., Newport, Pembroke.

Lewis, J., Seaman, Harwich, Lewis, Mr. Thos., Dundalk.

Lewis, W., Seaman. (2) Lewis, W., Aberystwith.

Ley, J., Pilot, Mevagissey.

Liffen, Thomas, Lowestoft.

Likt ly, Henry, Limerick.

Jones, Henry, Penzanee. Linaker, Mr. Hiram, New Jones, J., Pilot, Porthcawl. Brighton, ./ones, 6wen, Anglesey.

Jones, Lt. R., R.N., C«. Gd.

(3)** Jones, Mr. Robert, Assist.

Coxswain of the Holyhead Life-boat.

Lindsay, Lieut. A. J., R.A.

Lindsay, Lieut. Jas., R.K.* Lingard, Lieut. J., H.N., Wbftby.* Lithaby, P., C'. G". Boatman.

Llewellyn, Mr. Da-rid, O. Gd.

Jones, Mr. Thos., Holyhead. j Llewellyn, M., Fishguard.

Jones, Mr. T., M. M., Port | Llewellyn, Martha, ditto.


Jones, Mr. T..M. M., Cardiff.

Joy, Mr. George, M. M.* Juniper, Wm., Mundesley.

Kavanagh. Mr. P., Coxswain of the Arklow Life-boat Lloyd. 0., C" G-i., Lulworth.

Lloyd, Lt. S.. R.N., C'. Gd.» Lose, Mr. John, C, 0.,O. G".


Louchet, L. P. A. B., Anthie.

Loughor, Rees, Monknasb.

Love, Private Robert, 63rd Kavanagh, Mr. P. .Coxswain , vj?"??1?'- t R , „ „ of the Camsore Life-boat. ' {*"£' • *£. V Master of the Kearon Capt. Eiiw Arklow VJUUIUW iYir- •••» easier 01 iue KeUv Lieut ~E R*N ' American 8hip,Jtfonwiottth.* K itv Mr rvn MEd"w i Luek, Mr. A., Raeberry, 11 T lit A (o/( ' N,B, Kendall W C G 6' '' Lyon8. Lie«fc- Wm., R.N. (2) Kfnnedy, Insp cting-Lt. A., • Kmnrt 'T'c Gd"*9*' ' **««Wster, Mr. Robt, Wick.

R. it wy t ,, ' . • Macdotiald, George, C*. Gd.

i Tvr '+ 'T R if ' j Mackay, Mr. James.

jvenaeay. Master • J ., i»ejrast. IVtackell, Mr, Patrick, C*. G*.

KeriSsh Mr ' John, a !** JJacWntosb, Mr. Alex., M.M.

Kidd, D.. FiBhtrman, Duudee. Jaf ciwe litla " M* M" KllVCh, H., Newcastle. IMxcnatnnra It rr Tf fff King, U.S., R.N. , Southern!. pt p™ * ' King, Mr. TMM.M., Harwich. Iwlr/.;?,' Th M n. . ... irintw pAtn Th-,0 R TJ McArdle, Thomas, Oundalk. ivisDee, « om, IUOB., IV.IM. . TL*,,pfl ,,». ,,, T p* na Knight, Mr. Charles, Mate, Krthv J*B C*C Rumsgate Steamer Vulcan. ' «;/£„,«; M ' TV,' K«?M, J.T., C..W., Sun- MS±%ffl«?rfS±S ueriand.

Kyle, Geo., Assist. Coxswain Holy Island Life-boat.

Kyle, Matthew, Coxswain Holy Island Life-boat.

1'rinccss Alexandra.

McCulloch, K., Ct. 6". (2) McDonald, Mr. Wm., Irvine.

McGenis,G., barque Albany.

McGladery, Lt. J., R.N., C'. GO.

Lake, Mr. A., Chief Officer of McKenzie, J.,C«.Gd.,GalwaY. ! (X G3., Wick, N.B.

Lambert, John, Harwich.

McKinnon, Mr. J., M. M., Greenock.

Lambeth, Benj., Harwich. McMillan. J., Kantyre.

