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"Withhold Not Thine Hand."

BOGGED and rough the rocks of Albion's coast Stretch forth into the billows reef on reef, And many gallant vessels, tempest tost, There yearly come to grief.

Still, week by week the weary winter through, Braving the breakers with undaunted hearts, We hear how many a gallant Life-boat's crew Do manfully their parts.

Though loud the blast blows and the waves rise high, And darkness clothes the deep with inky pall, And wives and mothers stand with streaming eye, They heed their coxswain's call.

And, resolutely strong to do and dare, They launch their boat upon the seething And, after many a straggle, safely bear A precious burden home.

And ye, to whom the blessing is denied Of aiding with your strength that n oble band, And facing danger with them side by side, May lend a helping hand.

Give of your plenty with a willing heart.

So may ye help some precious lives to save, And in that noble warfare take your part "Gainst rock and wind and wave.

W. M. BURN..