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Index to the Gift Life-Boats of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution

(Jfte figure! refer to the mcmten oftlix Life-lmtt detailed on the ten preceding Pages.) A, F. H., 131.

A Friend at Bradford, 63.

A. Lady, 16.

A Lady, 31.

A Lady, 135.

A Lady, 1ST.

A Udy, 204.

Adamson, Miss, 239.

Anderson, Miss, the late, and Niece, 272.

A-iumymous, 34.

Anonymous, 129.

Anonymous, 193.

Anonymous, 197.

Anonymous, per Manchester Branch, 207.

Arkcoll, Chas., Esq., 9«.

Arkffrigbt, F. C. Esq., J.P., and friends, 114.

Ar.uitage, E., Esq., R.A.,263.

Armstrong, Joseph, Life-boat Fund, 132.


Bain, Mrs., the late, 231.

Ball, Miss, the late, 49.

Biltic Life-boat Fund 52.

Barclay, Mrs., the late, 160.

Barnes, R.. toq., tht late, 175.

Barr. Mis., the late, 1.

Mass, Mi.«8, 117.

Bales, Mr. Brian.the late, 121.

Beckwith. the late Mrs., 257.

Bennett, Mr. VV.. the late, 5 1.

Berrey. Mies, the late, 47,48.

Bewick, Miss the *K, 6.

HiKgs, Mi*8, the late, 195.

Bird, Sumuel, Ksq., SI.

Birkett. Wm., the late, 201.

Birtwhistle, Miss, the late.


Black, Mrs. Alexander, 243.

BVafce. Mrs., the lute, 2«5, 282.

Blane, Capt. Rodney, R.N., Bolton, coll. in, 10. [17t.

Bourchier, Lady, the late,63.

Bowers, Mrs., i20.

Buys of England, 81 .

Boy's Own Life-boat Fund, m, 127.

Bradlonl, 86.

Bradshaw Mrs., the late, 210, 261, 267.

Brlgden, Miss, 103.

" British Workman " Magazine, 59.

Brooke, the "Misses, 277.

Bmoaboft, Col. .the late, 110, 111, 232.

Browne, Mrs. K. F., 273.

Bnindret, Mrs , 120.

Buffaloes, Royal Anteoilnvian Ord' r of, 93.

Burdon, Mrs., the late, 280.

Burmester, Miss, 18.

Hury, C., Esq , the late. 72.

Butcher, R. If., E*q.. 292.

Cameron, Mrs., 262.

Carew, Mrs., ttie late, 200.

Civil Service Life-boat Fund, 14, 88. 205. 217, 279.

Clagett. Mrs., the laie, 19.

Clare,Mrs.Leifrh,thc late. 169.

Disunion Lile-boal Fund,! 63.

Coal Exchange, London, Members of the, 73.

Coffin, Miss, the late, 162.


Corn Exchange, Mark Lane, Members of the, 65.

Oovent Garden Life-boat Fund. 63.

Cnningham-Fairlie, Lady.the late, 255.

Carltoit, Miss, 184.

Cuttel), J. Esq., the late, 4.

Cyclist Life-boat Fund, 13.

D., 233, 249.

Calmer, Mrs. the late, 11.

Darts, Mrs. Seo., the (ate, «I.

Denman, Hon. Mrs. Jos., 166.

Derby, collected in, 18.

Dewar, the late Mrs., 224.

Dixon, Miss, 45.

Dixon, Miss, 241.

Dodd, H., &q , the late, 283.

Downie, Miss, the late, 167.

Drnrnmond, Mrs. BandasAb* late, 139.

]7umiid, Mrs., 227.

Dundee, People's JouraaA, 240.

Punville, Mrs., the late, 285.

E. B., M. P., and A..and E. t.

Cheddar, 28.

E. M. S-, 281. [216.

Edinburgh Working Men's, Edinburgh Ladies' Kndow.

ment Fund, 216. [late,249.

Gdleston Dickinson, Escj.., the Egdell, Miss, the late, 2, 56.

Elliott, Mrs., the late, 58.

Ellis, Mrs., the late, 33.

