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Shore-Boat Services Rewarded By the Royal National Life-Boat Institution In 1888

Jan. 5.—Voted 21. 1 Os. to 15 ve men for rescuing, by means of lines from the shore, the crew of four men from the schooner Anne Knox, of Glasgow, which had dragged her anchors and stranded on the bench, at Douglas, Isle of Man, during; a gale from the S.S.E. on the 1st November.

Also 37. to six men, for putting off in a seine boat and landing four of the crew of the brig Albany, of Greenock, which stranded on Branscombe Ebb, four miles E. of Sldmouth, Devonshire, during a strong breeze from the N.N.W.

on the 9th December.

Jan. 5.—Nine men put off in two cobles from I Redcar, Yorkshire, and rescued the crew of ; four men of the schooner William, of Rye, which stranded on Sttlfrcar Rocks during a strong gale from the 8.8.W.—Reward, 91.

Feb. 2 —Voted 17. 17s. 6d. to the crew of the fishing-boat Ranger, of Obbe, Harris, for saving the crew of three men from another fishing-boat which had sunk at the north end of Ensay Island, Sound of Harris, during a strong S. W gale on the 16th November.

Also 21. 2s., in addition to a reward he had received from another source, to JAMES WILLIAMSON, for saving, at great risk, two of the crew of a fishing-boat trlt'u-h had been capsized on the rocks at Whalsay Island, Shetland, during a fierce N. gale on the niirht of the 9th December. WILLIAMSON, who had been one of the occupants of the boat, succeeded, with another man, in getting on to the rocks, and with great promptitude, and at great risk, succeeded in moving the capsized boat, and got the two men, who were underneath the boat, safely ashore. , Feb. 4.—The crew of the fi hing-bout Howe of Sitchan, of Peterhead, rescued one of the crew of the schooner Fantasy, of Tain, who had fallen overboard, from the rigging of the vessel, when about 2J miles from Peterhead, during a moderate breeze from the S.S.W.—Reward, ' 11. 10s. : Feb. 14—Five men put off in a small boat and rescued three of the crew of the fishing-hoat i Joteph, of Dublin, which had been capsized [ while attempting to land at Bray, co. Wicklow, during a strong N.E. wind and a very heavy sea.—Reward 51. j Feb. 25.—Six fishermen put off in a small boat nnd saved two of five men from the fishingboat Jane Smith, of Arbroath, which had been capsized on the bar of Arbroath Harbour, during a strong breeze from the N.N. E. and a heavy sea.—Reward, 71. 10s.

March 1.—Voted 21. to four fishermen for saving the crew of four men of the fishing-coble Promise, of Newbiggin, which capsized 4 miles B. of Newbiggin Point, during a moderate gale ! from the N.E. on the 17th of December. The salvors, who were fishing at the time, on observing the accident, promptly cut their lines and proceeded to the rescue of the coble's crew, who were clinging to the bottom of their boat.

March 15.—Five men put off in a boat and JBiened three men whose boat had been capsized off Balbriggan, co. Dublin, during a strong E. breeze and a heavy sea—Reward, 21 10s.

March 15.—Pour men waded into the surf, with ropes round their waists, and rescued three of the crew of the barque Albion, of and from Brevig, Norway, for West Hartle-pool, which was totally wrecked on Ross Links, off Holy Island, during a violent storm from the E.S.'E.—Reward, II.

March 19.—Thirty fishermen saved, by means of a rope and life-buoy, the crew of eight men of the St. Beds, which stranded at Pakefield, Suffolk, during a strong gale from the E. and a very heavy sea.—Reward, 11. 10s.

March 24.—Three men rescued the crew of two men from a small fishing-boat which had capsized in Wicklow Bay during a W. wind and moderate weather.—Reward, II. 2». Sd.

March 27.—Nine men put off in a boat and rescued the crew, consisting of six men, of the fishing-yawl Anne, of Ballyconnell, which was waterlogged off Ballyconnell Point, co. Sligo, during a moderate S. gale and a rough sea.— Reward, 41. 10s.

April 9.—The master and crew of the s.s. Mersey put off in their boat and saved a boat containing two men, which bad been swamped off Greencastle Point, co. Down, in a rough sea.