Landells, Mr. Thos., Milford. McNamee. P.. O. Gd.. Dnn- Lane, Lt., R.N., Dartmouth.

Langan, Mr. Michael, First man us.

McNaughten, Neil. C . Gd.

Officer of Steamer Princess ! McPhillips, Patrick, Ser- Jlexandra. | geant, R.I.C, tangion, Lieut. T. W., R.N., McQueen, Alex., Seaman.

C'. Gd.

La Primandaye, Clement, Madciick, Mr. H., M. M.

Manby, Capt. G. W.* Commander R.N. Manifold, Mr. W., Assistant Large, Mr. J., Master Gun- Coxsw. Arklow Life-boat.

ner, R.A. Mann, Lieni., E.N., e1. (1°.

Larkin, Thomas, Seaman. Mariole. J. B., French Pilot.

Lavington, Lt. Thos., R.N. Mark, Wn ., C'. (J«., Dingle.

Lawrence, Mr. James, Cox- 1 Markwell, George, Holy swain i.fSelsey Life-boat. ! Island.

Lazoix, Lieut, of the French Marsh, Capt. D., R.N.,C«.Gd.* Marine at Dieppe. Marshall, Capt. J ., Bideforo.

Leask, Mr. Robert, jun., Ire- | Marshall, Mr. John, Jun., land, near Stroznaess. J Second Coxswain of the Leese, Charles, Gunner, R.A. Seaham Life-boat.

Read, Lieut. J., R.N., Cl. Gd. I Sewell, Master John, Belfast Reade, W. M., Esq., Trarnore. I Slianahan, Mr. Michael. Bere.

Reading, Mr. Daniel, Master Shankey, R., C'. lid. (.2) of Ramsgiue Har. stm. tugs. Shannon, P., (X Gd., Kllrush.

Bedford, J., Cnltercoats. | Sharrock, J. P., C« Gd., jjoe.

Rees, Mr. A., Port Talbot. : castle.

Martia, Mr. Chas., ?. a*., O'Shaughnessy, Miss Nora.

St. ives, Cornwall. O'Sullivan. Mv. M., Bere.

Mason, J., V. OH. Eiie, O'Sultfvan. D., O. «d.

Matthews, Mr. E'lwin, Cox- Owen.Capt. Wm., Holyhead.

swainof Lizard Life-boats. Owen, Mr. William, M. M.* Matthews, Lt. R. K., tt.N « Owen. Richard, Anglesey.

May.Mr. A.C., H.M.S. «o«r. Owston, Mr. John, Coxswain Rees,' Mr. T.'M., St. David's. Shaw, Lt. C., R.N., C". O".

May,W. R..Ct. S'1., Biscastle. , of the Scarborough Life- Rees, Mr. W., Fishjiuard. ~ " . - .

boat. Reeve, Mr. J., Swansea.

: Page, Mr. Alfred, Master, Regan, 0., ?. ««., Kllmore.

Karasgate Steamer Vulcan. Keilly, Patrick, Palmar, u!., Esq., M.P. a;*« A.S.C.

, Parker, Mr. Edwin, C'. Gd., Renowden, J. .G"., Dingle.

Mt-ader, Henry, Life-boatman, Rimsguce, M«ar»s, Mr. R.,jun.,M.M., Montrose.

Mearra, Wm., Coxswain ol Montrose No. 1 Life-boat. Motbeeombe.

Shea, I)., Coxswain of the Padstow Life-boat. (3) Shea, f)., ?. Gd., Portbcawl.

Private, : Shieldon, Robt., Redcar.

Simpson, Mr. Jas., late Mute of Ramsgat*. H. Steamtugs.

Revell, Edw., Seaman, Rams- j Sims, J., C1. G*., Dangeness.

Milburn, Wm., isle of Man.

Miller, J., C'. G*., OiTonport.

Miller, W., Ramsjate.

Milligan, Mr. G., Yarmouth.

Mills, C.. W. Gd,, Ciifden.

Minter, 0., Boatman, Deal.

Jfitchel, J., Pilot, Guernsey.

Mitchell, C., Port Isaac. (2) Mittin, Philip, Wesford.

