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Favourite and Enterprise

FRASERBURGH.—During a terrific gale from the N.W. and a heavy sea on the17th December, the ketch Favourite, of Sunderland, was observed at about 10 o'clock in the morning running towards Praserburgh from the Moray Firth with sails spent. The Cosmo and Charles Lifeboat was promptly launched, and the Life-boat warp was taken to the end of the breakwater ready to be run out.

While this was being done the schooner Enterprise, of Leven, bound from Sunderland for Buckie with a cargo of coal, was seen approaching, and as she neared the breakwater the Life-boat ran out the warp to her and the vessel dropped her anchors.

The Life-boat then proceeded to the ketch, took off her crew, consisting of two men, and safely landed them in the harbour, being towed back by the steam tug Granite City. The Life-boat, in tow of the steamer, then went again to the assistance of the schooner, and, taking a warp from the tug, dropped down on the vessel and rescued her crew, numbering five men..