—Reward, 31. 15s.

April 10.—Two men put off in a boat and rescued two men from a boat laden with seaweed, which had been capsized off Carlingford Bank, Ireland, during a strong W.S.W, breeze and squally weather.—Reward, 10*.

April 12.—Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution to Mr. WILLIAM WALLACE, assistant lightkeeper at Point of Ayre Lighthouse, Isle of Man; to his wife; to Miss ELLEN BLITHE, daughter of the head keeper of the lighthouse, and to Mr. T. A. CHUISTIAN, temporary assistant keeper, for saving, by means of lines, at great risk, the crew of four men of the schooner Burns and Bessie, of Barrow, which had stranded under the Point of Ayre Lighthouse during a strong E. gale and a very heavy sea, on the 11th March.

April 30.—The master and four of the crew of the s.s. Lintttrn put off in their punt and rescued three of the crew of the fisting l»at Madcap, of Duncannon, co. Wexford, which had sunk off that port during squally weather and a rough sea.—Reward, 11. 17s. 6d.

Thirty shillings was also granted to the crew of a fishing yawl, for rescuing another of the boat's crew.

May 1.—Two men waded into the surf and brought ashore a rope thrown to them from the steam-trawler Jane, of Falmouth, which stranded in Port Eynon Bay, South Wales, during a moderate gale from the S.W, and a heavy ground sea. By means of the rope the vessel's crew of two men were enabled to reach the land.— Reward, 11.

May. 3.—Mr. E. J. GUMBRILL, Chief Officer H.M. Coastguard at Castletownsend, Ireland, and five coastguardmen put off in their boat and. saved two men whose boat had been disabled and dashed to pieces on the outlying rocks at Low Island, co. Cork, during a gale on the previous night. The men, on being washed out of their boat, scrambled on to the island, and were much exhausted when rescued.—Reward, 61.

May 7.—The crew of a fishing-boat saved the life of one of two men from a coastguard boat which had been capsized in Lough Swilly during a moderate breeze from the W. and a moderate sea.—Reward, 3/.

Seven shillings was also granted to a boy who, by signalling from another fishing vessel, directed the salvors to the scene of the casualty.

May 13.—Ten men put off in a coble from Holy Island and rescued the crew of four men of the Swift, of Montrose, which stranded on the Megstoiie Bock during a strong W. breeze and a moderate sea.—Reward, 101.

May 21.—Two men saved two men and a child from a boat which had been capsized on Strangford Lough during a moderate breeze from the S.—Reward, II.

June 2.—Two men rescued two other men whose boat had been capsized off St. Aldhelm's Head, Dorset, in a sudden squall.—Reward, 11.

June 5.—Two men rescued one man from the fishing-boat Lovie, of Teignmoutb, which capsized and sunk about seven miles off Rame Head, Plymouth, during a strong S.E. gale.— Reward, 2Z.

Five pounds was also granted to the salvors to repair the damage done to the mainsail and gear of their boat in rendering this service.

June 14.—Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution, and a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum, to GEORGE EDWARD KELLY, in recognition of his gallant and skilful services in rescuing four men from the sailing-boat Alice, of Castletown, which capsized off that port during a strong IS. breeze and a moderate sea on the 23rd April. The thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, were also presented to WILLIAM HENRY CORLETT and HUGH GALLAGHER, who assisted to effect (he rescue in question.

July 22.—Four men put off in a whale-boat and saved one man whose boat had capsized in Wexford Harbour during a strong S. by W. wind, squally weather, and a rough sea,—Reward, 11.

Aug. 5.—Five pilots, of Burryport, Carmarthenshire, rescued three of four men whose boat was capsized near that place during a moderate gale from the K. by E. and a rough sea.— Reward, 51.

Aug. 13.—Five men, of Mablethorpe, Lincolnshire, put off in a coble and saved four men whose boat was in danger, being nearly fall of water, during a moderate gale from the W.N.W. and a rough, sea.—Reward, 2Z. 10«.

Aug. 25.—Two men rescued the crew of three men and a boy from the steam-tug Best, of North Shields, which was in a sinking state, her boiler having burst about two miles from Whitburn, during a strong breeze from the S.W. and a moderate sea.—Reward, ll.

