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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

THURSDAY, 5th January, 1888.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., M.P., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the previous Meeting.

Also read those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, Building, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees, and ordered their recommenda- tions to be carried into effect.

Received and considered the report of Sir FREDERICK BRAMWELL, F.R.S., Sir DIGBY MURRAY, Bart., and Mr. JOHN I. THORNYCROFT, the three judges, appointed by the Committee to examine the models and drawings received in competition for the Gold and Silver Medals offered by the Institution in April last for models and drawings of a mechanically propelled Life-boat, best adapted to meet the conditions mder -which Life-boats are catted upon to perform their work, and for a propelling power suitable for the existing self-righting Boats of the Institution. The competitors were in- structed to forward their designs to the Insti- tution by the 1st October last, in order that they might be examined by the judges appointed for the purpose. These judges, who are not in any way connected with the Institution, re- ported that they had carefully considered all the models and drawings submitted to them, and that they were of opinion that not one of them was suited to the requirements of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, and that they were therefore unable to award medals.

Resolved that the Judges be thanked for their valuable services, that the competitors be thanked and informed of the result of the competition, and that their models and drawings be returned to them; also that the decision of the judges be communicated to the public press.

Read also the report of the Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visit to the North Deal Station.

Also the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Stations:— Northern District—Irvine, Kildonan, Camp- beltown, Southend, Troon, Whithorn, Port Logan, Balcary, Kirkcudbright, Stornoway, and Hartlepool.

Eastern District — Lowestoft (two boats), Kessingland (three boats), Pakefield, Aid- borough, Yarmouth, Gorleston (two boats), Caister (two boats), Winterton (two boats), Palling (two boats), Hasborough, Blakeney, Wells, Brancaster, Hunstanton, Dover, Broad- stain, and Kingsgate.

Western District — Weymouth, St. Davids, Fishguard, Newport (Pembrokeshire), Car- digan, Newquay (Cardiganshire), Aberystwith, Aberdovey, Barmouth, Portmadoc, Llanael- haiarn, Abersoch, and Porthdinllaen.

Irish District—Douglas (two boats), Ramsey, Castletown, Port Erin, Peel, New Brighton, Rhyl (two boats), Llanddulas, Llandudno, Penmon, Moelfre, Bull Bay, Cemlyn, Cemaes, Holyhead, Llanddwyn, Bhosneigir, and Rhos- colyn.

Reported the receipt of l.OOOZ. from the Civil Service Life-boat Fund, per CHARLES DIBDIN, Esq., F.R.G.S., Hon. Secretary, for the endowment of the Maryport Life-boat, which is the sixth Life-boat presented to the.

Institution by gentlemen in Her Majesty's Civil Service, and is named the Civil Service No. 5. The total amount derived by the Insti- tution from this source has been 10,444Z. 6«.

Decided that the best thanks of the Com- mittee be given to the contributors for their additional valued and highly - appreciated gift.

Also the receipt of the following other special contributions since the last meeting:— £ ». d.

E. HOMAN, Esq., for the permanent maintenance of his Life-boat, the Friern Watch, stationed at Wey- mouth 2,000 T. K. HARDIE, Esq., for the endow- ment of his Life-boat, the Janet Hoyk, at Ayr 2,000 Anonymous, for the St. Anne's new Life-boat, the Brothers. . 800 Officers and Staff of the NEW ORIENTAL BANE CORPORATION (LIMITED), for the Hayle new Life-boat, the New Oriental Bank, in memory of EDWARD FRANCIS HARRISON, C.S.I. . . 700 ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERS, for their third Life-boat, to be named the Samuel Shawcross . 700 BRADFORD BRANCH, on account of the cost of the Ramsgate new Life-boat 750 .LICENSED VICTUALLERS LIFE-BOAT FUND, on account of cost of Hunstanton new Life-boat, the Licensed Victualler .... 500 1 3 Mrs. CAMERON, further on account of her gift for the Tyrella new Life-boat '270 "In memory of the late MART CRABTREE" 250 WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF MERCERS 105 10 - Ditto FISHMONGERS 52 CYCLIST JUBILEE LIFE-BOAT FUND, one year's maintenance of Hartle- pool Life-boat, the Cyclist . . 70 A LADY, further on behalf of the endowment of the Whitburn Life-boat 50 INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS (Manchester Unity), annual subscription in aid of the support of their Life-boat at Grimsby 50 H. S. (additional) 50 JOHN GEAHE, Esq., Exeter. . . 50 15 - Captain J. H. SMITH and friends of the Cadets of H.M. training- ship Worcester 37 £ s. d.

