A Graceful Recognition of Services
the ON the 20th October, an interesting ceremony took place at the Sailors' Home, Holyhead, when the presentation of a Silver Medal and a reward in money, which had been voted by the Norwegian Government, was made to the coxswain and crew of the Life-boat Hamon Cabrera, stationed at Rhoscolyn on the coast of Anglesey, in recognition of services rendered in taking off in safety the master and crew of the Norwegian barque Bjendos, which was wrecked a few miles South of Rhoscolyn, on the 18th December last, during a strong onshore gale from south-wett.
The chair was taken by Admiral MACKENZIE, who opened the proceedings with a few short and stirring remarks on the service rendered.
Captain PARRY, the Vice-Consul for Sweden and Norway, then read a letter he had received from the Norwegian Consul General, enclosing the medal and a cheque, which he handed to Lady EDITH ADEANE, the wife of Admiral ADEANE, who affixed the medal and ribbon to the breast of the coxswain, HUGH HUGHES, and presented each man of the crew in succession with the money reward, £1. The coxswain returned thanks for himself and the crew, in a few appropriate words in Welsh, which were translated to the meeting by the Rev. JOHN HOPKINS, Rector of Rhoscolyn. The Hon. Sec.
of the Rhoscolyn Branch of the Institution, Colonel MARSHALL, added a few words of thanks to the Norwegian Government, which he requested Captain PARRY to convey through their Consul General to the Government, and with one or two short speeches from Captain PARRY, Dr.
HUGHES, and a hearty vote of thanks to Admiral MACKENZIE for presiding, and to Lady EDITH ADEANE for presenting the rewards, the proceedings terminated. There were also present on the occasion, Admiral Sir EDWARD SOTHEBY K.C.B, and Lady SOTHEBY, Mrs. and the Misses MACKENZIE, Miss ADEANE, Admiral DENT, Captain CAY, R.N., Mrs. PARRY, T. LLOYD GRIPFITH, Esq., Mr. JONES, R.N., Mr. EGBERTS, &c. &c.
NOTICE.—The next number of the ' Life-boat Journal' will be published on the 1st February next.