Evans, Mrs., the late, 183.

farrant, H. A. M., Esq., the late, 290. [254.

Ferguson, Mrs., the hte, 75, Fielden, Samuel, Jonu, an*t Joshua, Ksqs., 181. [27.

Firbank, U". * Mr-*., the late, Fletcher, Mr. Samuel, the late, 198. [15, 25, 250.

Foresters. Anfieul Order of, Foster, "Messrs., 36.

Fox.Children at Mr.aad Mrs., 35. [124.

Freemasons of England* 80, Friends at Manchester, 97.

Frith, J. G., Esq., the tat*, and Mrs. Frith. 3.

Garden, the late R. T.. Esq., 146. 274. [Mrs., 12, 173.

Gibb, T. Jones, Esq., and UO"d Templars, Independent Order of, 17.

(inrdon, the late Capt., 238.

Gould, John, Esq., the iate, 178, 188.

Gray, G. M., Esq., the late.

247. {late, 258 (jJrindtay, Thomas, Ksq,,, the GuerritT, Rev. W. J., 58.

H. VV., 116 Hackwood, Thos., Esq., 9.

Hardic, T. K Esq., 220 Hargrave, Chas., Esq., the laie, 89.

Harris, H., Esq., the late,10l .

Harris, Mrs. H., the late, 95.

Harris, Miss Lucy, 126.

Harrison, Heath, Esq., 225.

Barvi-y, H. M. Esq., the late, 137, 163.

Hay, O., Esq., the late, 213.

Heyland Memorial, 105.

Heywood-Lonsdale, A. P., Esq., 46.

Hill, Arthur, Esq, 128.

Hodeson, Miss Kllen, 189.

Hollon. B. W.. Ksq.. 37 Hollond, Mr*,, 134.

Holt, Col., the late, and Mrs.

Semes. 1S5.

Homan E. Esq., 115.

Honourable Artillery Company Dramatic Club, 19.

Hooper, Miss, 286.

Hope, Eev. F. W., the late, 147. [30.

Hopps, W. a.. Esq., the late, Houusfield, Mrs., 77.

Howard, Mrs. Atherton, the late, 1*B, 253.

Howis, Miss Aonle P., 206.

Hnddersneld, collected in, 67.

Hughes, Mrs., the late, 146.

Ingleby, Rev. Cbas., the late, per O. P. Wragge, Esq., 22, Ipswich, collected in, 76.

frtan.Geo. Esq., the late, 24.4, Warn, the late Miss, 266.

J. L., the late, 69.

J. M. S., 278.

Jacomb-Hood, Miss E.H., 10 Jewish Scholars' Life-boat Fund, 98.

Jones, MisfiM.,the late, 159.

Jones, T. E., Esq., the late, 171. [HO.

Kendall, W.. Esq., the late, Ker, RoberH Esq., 226. [2M.

Ladies' Own Life-boat Fond, lamb, Miss, the lat«, 174, Langworthy, Mrs,, 26s.

Leather, Jos., Esq., 191.

Leicester, collected in, 66.

l«icester, Miss, 149, 203.

Leighton, Capt. H., the late, per Miss A. Leighton, 215.


Lesty, Win., E -q., the late, 123. [108.

LCT.I-, W. S., Esq., the late, Licensed Victuallers, collected from, 50.

Llngham, Mrs., 179. [230.

IJoyd, the late Cbas., Esq., LncliLombe,Mrs.,the late,109, 287.

MacDonald, Mrs., 148.

M. B.,64.

Macrae, Misses, 194.

Mahony, Dr., the laie, 269.

Manchester Branch, 29, 116, 120,161, 169, 171, 175, 178, 188, 2i.7, 208.

Manchester Central Co-operative Board, 13, 161.

Martin, Mrs, 190.

Mather, Mrs. Annie, 21.


Middlewuod, (5eo., Esq., 39.

Monk.Caut. R.N .,th Uvte,2i 2.

Afuore, the late Geo., Esq., Life-boat Fund, 176.

Morella, the Countess de, ISO.

Morice, Mrs , the late, 90.