The Very Rev. the DEAN of CAN- TERBURY 21 - - Collected on board the s.s. Ormuz, per Captain W. F. HEWISON . 10 - - Decided that the sincere thanks of the Com- mittee be conveyed to the donors for their liberal and highly-esteemed contributions.

Also reported that the following legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution:— £ ». d.

The late JOHN GODFREY MORRIS, Esq., of Birkenhead, for a Life- boat to be named the John Godfrey Morris, and stationed on the West Coast of England. .2,000 - - The late Mrs. MARTHA MAINGAY, of Worthing (duty free) . . . 1,000 - - The late H. T. LIDDELL, Esq., of Winchester (duty free) . . . 1,000 - - The late T. W. ALLEN, Esq., of Newbury 1,000 - - The late Mrs. COSMO GORDON, of Fyvie, for benefit of Fraserburgh Life-boat 250 - - Ditto for Banff Branch. ... 50 - - The late DONALD MAOINNES, Esq., of Ardencodale, Islay . . . 100 - - The late Mrs, ELIZA FAHNSWORTH, of Nottingham 50 - - Voted the thanks of the Committee to EDMUND LAYCOCK, Esq., in acknowledgment of his valuable co-operation during the twelve years he occupied the office of Honorary Secretary of the Keighley Branch of the Institution.

Reported the transmission to their Stations of the new Life-boats for the following Stations: Burnham, Cemaes,o No. 2, Has- borough, Hornsea, Irvine, Kirkcudbright, Sea- ham, Seaton Carew, and Watchet.

Also that the Eastbourne, Hastings, Meva- gissey, Poole, Porthleven, and Sennen Cove Life-boats had been altered and improved, and returned to their Stations.

The Great Eastern Railway Company con- veyed the Hasborough boat and carriage to North Walsham, and brought the old carriage back to London, free of charge.

The London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Company conveyed the Eastbourne boat to its Station, and brought back a tem- porary boat from Newhaven, free of charge.

—To be thanked.

Paid 11.302Z. 16*. 7d. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 146Z. 16«. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Walton-on-the-Naze, Kildonan, Holyhead, Peel (Isle of Man), Fishguard No. 2, Litttehaven, Southend No. 2, Fraserburgh, Rhoscolyn, and Penmon Life-boats in rendering the following services:— Lives saved.

S.S. Capri, of Liverpool 22 Barque Falco, of Stockholm .... 7 Brigantine Emerald, of Liverpool. Ren- dered assistance.

Schooners Clyde and Harbinger, of Bel- fast. Remained by vessels.


Lives saved.

Schooner Resolute, of Aberystwyth . . 4 Schooner John Dames, of Carnarvon . . 4 Schooner Maggie BrockUbank, of Barrow 4 Barge Sultan, of Rochester. Remained by vessel.

Ketch Favourite, of Sunderland ... 2 Schooner Enterprise, of Leven ... 5 Barque Hjemlos, of Grimstadt ... 8 Ketch Eva Lena, of Liverpool. Remained by vessel.

The Palling No. 2, Winterton No. 2, Holy- head, Bridlington, and Tenby Life-boats also rendered the following services:—S.S. Falcon, of Sunderland, rendered assistance; schooner Ann, of Liverpool, saved vessel and crew, 4; steamer Union, of Flensburg, assisted to save vessel and 7 men; ketch Louisa, of Cardiff, assisted to save vessel and 3.

(Detailed accounts of the majority of these services are furnished on pages 607, 608 ) Voted 126Z. 16«. 2d. to pay the expenses of the Hayling Island, Kildonan, Sidmouth, Dun- wich, Portrush, Rhosneigir, Withernsea, Filey, Flamborough No. 2, Caister No. 1, Palling No. 2, Winterton No. 2, and Skegness Life- boats in assembling their orews or putting off in reply to signals of distress shown by vessels not ultimately needing the services of the boats.

Voted 21. 10s. to five men for rescuing, by means of lines from the shore, the crew of four men from the schooner Ann Knox, of Glasgow, which had dragged her anchors and stranded on the beach at Douglas, Isle of Man, during a gale from the S.S.E. on the 1st November.

