The Screw Steamer Akaba
Early in the morning of the 10th November, the crew of a fishing lugger arrived at Gorleston, and reported that they had seen flares and rockets about the lower part of Winterton Eidge. A gale from the S.E. by E. was blowing at the time, and the sea was very heavy.
The No. 1 Life-boat Mark Lane was launched and found a large screw-steamer, the Akaba, of Liverpool, bound from Bombay for Dundee, with a cargo of jute, near Winterton Eidge, she having been aground and lost her rudder. A boat's crew and some steam-tugs were in attend-ance on the vessel, and assistance was given by the Life-boat men with the view of taking her to a safe anchorage. The weather, however, became more stormy, and eventually 35 of the men on board the steamer got into the Life-boat, and in two trips were transferred to the steamtug Yare. The Life-boat returned to her station at 8.30 P.M..