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The Smacks Triumph, Aquilon and Honour

MONTHOSE.—A heavy storm was experienced on the llth March, the wind blowing a whole gale from the E.S.E., accompanied by a very heavy sea, snow, and sleet. At 11.35 A.M., the No 1 Life-boat Augusta, was launched,"and was towed by the steam-tug Rapid nearly as far as the bar, where she remained in readiness to render assistance if required to three vessels, the smacks Triumph, Aquilon, and Honour, of Jersey, which were running for the harbour. The Lifeboat men signalled to the vessels the direction in which they should steer, and they all got safely into port. The Lifeboat afterwards anchored inside the Breach to await the arrival of a schooner and a steamer. These vessels, however, did not make for Montrose, but proceeded south..