BEMBRIDGE.—On the evening of the llth March, notice was given that a disabled brig was rounding Culver Cliff with a signal of distress flying. The crew of the Queen Victoria Life-boat were called together, and the vessel was soon seen driving towards the Nab Light-vessel under half a fore top sail, her main and fore masts, headgear, and sails having been blown away. Guns and rockets were fired by the Lightship, and at 7 o'clock the Life-boat was launched, and proceeded to the brig, which had brought up two miles from the Nab. She was a Norwegian vessel, named Olivia, coal laden, from Hull to Brazil, and had been disabled off Portland. At the master's request, the Life-boat remained by the brig until 3 A.M., when the Government tug Camel arrived and towed the vessel into Portsmouth Harbour..