Also 32. to six men, for putting off in a seine boat and landing four of the crew of the brig Albany, of Greenock, which stranded on Brans- combe Ebb, four miles E. of Sidmouth, Devon- shire, during a strong breeze from the N.N.W.

on the 9th December.

THURSDAY, 2nd February.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., M.P., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the pre- vious Meeting.

Also read those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, Building, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees, and ordered their recom- mendations to be carried into effect.

Read the report of the Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visits to the Winchelsea Station.

Also the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Stations:— Northern District—Balcary, Kirkcudbright, Port Logan, Port Patrick, and Irvine.

Eastern District — Hayling Island, Selsey, and Littlehampton.

Irish District—Tralee, Valentia, Tramore, Dunmore, Fethard, Dungarvan, Courtmac- sherry, and Queenstown.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— £ «. d.

Mrs. ALEXANDER BLACK, of Hyde Park Gardens, for the Stonehaven new Life-boat, to be named the Alexander Black, in memory of her late husband 700 - - A Friend, per Mr. and Mrs. NOR- BURY, through the Manchester Branch, for a Life-boat to be named the Mary Isabella . . 700 - - LICENSED VICTUALLERS LIFE-BOAT FUND, balance of cost of Licensed Victualler Life-boat at Hun- stanton 200 - - " M. W.," in memoriam, per "J. H. G." 50 - - " M. W.," in memoriam per " E.G." 50 - - ARTHUR W. YOUNG, Esq., Hyde Park Terrace 50 - - "MAJOR" 35 14 - E. A. HANKET, Esq., Elmhurst (additional) 25 - - T. W. J. DENT, Esq 25 - - ST. MICHAEL'S PADDINOTON LITE- BOAT FUND, per the Rev. G. F. PRESCOTT and Mr. W. VINCENT (additional) 22 11 6 —To be severally thanked.

Also that the late Miss M. A. BARWELL, of Moseley, Birmingham, had bequeathed a legacy of 50J., free of duty, to the Institution.

Deep regret was expressed at the decease of Mr. WILLIAM VAUGHAN, who had been Honorary Secretary of the Fishguard Branch of the Institution for thirty-one years, and it was decided to send a letter of sympathy to his family.

Voted the thanks of the Committee to the Rev. W. G. GILLMOR, Captain GEORGE BILTON, Mr. WILLIAM WENN, jun., and Mr. H. C. GUPPT, in recognition of their past valuable services as Honorary Secretaries of the Dun- more, Stromness, Hasborough, and Barnstaple and Braunton Branches of the Institution.

Reported the transmission to their stations of the new Life-boats for Ackergill, Brooke, Cemlyn, and Eyemouth.

Also that the Runswick and Sunderland No. 3 Life-boats had been altered and improved and returned to their Stations.

Paid 4,103Z. 9«. 9d. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 1711. 10s. to pay the expenses of the Port Erin, Douglas No. 2, Holyhead, Port Eynon, Salcombe, Worthing, St. Anne's, New- biggin, Cromer, Holy Island No. 1, North Sun- derland, and Thurso Life-boats, in rendering the following services:— Lives saved.

Schooner Lyra, of Port St. Mary ... 3 Schooner Daisy, of Chester .... 5 Steamer Earl Spencer, of Dublin. . . 7 Steamer Milan, of Hull ..... 11 Schooner Nordstern, of Bremen. Assisted boats containing 12 persons.

Brig Albert H. Locke, of Sunderland . 10 Schooner Riviere, of Hayle .... 5

Lives saved.

Barque Albert William, of Liverpool . 10 New biggin fishing-boats. Rendered as- sistance.

Brigantine fane and Maria, of London. 7 Two men stormstayed on Faroe Islands. 2 Three men storm stayed on Brownsman Book. Saved boat and 3 Fishing-boat Ayton Castle, of Eyemouth.

Saved vessel and 7 Schooner Debonair, of Wick .... 5 The Caister No. 1 and Skegness Life-boats also rendered the following services:—S.S. Lady Ann, of Sunderland, assisted to save vessel; and brig Starbeam, of Boston, saved vessel and crew, 8.

