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Special Committee Meeting. 19th March

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., M.P., V.P., in the Chair.

Read the following Report of the Chief In- spector and District Inspector of Life-boats on their inquiries into the circumstances attending the accidents to the Brighstone Grange and Brooke Life-boats, on the occasion of the wreck of the ship Sirenia, of Glasgow. (For full par- ticulars of the case, see page 614.) " After due consideration of the evidence taken at the public inquiry into the circum- stances connected with the capsizing of the Brighstone Life-boat on the 10th inst., by which Moses Munt, coxswain, and Thomas Cotton, second coxswain, as well as two of the ship- wrecked men then in the boat, lost their lives, also as to the accident by which Reuben Cooper, second coxswain of the Brooke Life-boat, lost his life.

We are of opinion that— 1. The late Moses Munt, coxswain of the Brighstone Life-boat, did quite right in bring- ing on shore the women and children only the first time.

2. That coolness, judgment, and good sea- manship were displayed by him and those under him in the management of the boat in going to the ship the second time, taking half the ship- wrecked crew on board, and in endeavouring to select a favourable opportunity for leaving again for the shore. That a very heavy breaker should strike the boat before she had time to turn round, drive her rapidly astern, and capsize her, was a contingency attached to the situation that human foresight could not provide against.

3. That the fact of twenty-two out of the twenty-six men (eleven of whom had no life- belts on) did regain the boat after she righted, clearly shows she must have done so at once, notwithstanding those in her were naturally unable to fix the number of minutes it took the boat to do so.

4. Although the wind and sea had then very considerably decreased, plenty of volunteers being forthcoming to man the boat a third time, after their leaders had unfortunately been lost, we consider pointedly illustrates the courage and grand spirit of these men in Life-boat work: more particularly on the part of William Cotton, who acted as coxswain, David Cotton, and Frank Salter, who all formed part of the crew on each previous occasion.

5. We are of opinion that the call for the assistance of the Brooke boat was cheerfully and readily responded to, that the greatest possible despatch was used in conveying her to the wreck, also that the coxswain had no reason to anticipate having to encounter the very heavy breaker that washed away Reuben Cooper, the 2nd coxswain, and that all possible efforts were made to recover him. In making these the boat lost its opportunity of reaching the wreck and taking off the remainder of the crew. Per- sistent attempts to do so were afterwards made, until a number of oars were broken by the heavy seas, and the boat's crew had become so exhausted as to render their immediate return to their station the only course open to the cox- swain, who was fully justified in adopting it.

6. We are of opinion that the courage and perseverance shown by all the men employed, both in the boats and on shore were conspicuous, and deserving of admiration. Acknowledg- ment is equally due to the officers and men of the Coast-guard at the Atherfield and Brigh- stone stations, for their strenuous and zealous co-operation in the work on hand.

7. It is with gratification we find that these disasters have in no way shaken the confidence of the crews in their boats, but we believe they look upon them, and with reason, as contingen- cies inseparable from carrying out what cannot but be a service of danger.

Dated March 13th, 1888.

HENRY W. CHETWYND, Captain. R.N., and Chief Inspector of Life-boats.

CHARLES CUNNiNGHAME GRAHAM, District Inspector of Life-boats." An Inquest was held on the bodies of two of the men, at which a verdict of " Accidentally Drowned" was returned.

The Inspectors attended the inquest, and also represented the Institution at the funeral. The Committee expressed their admiration at the gallantry of the crews of the Life-boats, and their deep sympathy with the relatives of the men who unfortunately perished, and voted 300Z. in aid of the local fund for the relief of the bereaved relatives.

Also the Silver Medal of the Institution, accompanied by a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum, to WILLIAM COTTON, FRANK SALTER, and DAVID COTTON, who went out in the Brigh- stone Grange Life-boats on the three occasions.

Also the Second Service Clasp to Mr. JOHN HAYTER, Coxswain of the Brooke Life-boat.

The Silver Medal was awarded to him in February, 1886, in recognition of his valuable services during the twenty-six years he had held the office of Coxswain.

