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Shore-Boat Services Rewarded By the Royal National Life-Boat Institution In 1887

Jan. 4.—The crew of a Coastguard boat put oft' from Bognor, Sussex, and saved the crew of four men, and a female passenger from the schooner Elizabeth Curry, of London, which stranded at Middleton Point, during a strong S.E. wind, a heavy sea and snow.— Heward, 51.

II. was also awarded to five other Coastguard- men who rendered assistance in launching the boat, &c.

Jan. 4.—Sixteen men saved the crew of seven men from the boat of the Swedish schooner Sigfrid, which vessel had sunk about eight miles oft" Bognor, during a strong S. wind.— Reward, SI.

Jan. 6.—Voted SI. to eighteen men for saving, by means of baskets and life-lines, the crew of seven men of the schooner Eagle Wing, of Faversham, which had missed the entrance of the harbour at Ramsgate and grounded during a strr ng S.S.W. gale on tlie 8th December.

Abo 61. 10s. to thirteen men for putting off in two fishing-boats and saving the crew of five men of the William, of Drogheda, which MAY 1,1888.] THE LITE-BOAT JOUKNAL.

493 stranded at Newcastle, co. Down, during a strong S. gale on the 8th December.

Also 31. 15s. to five fishermen for putting off in a boat at great risk and saving a man from the fishing-boat Mary, of Maryport, which stranded on the North Bank, off Maryport, during a fresh breeze on the 27th December.

Also II. 10s. to three men for putting off in a boat at moderate risk, and saving the crew of two men from the barge Emily, of Maldon, which had sunk off Southend, Essex, during a strong gale from the S.W., on the 8th December.

11. 2s. 6d. was also granted to three men who put off in another boat to the rescue, arriving a few minutes later than the first boit, and re- maining until the service was effected.

Also 21. to four men for putting off in a boat and saving two men from a fishing-boat, which capsized on the bar at the entrance to Girvan harbour, during a moderate N.E. gale on the 22nd December.

10«. was also awarded to a man for swimming out with the view of rescuing the third man, who was clinging to the capsized boat, which had stranded on some rocks.

Also 21. to four pilots for saving the crew of six men of the schooner Aid, of Montrose, which was totally wrecked off Warkworth during a strong N.W. breeze, on the 1st December.

Also 21. to two persons for wading into the sea and rescuing one of the crew of a fishing- boat, which had been capsized off Pwllgwaylod, Pembrokeshire, during a heavy gale from the W.N.W., on the 8th December.

Also 11. 10s. to three men for saving, by means of a rope, one of the crew of the sloop Ann and Maria, of Goole, which sunk off Lowestoft harbour during a strong gale on the 8th December.

Also 10s. to a man for putting off in his boat from Great Yarmouth, at some risk, and saving a man who had fallen overboard from the fishing-boat No. 1105, of Leith, during a S.W.

breeze, on the 19th November.

Jan. 8.—A man rescued, with much difficulty, two persons whose canoe had been capsized off Poole, during a strong S.E. wind.—Eeward, It.

Jan. 11.—The crew of a coastguard boat rescued the crew of two men of the smack Pilot Queen, of Carnarvon, which stranded near Clogher Head during a strong gale' from the S.

—Eeward, SI.

Jan. 11.—Four men went to the rescue of the smack Twee Gezuster, of Bristol, which had stranded off Swansea, during a strong S.W.

gale.—Eeward, 4Z. 101. was also granted to the men in repayment of the loss they sustained by their boat being injured, &c., in the per- formance of this service.

Jan. 15.—Two men saved two other men from a foy-boat which had been capsized at Tyne- mouth during a moderate breeze from the S.— Eeward, 11. 10s. 15s. was also granted as compensation for the loss of a towrope through rendering this service.

Jan. 21.—Seven men rescued the crew of five men from a fishing-boat of Annagasson, which was capsized in Dundalk Bay during a strong W. wind.—Eeward, SI. 10s.

Jan. 26.—Six men put off in a boat and rescued one of the crew of the steamer Bibble, of Whitehaven, which had sunk off the Mum- bles during a strong S.E. wind, and a rough sea.—Eeward, 61.

Feb. 3.—Voted 21. 9s. in acknowledgment of services rendered by three fishermen in putting off in a boat and bringing safely ashore the crew of eight men of the brig Ariel, of Whitby, who had taken to their boat on their vessel stranding off Bacton, Norfolk, during moderate weather on the 28th December.