(Particulars of these services will be found on pages 608-612.) Voted also ±321. 12s. 6d. to pay the ex- penses of the Walmer, Kingsdowne, Castletown, Penarth, Peterhead, Milford, Morthoe, Porth- cawl, Appledore No. 1, Braunton, Lizard No. 1, Swansea, Clacton-on-Sea, Douglas No. 2, Har- wich, Cemlyn, Salcombe, Hope Cove, Carmar- then Bay, Burryport, Tenby, Port Eynon, Thorpe, Southport, Lytham, Holy head, Orme's Head, Porthdinllaen, Groomsport, Dunmore, and Scarborough Life-boats, in assembling their crews or putting off to the assistance of vessels which did not ultimately need the services of the boats.

Voted the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, to Mr. G. R. WOOD, for gallantly taking command of the Dunmore, Co. Water- ford, Life-boat, when she proceeded to the assistance of the brig Alfred D. Snow, of San Francisco, which was totally wrecked off Broom- hill Strand on the 4th January. Also 51. to Mr. WILLIAM JONES, assistant coxswain of the Life-boat, in recognition of his services on that occasion.

Also 50J. to the widow of BENJAMIN ADDIS, one of the crew of the Clacton-on-Sea Life-boat, who died from the effects of exposure when out in the boat on the 14th January, he being in bad health at the time.

Also 91. to nine men, for rescuing the crew of four men of the schooner William, of Rye, which stranded on Saltscar Rocks during a strong gale from the S.S.W. on the 5th January.

Also 21. 2s. to JAMES WILLIAMSON, for saving, at great risk, two of the crew of a fishing-boat which had been capsized on the rocks at Whal- say Island, Shetland, during a fierce N. gale on the night of the 9th December.

Also 11. 17«. 6d. to five men, for saving the crew of three men from a fishing-boat which had sunk at the north end of Ensay Island, during a strong S. W. gale on the 16th November.

THURSDAY, 1st March, 1888.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., M.P., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the pre- vious Meeting.

Also read those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, Building, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees, and ordered their recommen- dations to be carried into effect.

Read the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Stations:— Northern District—Troon, West Hartlepool (two boats), Seaton Carew, Saltburn, Middles- brough, Hartlepool (.three boats), and Seaham.

Eastern District — Worthing, Southsea, Guernsey, Jersey, Brooke, Brighstone Grange, Totland Bay, Bembridge, Hastings, Winchelsea, Bye, Eastbourne, Lydd, New Romney, Shore- ham, Brighton, and Newhaven.

Western District—Morte, Ilfracombe, Lyn- mouth, Watchet, Burnham and Weston-super- Mare.

Irish District—Dunmore, Youghal, Ardmore, Ballycotton, Greystones, Wicklow, Arklow, and Courtown.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— £ «. d.

ANONYMOUS 500 - - "SUNLIGHT COMPETITION," balance of cost of Brighton Life-boat, the " Sunlight No. 2 " 500 - - " GEORGE MOORE " MEMORIAL FUND, for the George Moore new Life-boat for Porthdinllaen . . 371 16 5 Mrs. M. E. DE SCHWARTZ, Canea, Isle of Crete 50 - - Ditto, in aid of Widows and Orphans of Boatmen killed on duty . . 50 - - Trustees of the late W. THORNGATE, Esq., annual subscription. . 80 - - R. A. B. PRESTON, Esq., annual sub- scription in aid of Cornish Life- boats 50 - - CHARLES SEELY, Esq., in aid of cost of Brooke Life-boat roadway . . 50 - - Mrs. GRAHAM ROBERTSON, additional 50 - - "Temperance in the East" Lodge, No. 898. of Freemasons, per J. R. WALLER, Esq. 21 - - —To be severally thanked.

Also that the following legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution:— • £ s. d.

The late W. H. SKYNNEH, Esq., of Cavendish Place, for a Life-boat, to be named the Skynner, and placed upon the English coast (duty free) 1,000 - - The late ROBERT SUTHERLAND, Esq., of Egham (duty free). . . . 500 - - The late Miss MARY STYLES, of Liverpool Road, N. . . . 100 - - The late Miss MARY FOSTER, of Twickenham, towards the cost of a Life-boat for the South Coast of Devon or Cornwall ... 40 - - Ditto, to Plymouth and St. Ives Branches . 5 each.