Also the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum to Mr. GEORGE SWEETINGHAM, Chief Officer, and to Mr. WILLIAM BRETT, Chief Boat- man in charge of H.M. Coast-guard at Ather- field, in recognition of their valuable services on the occasion.

Also 991. 17s. to pay the expenses of the three launches of the Brighstone Grange Life- boat, including a reward of 21. 10s. each to the crew who manned the boat on the occasion of her capsize.

Also 511. 7s. to pay the expenses of the Brooke Life-boat launch, including a reward of 21. 10s. to each of the crew.

And 21. 5s. to two Brooke men who were injured while rendering assistance, and were thereby prevented from going in that boat.

SATURDAY, 24th March.

The Annual General Meeting of the friends and supporters of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE- BOAT INSTITUTION took place this day at Willis's Rooms, St. James's. His Grace the DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND, K.G., President of the In- stitution, in the Chair.

His Grace having made some suitable ob- servations on the great and national character of the operations of the Institution, Mr. CHARLES DIBDIN, the Secretary, read the Annual Report, which will be found in the May number of The Life-boat Journal.

The Meeting was also addressed by Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., M.P., V.P., Chair- man of the Institution: R. U. PENROSE FITZ- GERALD, Esq., M.P.; Admiral Sir AUGUSTUS PHILLIMORE, K.C.B.; Admiral Sir ERASMUS OMMANEY, O.B.; The Right Hon. LORD COT- TESLOE, P.O.; Colonel SAUNDERSON, M.P.; The Most Hon. The MARQUIS OF AILSA; and the Right Hon. The EARL WALDEGRAVE.

The officers for the current year were chosen, and various resolutions were moved, seconded and carried unanimously, pledging the meeting to renewed exertions on behalf of the benevo- lent and national objects of the Institution.

The officers' names and the resolutions will be found in the May number of The Life-boat Journal.

THURSDAY, 12th April.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart, M.P., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the pre- vious Meeting.

Also read those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, Building, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees, and ordered their recommend- ations to be carried into effect.

Elected the members of the Sub-Committees (L. T. CAVE, Esq., Chairman) for the ensuing year.

Read the report of the Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visit to Glasgow.

Also the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Stations:— Northern District—Sunderland (three boats), Whitburn, Tynemouth (two boats), Cresswell, Newbiggin, Blyth (two boats), Boulmer, Aln- mouth, Bamburgh Castle, Redcar, North Sun- derland, Holy Island (two boats), Berwick-on- Tweed, Eyemouth, Hauxley, Cullercoats, Stonehaven, Gourdon, Montrose (three boats), Arbroath, and Port Logan.

Eastern District—Whitby (two boats), Tip- gang, Staithes, Runswick, Robin Hood's Bay, Scarborough, Filey, Flamborough (two boats), Bridlington Quay, Barmston, Withernsea, Hornsea, Grimsby, Donna Nook, Sutton, Mablethorpe, Chapel, Skegness, Brooke, Brigh- stone Grange, Margate, Kingsdowne, North Deal, Walmer, and Hythe.

Western District—Poole, Swanage, Kime- ridge, Weymouth, Lyme Regis, Sidmouth, Exmouth, Teignmonth, Torquay, Brixham, Dartmouth, Salcombe, Hope Cove, Yealm River, Plymouth, Looe, Mevagissey, Fowey, Falmouth, Porthleven, Lizard (two boats), Cadgwith, Porthoustock, and Mullion.

Irish District—Cahore, Camsore, Wexford (two boats), Kilmore, Kingstown, Poolbeg, Howth, Skerries, Greystones, Balbriggan, Drogheda (two boats), Giles* Quay, Blackrock, Newcastle, Tyrella, Cloughey, Ballywalter, Groomsport, Portrush, and Greencastle.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— £ «. d.

HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN, annual subscription. . 50 Mrs. ATHERTON HOWARD, Chelten- ham, for the Anstruther new life-boat, the Royal Stuart . . 700 Trustees of the late Mrs. E.

