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NORTH BERWICK.—The schooner Oberscew, from Dychling for Burntisland, laden with esparto grass, stranded on the rocks at Seacliff Point during a strong E.N.E.

breeze, a very rough sea and a thick fog on the 29th March. A message was received stating that the services of the Life-boat were not required; but the vessel proved to be too far distant for the rocket apparatus to reach her, and the Life-boat had afterwards to be sent for.

At 4 P.M., the Fergus Ferguson Life-boat was launched, and rescued the vessel's crew, consisting of eight men. On returning to shore the tide was low, and the sea was so heavy as to prevent the Lifeboat from landing, and she was therefore compelled to lay off the "West side of Craigteith Island during a very stormy night of rain and snow. The shipwreckedmen and the crew of the boat, which had been towed back from the wreck by a steam fishing-boat, were very kindly treated by the master of that vessel, who afforded them shelter, and at 5.30 the next morning they were able to reach the land safely..