Morris, J. G. Erq., the late, 154. [221.

Munnoch, A., Esq. .the late, Se&te, Miss, the late, and Miss Herring. 142.

New Oriental Bank, 141.

Noble, Mrs., 177.

Northumberland, The Dowager Duchess of, 8.

Nottingham, collected in, 6.

Odd Fellows (Manchester Unity) 44.

Oliver Goldsmith, the, 288.

Onslow, Miss, 138.

Out-Pensioners, 275. [68.

Parkin, Thos., Esq., the late, Paterson, Miss, the late, 252.

Payne,W.J.Esq., the late, 40.

Phipson, Mrs., the late, 202.

Plimsoll Life-boat Funds, «7.

Poo ey,G. Esq., the lat», 259.

Pophatn, Mrs., the late, 219.

Preston, Mrs., the late, 38.

Preston, R. A. B. Esq., 143.


" Quiver " Magazine, collected, 74, 83, 289.

Redfern, Mrs., the late, 133.

Keid, Peter, Esq., 223.

Richardson, H. T. l&q., the late, 192.

Richardson, the late Mrs.

Harriot, 218.

Roberts, Richard, Esq-, «&« laVe,21l.

Robertson, Miss, the late,100.

Rochdale, collected in, 24.

Roman Governor of Caei Hun, the late, 246.

Rose, Thomas, Esq., the late.


Roserxtry, Lady, 91.

Reus, Admiral, Life-boat Fund, 43.

Royds, C. M. Esq., 196.' St. Michael's, Paddington.

Life-boat Fond, 71. [228.

Salt, Sir Titan. Bart., the late, Scutt, Mrs., the late, 7.

Settle, collected in, 42, 186.

Shaw, Mrs., 122.

Skynner.Jno. Eiq.,thelate, and Miss Brigden. 20, 103.

Smart. Mrs. Francis G., 170.

Smith, Mr-. F. S., the late, *S.

Smithies, Miss Eliza, the late, Somes, Mrs., 118. [270.

Somcrville, Miss, tbe late, 87.

Souter, Mrs., the late, 248.

Spawfurtb, J., Esq., 92.

Sprat, Miss, the late, 235.

Stanford, John, Esq.,tbe late, 94. [172.

Stratford. T.S. Esq., the late.

Stoker, Mrs., li 2.

Sturm, the law Jas. Esq., 236.

Sunlight Competition,99,I87.

Syfces, the late M rs. A. E , 32.

Symes, Mrs. Elizabeth S.,271.

Teignmonth Bazaar, 119.

Thomas, Mrs., the late, 125.

Thomas, Ml»», the late, 264.

Townend, Mrs., 29.

Trower, Henry, Esq., and friends, 284.

Turner-Turner, Mrs. and Family, 209.

" Uniun Jack " lafe-bo&t Fnnd, 153.

Vandeieur, Richard, Esq., the late, 293.

W. B., Colonel, 199.

Walker, G., Esq.. the late, 41.

Wallace, H. R. C., Esq., the late, 222. [260.

Wallace, W.. Esq., the late, Watid.O. M. Egq.,the late,«5.

West, R. Thornton, Esq., the late, and Mrs. West. 144.

Wheeler, Kev. T. L., 152.

Whitaker, the late John, Ksq.. 258. [late, 130.

Wnittinftham, Mrs., the Wilde, S. J., Esq., for tne late Miss M. E. Wilde, 113.

Williams, Mr. Lloyd, the late, 234.

Wolverhampton.coH.m, 158.

Wood, lidy, the late, 245.

Worcester Cadets Life-boat Fund, 101, Wright, Mrs., the late, 136.

"X.," 104.

X. Y. Z., 231.

THE AVEBAGK COST OF A LIFE-BOAT STATION is £1,O50 ASD la MADB crp AS POUOWS :— Life-boat and her equipment, inetvidtag Life-belts for the Crew Total . . .JE1.05O Tke average annual expense of maintaining a Life-boat Motion is £70, and the benefactions (tnd contributions 1 vf Donors o/ Lift-boats are earnestly solicited in aid of thatfunrf..