DOUGLAS, of Barnes .... 600 Executor of the late HENRY QUINN, Esq., of Queen Victoria Street . 450 WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OP GROCERS (additional) 200 2 6 CIVIL SERVICE LIFE-BOAT FUND, per CHARLES DIBDIN, Esq., F.E.G.S., Hon. Secretary, to recoup the Institution the amount expended by it during the year 1887, in rewarding the crews of the Civil Service Life-boats for services 128 Mr. and Mrs. LEOPOLD SALOMONS, passengers on the s.s. Albert Victor, March 11th, 1888, "A Thank-offering" 105 The Hon. ALSERNON TOLLEMACHE 100 SOCIETY FOR THE DISCHARGE AND BELIEF OF PERSONS IMPRISONED FOR SMALL DEBTS (additional) . 60 A LADY 50 A FRIEND, St. Bees 35 10 - 6 10 SYDNEY LAWRENCE, Esq., Clapham 25 TRUSTEES OF BERMAN'S CHARITY (additional) 10 Offertory, &e., at BOSSALL SCHOOL, Fleetwood, per the Rev. C. C. TANCOCK 9 £ s. d.

Collected on board the s.s. Oroya, per Captain J. B. PARK ... 9 - - HENRY WILES, Esq., "a thank- offering for safe landing after a perilous crossing the Channel on the llth March" 5 - - —To be severally thanked.

Also that the following legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution:— £ i. d.

The late DANIEL WILLIAMS, Esq., of Ormskirk, to Liverpool Branch (duty free) 200 - - The late LORD NORTHWICK. . . 100 - - The late Miss J. M. HAMLEY, of ! Sydenham 100 - - The late ADOLPH LAMELSON, Esq., M.D., to Manchester Branch (duty free) 100 - - The late Miss S. B. EVINS, of New- ton Abbot 10 - - Deep regret was expressed at the death of Mr. CHARLES HENRY COOKE, F.E.I.B.A., who had been the Architect to the Institution for thirty years.

Also at the decease of Mr. ALFRED BOWER, who had been Chairman of the Liverpool and New Brighton Branch of the Institution for eighteen years.

Also at the death of Captain PHILIP GonfO, E.N., and Mr. J. W. BROADBENT, who had respectively held the office of Honorary Secre- tary of the Cambridge and Ashton-under-Lyne Branches of the Institution.

Voted the thanks of the Committee to the Rev. F. J. HEARNE, in recognition of his valu- able co-operation during the seven years he occupied the office of Honorary Secretary of the Groomsport Branch of the Society.

Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution, accompanied by a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum, to Mr. EDWIN MATTHEWS, in recog- nition of his long and gallant services as cox- swain of the Lizard Life-boats.

The Committee also specially recognised the good services rendered by Mr. WILLIAM ALFORD and Mr. J. TOMS, during the period of twenty- two years in which they occupied the office, respectively, of coxswain and second coxswain of the Looe Life-boat.

Reported the transmission to their Stations of the Campbeltown, Skerries, and Stonehaven new Life-boats.

Also that the Newquay (Cornwall) Life-boat bad been altered and improved, and returned to its Station.

Paid 6,551Z. 3s. 2d. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 217Z. 1«. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Boulroer, Lizard No. 2, Scarborough, Ply.

mouth, Montrose No. 1, Bembridge, Hartlepool No. 3, Broughty Ferry, Caister No. 1, Wexford No. 1, Gorleston No. 1, Arbroath, Moelfre, Douglas No. 2, North Berwick, and New- biggin Life-boats in rendering the following services:— AUGUST 1, 1888.] THE LIFE-BOAT JOURNAL.

627 Lives eared.

Boat of the schooner Marshall, of Wick . 4 Barque Lady Dv/erin, of Plymouth . . 17 Dandy Vivid, of Scarborough .... 3 Norwegian barque Souvenir. Rendered assistance.

Three fishing smacks. Remained afloat.

