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Appeal for the Life-Boat Institution

To help support this noble cause May we not plead in vain; God help the hearts that risk their lives For others on the main.

Far on the angry billows deep, Mid lightning's vivid gleam, "Where heav'n's artillery thunders forth, A helpless ship is seen; Labouring under a heavy sea Her timbers groan and creak, She's burled upon a sunken reef And soon becomes a wreck.

" Great God, have mercy, spare our lives," Is the cry from every one, And high upon the raging storm Booms forth the minute gun.

Will that dread sound then be unheard Upon the foaming shore ? No, God be thanked, a light is seen, And the gun booms forth once more.

A small craft battled through the wave, And near the wreck it drew; The gallant hearts which maimed the craft Were those of the life-boat crew; They reached the wreck 'midst burst of cheers From every man on board, And on their knees in earnest prayer They gave thanks to the Lord.

And thanks be to the life-boat crew Whose stout hearts, strong and brave, Oft rescue shipwrecked mariners From an unmarked watery grave.


18, Kensington Street, Brighton.