Voted the thanks of the Committee to WALTER DIVER, Esq., and W. L. COPP, Esq., in recogni- tion of their good services during the period they occupied the office, respectively, of Honor- ary Secretary of the Yarmouth and Watchet Branches of the Institution.

The Committee also specially recognised the valuable services of the following gentlemen as Treasurers or Honorary Secretaries of various branches of the Institution for many years past:—W. P. ADSHEAD, Esq., Belper; J.

BRIEELY, Esq., Blackburn; J. BROAD, Esq., Melrose; The Rev. JOHN BROWN, Gourdon; The Rev. A. BUTLER, LL.D., Acock's Green; J. CONNEL, Esq., M.D., Peebles; T. H. DIXON, Esq., Chester; WILLIAM DYSON, Esq., Hull; Captain J. BALL FAEBAN, Mevagissey; D. FERGUSON, Esq., Stirling; THOMAS FULLER, Esq., M.D., Shoreham; Captain E. D'OuEE GEORGE, Cahore ; Major PERCY HOCKIN, Dart- mouth ; J. JENKINS, Esq., Stirling; The Rev. WILLIAM JONES, Porthcawl; WILLIAM MORGAN, Esq., Stechford; A. MUIRHEAD, Esq., Kelso; P. MURRAY, Esq., Newburgh; J. B. PIKE, Esq., Dawlish ; J. RAMSAY, Esq., Musselburgh; J. K. ROWLANDS, Esq., Tenby; WILLIAM SELBY, Esq., Brooke; B. STEEDMAN, Esq., Dunfermline; Captain H. TOWNSHBND, Courtmacsherry; GEOBGE WILKS, Esq., Hythe; E. L. WILSON, Esq., Bannockburn.

Reported the transmission to their Stations of the new Life-boats for Anstruther and Brighton.

Also that the Boulmer Life-boat had been altered and improved, and returned to its Station.

The London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Company conveyed "the Brighton boat from Portsmouth to its station, the boat's car- riage from London to Brighton, and the old carriage from Brighton to London free of charge.

—To be thanked.

Paid 3,9161. 15s. lid. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 601. Us. to pay the expenses of the Caister No. 2, Cullercoats, Newbiggin, and Clacton-on-Sea Life-boats, in rendering the following services:— Lives saved.

Schooner Shearwater of London. ... 5 Cullercoats fishing-cobles. Remained in attendance.

Coble 'Reliance, of Newbiggin. Saved vessel and 4 Brig Ispilen, of Krageroe. Brought ashore 9 men from Swin Middle Light Vessel.

The North Deal, Clacton-on-Sea, and Lowestoft No. 2 Life-boats also rendered the following services:— Barque Loch Ken, of Liverpool, assisted to save vessel and .14 Steamer Blonde, of Whitehaven, assisted to save vessel and 10 Schooner Dorothea, of Eiga, assisted to save vessel and 4 Brig Messenger, of Yarmouth, assisted to save vessel and 7 (See pages 610-612 for the details of these Life-boat Services.) Voted also 2261. 2s. to pay the expenses of the Eyemouth, Clacton-on-Sea, Margate, Kings- downe, Walmer, Gorleston No. 1, Appledore No. 1, Braunton, Padstow, Donna Nook, Ilfra- combe, Southend No. 2, Saltburn, Mablethorpe Harwich, Arbroath, Hayle, and St. Ives Life- boats in assembling their crews, or putting off to the aid of vessels which did not eventually require their services.

Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution, accompanied by a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum, to Mr. THOMAS EIMMEE, coxswain of the St. Anne's Life-boat, in recognition of his long and gallant services in saving life from shipwreck, particularly on the occasion of the rescue of the crew of the brig Albert William, of.

Liverpool, on the 26th of January. Also 21. to EDWARD PARKINSON, Bowman of the Life-boat, who has held office many years, and 11 to THOMAS B. HARRISON, Assistant Coxswain of the Life-boat, in recognition of their good services on the last-named occasion.

Also the Second Service Clasp of the Institu- tion to Mr. JOHN BROWN, Coxswain of the New- biggin Life-boat, who has completed 35 years' service, and has rendered many gallant services in the boats.

Also 21. to four fishermen for saving the crew of four men of the fishing-coble Promise, of Newbiggin, which capsized 4 miles E. of New- biggin Point, during a moderate gale from the N.E. on the 17th of December.