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List of the Services of the Life-Boats of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution During the Year 1888

1 ,ives saved.

Akaba, s.s,, of Liverpool 3o Alabama, Vvarqae, ot Tonsberg ... 8 Albatross, barque, of Hernosan 1 —landed crew from the Tongue light venae!.

Albert H. Locke, brig, of Sund rlaiu 10 Albert William, barque 01 Liverpool 10 Andalusia,, s.8.,of Scarborough— rendered assistance.

Arbroaih fishing boats—remained Aurora, fishing boat, of PivtuUie —rendered assistance.

Ayt&n, Castle, fishing boat, ofEyemouth —saved b at an i 7 Betsy fames, schooner, of Hayle. 3 £londer steamer, ol Whitehaveii assisted to »ave vessel and 10 Boulraer fishing boats—rendered assistance, Browmri00, ship, of Liverpool ... 8 Brownsmzn Bock—saved a boat and 3 Carl Gu&taf, brig, of Christiansted 9 Catherine, brig, of Whitby 7 Charles £al, ship, of B&Ifast, 19 City of Hamburg, hteamer, of Dublin, boat oi the—rendered assistance.

LuUereoats fishing cobles—rendered assistance.

Cyprus, dandy, of Yarmouth— remaiuM by vessel.

Daisy, schooner, of Chester , 5 Debonair, schooner, of Wick 5 Dorothea, schooner, of Kiga.—as* sisted to save vessel aod „ 4 Earl Spencer, steamer, of Dublin 7 Eastbourne, boat in danger off— rendered assistance.

Emperor, schooner, of B autnaria 3 Enterprise* schooner, of Uuolin—• rend Tfd a-f-i-rtance.

Estrella de Chile, barque, of Glasgow , 14 Mta, barque, of Belfast 5 i Fame Islands, men btormstayed and Jane, schooner, of 2 3 Faithful fishing smack, of Tenby 3 tferndal', ss.f of ttuuderland — remained by vessel.

Frtey fishing boat*— rendered as- istanee.

ffalekefjord, barque, of Flekkefjmd assisted to save vessel and .................................... 12 Flora, barque ofOtund ............ 14 Florence, aandy, of Ramsgate— assisted to save vessel and ...... 6 Fouont fishing smack ........ , ...... 5 Franez von Mathies, brig — rendered assistance.

Fragerburgh fishing boats — remained afloat.

George, schooner, of Liverpool — rendered assistance.

George and Margaret, coble, of New biggin —saved boat.

Lives Girl of Devon, ?cbooner of Plymouth —rendered assistance, Glendo.l fugh, sch x»uer, of / ublia —a-'fiisu-U to save veFsel and ... 5 Gwen (7ortes,schooner,of Carnarvon 4 O. W. Pearns, schooner, ot Plymouth 5 Barley, steamer—assisted to save ve sel and 16 Ray and Catherine, schooner, of Arnroatb 5 Heroine, schooner, of Exeter 5 Herongate, .#., of Louden—remaitied oy vessel, Holv Island fishing coble—rendered assistance, ' Hoppet, Norwegian barque—assi- t'd to 8 ve VfSS'-l and 13 Indefatigable fishing coble—rendered assistance.

Isabella and Ann, fishing b at, of Muiitrose , 3 Ispiltn, brig, of Kragcroe — ( brought ashore crew (0) from Swin Middle light vessel.

Jane and Maria, briganttne, of Jr-une Hortense, brigantioe, of , Nantes 4 Joseph, and Thomas, ketch, ol Hude 3 Lady Anne, B.B., of Sunderlaad— assisted to save vessel.

Lady Dufferin, barque of Plymouth , - 17 Leeds, schooner, of Goole—assisted to save vessel and 6 Livingstone, schooner, of Flertwood „ 6 Loch Kent barque, of Liverpool— assisted to save ve.-sel and 14 Lord Ifarlington, barge, of London —assisted to save vessel awd 4 fouisa-, ketch, of Cardiff—assisted to s-wt* vessel and 3 tymington, s.s,, of LyraingtOD ,„ & Lyra, schooner, of Port St. Mary 3 Marshall, schooner, of Wicfc, boat of the , 4 Jffary Davits, scliocner, of Aberystwyth 3 Messenger, brig, of Yarmouth.— assisted to save vessel and ...... 7 Milan, steamer, of Hull II Minerva,, Norwegian barque — landed crew (9) from Skerry Island.

Jfinnet, barque of Helslngborg... 15 Miss ISoans, schooner, of Amfwch 4 Montrose fishing vessels—remained afloat.

Morning Star, daf'dy, of Great Yarmouth —assisted to save vessel and .,,„ ,. 6 Newbiggin fishing-boats — recdered assistance.

New Superior, sloop, of Bostonrendered assistance.

Nile, ketch, of Lossiemouth 3 Nord&tern* steamer, of Bremen— assisted Coats containing j 2 persona, Oberscew, schooner, of Dychling 8 Ocean Star, dandy, of Great Yarmouth —saved vessel and 6 Lives saved.

Olive, Branch, smack, of Lowest oft —a=si8ted to save vessel and .., 5 Olivia, Norwegian brig—remained by vessel, fass of Leny, barque, of Glaegovp —r nder d assistance.

Pei Ho, German barque 1 Petrel, yacbt, of Baruiouth—saved vessel and 2 Pilgrim, fishing boat, *.f EyeniQUtJi —saved ves&el and 7 TOT hVeven fishin; bj ta — rtndt- red assistance.

Pruaentia,, barque, of Christiania 10 Queen of Mistley, scboon ;r, of Harwich—rendered as.«i-tance, Reliance, c ible, of Xewbiggiu— 8 ived ve?sol and...., 4 Riviere, i-chooner, of H&tLe......... 5 Rommish Island, men atormsrayed on 9 Saltee, barque, of Wexford 13 Scalpa, steam yacht 2 Shearwater, schooner, of London. 5 Sirenia, sliip. ol Glasgow 30 Sirius, steamer, of lihent 15 Sofia, Maria, barqu1, of Frcdeiite.- shald 9 Souvenir, Norwegian iiarque— r ndf red assistance.

Spitta), two fishing boats of—rendered assist iiice Squirrel, fishini boat, of Ferryd n —saved vessel and ....,....„,.. 4 Slaithes fishing boat 3 Staitnes fishing cobles—rendered assistance.

Starbeam, brig, of Boston—saved vessel and 8 Star of Hope, smack, of Lowestoft 3 Sunshine, brigantine, of St. John, Tay. ship, of Gla-gow 37 Tolfaen, s.s., 01 Liverpool—rendered assistance.

True Lone, dandy, of Grimsby ... 5 Vctuban, barque, of Havre 16 Victoria, s.s., of Glasgow—remained by vessel.

Viking, Norwegian schooner— rendered assistance.

Vivid, dattdy, of Scarborough. ... 3 Widnest steam flat, of Liverpool —rendered assistants, Wild Hose, B.B., of Hull—saved vessel and 5 Willem, three-masted schooner, of Uarlingen—rendered a-sistance.

William and Anthony, brig, of Folkestone—saved vessel and... 8 Young Robert, cutter, of Yarmouth 2 Lives saved by Life-boats in JS88, in addition to 26 vessels 626 During the same period the Institution granted rewards tor saving lives by fishing and other boats 174 Number saved in 1888 800 Total of Lives saved since the establishment of the Institution in 1824..-34 Q43 It sfiowM fie specially noted thai the Life-boat crews, excepting when remunerated by the owners of vessels for property salvage services, are paid by the Institution for their efforts,, whether success/ut or no£» in saving life..