Norwegian brig Olivia. Remained by vessel.

S.S. Andalusia, of Scarborough. Ren- dered assistance.

Dutch schooner Willem. Rendered as- sistance.

Schooner Queen of the Minstrels, of Har- wich. Rendered assistance.

Ship Andromeda, of Geestemiinde . . 16 Barque Saltee, of Wexford .... 13 Cutter Young Robert, of Great Yarmouth 2 Seventeen fishing-boats and a pilot-boat.

Remained afloat.

Schooner Fairlie and Jane, of Beaumaris 3 Schooner G. W. Pearns, of Plymouth . 5 Schooner Oberseew, of Dychling ... 8 Twenty-three fishing-cobles. Rendered assistance.

The Montrose No. 1, AldbotOTigh, Lowestoft No. 2, Harwich, and Kilmore Life-boats also rendered the following services:—Fishing-boat Squirrel, of Ferryden, saved boat and 4; Nor- wegian barque Moppet, assisted to save vessel and 13 men; smack Olive Branch, of Lowestoft, assisted to save vessel and 5 men; brig William and Anthony, of Folkestone, saved vessel and 8 men; barque Pass of Leny, of Glasgow, rendered assistance.

(Details of most of these services are given on pages 608-615.) Voted 363Z. 5s. to pay the expenses of the Bridlington, Sunderland No. 1, Mablethorpe, Gorleston No. 1, Walton-on-the-Naze, Caister No. 2, Bamborough Castle, North Sunderland, Cadgwith, Southsea, Hayling Island, Whitby No. 1, St. Mary's (Scilly), Saltburn, Mundesley, Douglas No. 2, Cullercoats, Grimsby, Thorpe, North Deal, Kessingland No. 3, Port Logan, Montrose Nos. 1 and 2, Lowestoft No. 2, Bude, Palling No. 2, and Newbiggin Life-boats, in assembling their crews, or putting off in reply to signals of distress shown by vessels not ultimately needing the help of the boats.

Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution to Mr. WILLIAM WALLACE, assistant lightkeeper at Point of Ayre Lighthouse, Isle of Man; to his wife; to Miss ELLEN BLTTHB, daughter of the head keeper of the lighthouse, and to Mr.

T. A. CHRISTIAN, temporary assistant keeper, for saving, by means of lines, at great risk, the crew of four men of the schooner Burns and Bessie, of Barrow, which had stranded under the Point of Ayre Lighthouse during a strong E. gale and a very heavy sea, on the llth March.

Also 71. 10s. to six fishermen, for putting off in a small boat and saving two of five men from the fishing-boat Jane Smith, of Arbroath, which had been capsized on the bar of Arbroath Harbour, during a strong breeze from the N.N.E. and a heavy sea, on the 25th Feb- ruary.

Also 52. to five men, for putting off in a small boat and rescuing three of the crew of a fishing- boat which had been capsized while attempting to land at Bray, co. Wicklow, during a strong N.E. wind and a very heavy sea, on the 14th February.

Also 21. 108. to five men, for putting off in a boat and rescuing three men whose boat had been capsized off Balbriggan, co. Dublin, during a strong B. breeze and a heavy sea, on the 15th March.

Also 11. 10«. to the crew of the fishing-boat Howe of Buchan, of Peterhead, for rescuing one of the crew of the schooner Fantasy, of Tain, who had fallen overboard from the rigging of the vessel, when about 2J miles from Peterhead, during a moderate breeze from the S.S.W. on the 4th February.

Also 12. 10s. to a man who was injured while firing a signal-rocket on the occasion of the launch of the North Berwick Life-boat on the 29th March.

Also 12. to four men for wading into the surf, with ropes round their waists, and rescuing three of the crew of the barque Albion, of and from Brevig, Norway, for West Hartlepool, which was totally wrecked on Ross Links, off Holy Island, during a violent storm from the E.S.E. on the 15th March.


The next number of the LIFE-BOAT JOURNAL will be published on the 1st November next..