Aug. 28.—Three men saved two of three persons from » small sailing-boat which had been capsized and sunk off Falmouth during a strong S.W. wind, a rough sea, and squally weather.—Reward, II. 10s.

Sept. 24.—Two men rescued two men from the fishing-punt Kyser, of Lowestoft, who were in an exhausted condition during a strong gale from the E.N.E. and a heavy sea.—Reward, 11.

Oct. 3.—Seven men put off in a boat and saved the crew of three men from the fishingboat Stephen, of Porthleven, which had stranded on the Western Rocks at the entrance to Porthleven Harbour, Cornwall, during squally weather.—Reward, 11.

Oct. 6.—Five men put off in ft yaw} and rescued one of three men from a boat belonging to the brig Acorn, of Guernsey, which had been cut down to the water's edge by collision with a French lugger off Gorleston, during a KAY.

by W. wind and a ground-swell. One of the crew of the boat got on board the lugget vrt en the collision occurred, but another man was unhappily drowned before help could reach, him.—Reward, 21. 10s.

Oct. 9.—A man rescued two men from a boat which had been submerged off Aberdaron, Carnarvonshire, during fine weather. •— Reward, We.

Oct. 17.—Five men rescued the crew, consisting of five men, of the fishing-boat St. Clair, which, had stranded near the Island of Papa Stour, Shetland, during a strong W. gale and a high sea.—Reward, 31. 15«.

Nov. 5.—Three men brought ashore from Puffin Island, off the coast of Anglesey, three men who had lost their boat four days previously, and were in want of provisions. A moderate gale from the S.E. was blowing at the time, accompanied by a rough sea.—Reward, 11. 10s.

Nov. 5.—Three men saved the crew of six men of the fishing-vessel IRxpak, of Great Yarmouth, which had stranded on the North Sand, at Yarmouth, during a moderate gale from the E.S.E. and a heavy sea.—Reward, 31.

Nov. 9.—Six men put off in a boat and saved two men from the smack St. Helena, of Belfast, which h;id been driven ashore off Campbeltown, Scotland, during a gale from the S.E. and a very high sea.—Reward, 61.

Ten shillings was also granted for an oar which was broken in rendering the service, and 11. 8s. was awarded to eight men who launched the salvors' boat.

Nov. 10.—Five men put off in a coastguard boat from Yautlett Creek, Kent, and rescued four persons from a boat which had been capsized during a strong E. breeze. — Reward, 11. 5«.

Nov. 16.—A boat's crew rescued thirteen men from the Abraham Bkalli, of Lillesand, and the Forsoget, of Tonsberg. which stranded on Pettycur Sands, Fifeshire, during a storm.—Reward, 81. 5s.

Nov. 16.—Two boats' crews saved the crews, consisting of sixteen men, from the Punish barque Ceres and Norwegian vessel Algar. which stranded at Burotisland, Fifeohire.—Reward, SI. 5s.

Nov. 16.—Nine men saved, by means of ropes, from the pier at Lowestoft, the crew of eleven men of the fishing lugger William Eales, of that port, which had struck the pier and gone to pieces dining a strong S.W. wind, and a very heavy sea.—Reward, 41. lOt.

. Nov. 16.—Five soldiers saved, by means of , Nov. 27.—Three men saved three men from Hues from the shore, the crew of six men of the the fishing coble Beulah, of Staithes, which had German schooner Paul, which stranded at broached-to and was full of water off that port, Inohkeith, Fifeshire, during a storm.—Reward, during a strong S.B. gale and a rough sea.—• 21.10«. ; Reward, 11. 10s.



REWARDS OF MONEY OR MEDALS Are granted by the Royal National Life-Boat Institution to all persons who, AT THE RISK OF THEIR OWN LIVES, Save or endeavour to save, BY MEANS OF SHORE-BOATS OB OTHERWISE, The lives of those on board Vessels or Boats Wrecked or in Distress on any part of the coasts of the United Kingdom.

In all cases the Re-wards are given without further delay than is necessary to obtain proof of the merits of each case, and to ensure payment being made to the right parties.

By Order, CHARLES DIBDIN, Secretary.