Moar, Mrs., Burra Ness.

Monger, Mr. Thomas, Cox- Sims, Lt. And., R.N. (2) Sinclair, Mr. B., Thnrao, N.B.

Sinnott, R., C'. G"., Mullaghmore.

Smallridge, Mr. J. H., Coxswain Braunton Life-boat.


Smith, Hy., Pilot, Gloucester.

Smith, J., Shields.

Meams, Wm. Jim., Coxswain ; Parker, Mr. J., Flamboro'. gate Steamer Vulcan.

Montrnse No. 2 Life-boat. : Parker, Mr. Win., M.M. Richards, Mr. E., M. M.

Metberell, Lt. R. R., R.JX., Parrott, Mr. R., C'. Gd., Richards, Henry, Penzance.

C1. G4.* . Tenby. (2) , Richards, James, Penzance.

Mewse, A., Boatman, Lowes- Parry, Lieut., R.N.* Richards, Mr. T., M. M.

toft. i Parry, Mr. Henry, Anglesey. Richardson, Mr. A., M. M.

Middleton, John, Deal. I Parry, Mr. R., M. M., Port- Richardson, W., Esq., Cole Sfilburn, John, Shields. j roadoc, ; ralne.

Parsons, Lieut. Rich., H.M. Ridge, Capt. G. A. E., R.N. „„,,,,„, „., „„„-,„„.

35th Regiment. Ridge, Mr. J., Mate of E.G. I Smith, Mr. J., Thurso.

Parsons, Lieut. Thos., R.N. Kite. ' Smith, Mr. Owen, IHdeford.

Parsons, Lt. W., R.N.,l .W.' Ridge, Mr. J., (X Gd., Cadg- Smith, Peter, C1, Gd, Lydd.

Partridge, Capt. W. L., R.N.,! with. Smith, T., C'. G4., BnlUna.

O. Gd. Rimmer, Mr. Thos., Cox- j Smith, Wm., Bombardier, Pascoe, Peter, Porthleven. swain St. Anne's Life-boat. I R.A.

Paul, Thos., C'. Gd., Bude. Rfoch, R., ?. «»., Olliesion. ] Smith, Mr. W., Aldborough.

Payne, Mr. John, C. 0., Ritchie, Mr., Sanda. Smyth, H., C". Gd., Kilmore.

O. Gd., Skerries. , Rivera. T., C1. Gd., Lydd. j Snell, Lt. G., R.N., (?. Gd.» Paynter, Capt. Richard. Roberts, Mr. John, Clogwyn. i Somervllle, Lt.J.,K.N.,(?.G'1.

swain of Tenby Life-boat.

Moody, Samuel, Skegnefts.

Pealte, James, Esq., H.M. Roberta, 0., Pilot, Anglesey, i (2)* Dockyard, Devonport.* ~ ' " " " - - - . . . „. _ Roberts, Mr. R., Carnarvon. ! Souther, Lt., R.N., C«. G".

Moody. Samnel, Coxswain of Pe»ke, Admiral T. L. * . Roberts, Mr. R., Assistant : Sparfc, Mr. A., M. M.

Skegnes-i l ife-boat. (2) Pearce, Rich., Esq., Penzance. i Cox. Llanddnlas Life-boat, j Spraggs, J., Seaman, Hayllng.

Moore, Gunner Jas., Coast ', Pearse, Jas., Pilot, Portheawl. Roberts, Mr. R., Assistant | Stables, R., Holyhead.

Brigade, Royal Artillery, j Pearse. T., Pilot, Portaeawl. ' Cox. North Deal Life-boat. ; Stanriard,Mr.F., M.M.,South- Moreno, Mr., Master of the j Peart, John, Moutrose. i Roberts. Mr. T., Coxswain , wold.

Austrian Barque A-iid. [ Pedder, U. W., R.N.. O. G". Holyhead Life-boat. (2). i Stap, Mr. R., O. Ga., Dunbar.

