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Leeds and Mary Watkins

DUNWICH.—The Ann Ferguson Lifeboat put off at 11.55 A.M. on the 24th July, during a fresh S.W. wind and a rough sea, and proceeded to the assistance of the schooner Leeds, of and from Goole for London, laden with a cargo of fire-bricks and patent fuel. The vessel had been damaged by collision with the schooner Mary Watkins, of Barrow. Five of the Life-boat men having been put on board, the Life-boat made for the Mary Wafkins, and took off the wife of the master of the Leeds and a boy belonging to that vessel. She then ran for Lowestoft, where these two persons were landed, and having obtained the services of a steam-tug, returned to the Leeds, which, with the four men on board, wastowed to Lowestoft, reaching there at 10.30 P.M..