Morgan, John, Thurso, N.B. ! Peebles, Mr. John, Irvine. Robertson, Lt. J. H. M., R.N. : Stark, Li. P., R.S., O-G*. (2)* Morgan, Lt. R., R.H., C1. Gl. Peebles, Mr.T., M.M., Irvine. Robertson, Lieut. R., R.N.' | Starke, Mr. J.. Ct. G".

Morgan, Mr. T., R.C., Stork. '. Peirson, S. H-.O-U*., Bally- ' Robertson-MaalonaW. Vice- ; Starr, Capt. L. U.

Morris, Capt. J. Row, R.N.* gerig. Admiral D. ' Steane, Lt. J., H.N., Rye.* Morris,R.. Seaman,Holyhead. ' Penney, Robert, Ramsgate Robins, Mr. J. Gunn, C'. Ga. Steel, Mr. C., C'. 6*.* Morris. Mr. W. E.. Port Life-boatman. Robinson, Llent., R.N. i Steel", John, Esq., Ayr.

Madoc. Pepper.J., l .G11., Lvmington, • Robinson, Mr. J., Aberdeen, j Stephens, A.. Traniore.

Morrison, Lt., R.N., C . G«. Perkins, Jas., Ct. Ga., Bude. ' Robinson, T., Whltby. Stepbenson, Mr. B.. Coxswain Morrison, Mr. Silvester, C1. • Perrott, Sir Edward G. L., I Rockcliffe, W., Southport. I of the Boulmer Life-boat. .

Gd., Sennen Co«e. i Bart.* i Rodertcfc, E., O. &*., Dun- Stevens, Henry.GunnerB.A.

Morrison, W., Ballywalter. j Petrie, Ellen, Shetland. I manus. • Stewan.W., C'.G'*., Ardm«re.

Mortley, Mr., C'. GA. Pad-; I'hiilips.J., Newoasile.Irelnd. ' Roderick,J.S., Esq., Ardmore., Stokes, Mr. R., late Coxstow.

1 Picurd, Mr. P., French M. M. Rodgers, J., Royal Charter.* swain of Poole Life-boat.

Moss, J., Boatman, Walmer. I Pilcber, Mr. Stephen, Cox- Roe,R.,Esq., J.P., Lynmouth, Storr, J., Whilby.

Maiid. Wm., Harwich. ! swain Tramore Life-boat, j Rose,W.,Boatman,Lowestoft. ! Stone, J., C'. G"., Boscastle.

MalUgan, James, Sligo. 1 Pillar, W. Gunner, H.M.S.; Ross, K., Ct. G"., Curracloe. ! Stragnell, Lt., R.N.

Murdoch, Mr. Peter, Glen- i Eagle.

Ross, K., C'. Gd., Dunmore. ! ™ ' " " ~ drishaig, Ayrshire. I Pincomb, T., Pilot, Eimouth.

Murphy, Mr. Adam, Cox. •! Pitt, E., C1. G«i., Atherfleld.

swain of Tyrella Life'boat.! Pomeroy, H., C*. Gd.

Hurphy, James, O, G ., St.; Porter, William, Seaman.

Ives, Cornwall (2). . Powell, Mr. John, M. M.

Murphy, Mr. Michael, ?.G"., j Pratt, Lt. Jas., R.N., ( . « .

Coxswain of New Romney ' Ross. Capt. Sir Thos., R.N • Life-boat.

Murray, A., (X G ., Elie.

Kelson, Mr. W., R.N.,C«. Gd.

Sepean, Capt. St. Vincent, Rossiter, T., Wexford.

Rothery, Lieut. J., R.N.

Rowe, W. y. Gd., Dingle.

Rowe, W., Scilly.

Rowe, W., Seaman, Helston.

Prattent, Lieut. John; R.N.*i Rowlands, Mr. T, M. M.,', Stuart, Lt. J., R.N., C'. G".

Preston, Mr.,C'.Gd. Newton., Newport, Pembroke. , Stuart, Lt. T.,E.N.,O.0d.(2) Prewel, R., C'. Gd., Kilrash. i Rowlands, Mr.W.,Coxswain,, Stubbs, C., Seaman.

Price, Thos., Beaumarls. 1 Holyhead Life-boat. (2) i Stubbs, H., Atberfleld.

Strahan, Mr. H., Pilot.

Strains, Mr. J., (X Gd.

Streader, Mr. W. T., H.M.

Customs, Sboreham.

Strong, Mr. Fran. F. M.

Stiowger, Mr. G., Coxswain, Kessingland Life-boat.

Pride.C.,Ci.Ga.,Chrt8tcburch.i Ruddock, J., Boatman, Flley.

Stugglns, Mr. W., Sec. Cox.

Pringle, Mr. T., Coxswain of Russell, R., Esq., J.P.

•(2) , R.S.

Sewnham. Lt.N..R.N.,C'.Gd.

Newsom, Mr. W., M. M., Harwich.

Nichol, Mr. J., M. M., Montrose.

, Sticholas, Matt., Coxswain of ; Purdy, H., C1. Gd., Tyrella.

theScnnen Cove Life-boat. Puxley, H.,_Esq., Dunboy.

Nicholson, M., Knock.

NicoUe, Mr. Philip, Jersey.

Niles, Mr. Wm.. Coxswain Qaedllng, Mr.B. E., Ci.Gi .(2)* of Cardigan Life-boat. ' Quayle, Capt. E. (2) Nbrcock, Capt. G. L., R.N. Qulgley, Mr. W. T., C«. Gd.

(Torria, BenJ., Boatman, Deal.'. Quirke, G., Esq., Douglas.

Sbrris, Mr. James, M. M. ' IfoiTia, Martin, R.N.R. Rae, Wm., Whitburn.

Telgomouth Life-boat.

the North Suuderland Rutter, Mr. J., Scarborough. • Sullivan, J., Newhaven.

Life-boat. Rymer, Lt. D., R.N., C1. G4.* Sullivan, Wm. C. L., Esq.

Prior, Mr. George. C. 0., i : Sumner, Mr. H., Fonnby.* C'. G"., Ballywalter. Salmon. C.. Gortestou. ! Superville, Mr., M. M., Bor- Prior, Lt. T. H., R.N., C'. Gd. Sailer, F., Brixton, I. W. . deans.

' Prosser, Mr. H., C'. Gd. i Sanderson, Lieut. J. P., R.N., Snrry, W., Penzance.

• - • - • - •- C«. G"., Bridge of Don. Sutcl.ffe, Thos. Sergeant, Sands,Mr.R.,M.M., Bahamas. R.I.C.

Pym, Lt.R. E., R.N..Whltby.* , Sarony, Mr. 0., Scarborough.; Sntheriand,D.,C«.Ga. Kater- Sauvage, Mr., French Fish- line.

ing-boat IsabeUe.

Sawtoll, Mr. Edwin, ?. 3«.

Scanlan, Maurice, (?. Gd., Belderig.

Scarlett, R., Harwich.

Scott, Major Henry, DOVCT.


Sutler, Mr. J., M. M.

Sutton, Mr. C., Port Tatt»t.

Swarbrick, Mr. W., M. M.

Symmes, Lt. H. A. S., R.N.

C'. 6".* Sycge,TheRev.A.,Balbrlggan Sorsworthy, Mr. William, I Randall, Lt. H., R.N., O. G4., Scott, Mr. G. R., .

C.O. C'.Gi., Carnarvon. (2) ' (2)*« Scott, Mr. J., M. M. ' Talt, Grace, Shetland.

Kott, Capt. E. B., R,N. (2) ' Randle, Mr. J., Bristol. Selly, W. H., ?. G ., Peo-1 Talbot, C. R. M., Esq., M.P.

Rawstone, Lt., R.N., C«. G". zanoe. (2) Taylor, J., C'. Gd., Dundrum.

WTdl, Patrick, Scilly. Ray, J., Boatman, Tenby. Sergeant, Lt. J., B.N., O.G". Taylor, Mr. W..C. O. .G*.

)n, Mr. Robt., Irvine, N.B. Raye, Lieut. H. R., R. M. Sewell, U.H.F., R.N., C'.G1!.* Danny Cove. (3).