Also 11. to two fishermen of Lytham for en- deavouring to rescue the crew of the s.s. Yan Yean, of Montrose, which had stranded and sunk on the Salthouse Bank during a moderate gale on the 4th December.

Also 11. 10s. to three men for wading into the water and rescuing the crew of four men of the Scotia, of Carnarvon, which stranded at Pwllheli during a westerly gale on the 8th December. A further sum of 5s. was awarded to one of the salvors, he having also assisted to rescue the crew of five men of the Leader, of Hoylake, which stranded at Pwllheli on the Feb. 3.—Two men saved at great risk one of the crew of a fishing-boat which had been swamped off Start Point, Devonshire, during a moderate gale from the S.W.—Eeward, 11.

Feb. 4.—Two men rescued the crews, num- bering in all four men, of the fishing yawls Maria and Marie, of Poole, which had been in collision at the entrance to Poole harbour during a strong S.W. wind and thick weather.

—Eeward, 15s.

Feb. 9.—Three men put off in a small boat and saved three men from a pilot boat which had been capsized in Douglas Bay in a heavy sea.—Eeward, SI.

March 1.—Five men put off in a boat and rescued four men from the boat Mary, of Scal- lary, which struck a sunken rock off Earsary, Barra, and immediately filled with water, during a strong breeze from the S.—Reward, 21. 10s.

March 6.—A man put off in a small boat and with much difficulty rescued five persons whose boat had capsized off Inishtubber Island, Co.

Clare, during a moderate N.E. breeze and a smooth sea.—Eeward, 15s. 11. was also awarded to his wife, who waded up to her neck into the water and rescued another of the crew of the capsized boat, who was drifting ashore clinging to an oar.

March 21.—Two men saved four persons whose boat, laden with seaweed, was filled with water, and sunk off Aranmore, Ireland, during a heavy gale and a rough sea. On hearing the cries of the occupants of the sinking boat the salvors threw overboard their own load of sea- weed and proceeded to the rescue.—Reward, 11.

March 23.—Three men put off in a boat and rescued three men whose boat had struck a rock off Strond, Harris, and sunk, during a strong S.S.E. gale.—Eeward, 11. 10.--.

March 31.—Three fishermen put off in a boat and rescued a boat, with one occupant, which had been disabled off Donaghadee, Ireland, during a strong N.W. breeze.—Eeward. 11. 10s.

March 31.—Four men saved three of the crew of the fishing-boat Lightning, of Miltown, Co. Antrim, which capsized off Benyon Head during a gale from the N.—Eeward, il.


[MAY 1,1888.

April 2.—Three men put off in a boat and saved two of the crew of the fishing-boat Charles Rampini, who had fallen overboard near Mossbank, Shetland, during a moderate breeze.—Reward, II. 10s.

April 6.—Five men put off in a boat and rescued the crew of three men of the schooner Willem, of Hanover, which stranded off Marske, Yorkshire, during a moderate gale from the S.E.—Keward, 21. 10s.

April 7.—Voted 21. 12s. to defray the cost of repairing a boat which was damaged while attempting to render a-sistaiice to another boat which was in danger off Anstruther during a gale on the night of thu 21et January.

May 2.—Five men rescued the crew of two men from a boat which had capsized in broken water on Teignmoutli Bar during a strong E.S.E. wind.—Reward, 21. 10s.

May 10.—Four men put off in a boat and saved four other men wliose boat had been upset on Guidore Bar during a stroug N.W.

breeze and a heavy sea.—Reward, 32.

May 20.—Seven men waded with lines to ,the fishing-boat Water Lily, of Bangor, which had stranded in Llandudno Bay during a strong W.N.W. gale, and rescued a man who was on board the vessel.—Reward, 31. 10s.

June 2.—Two men put off in a boat and res- cued three persons whose boat had struck a rock and immediately sunk off Inniskeera Island, Co. Donegal, during a S.W. breeze. — Re- ward, 10«.

June 9.—Voted the Silver Medal of the In- .stitution, and a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum, to Captain L. Gt. STAKE, master, and to Mr. T. EASTAWAY, second mate, and 61. to four of the crew of the s.s. Juno, of Bristol, for res- cuing, at great risk of life, the master and crew, numbering sixteen in all, of the a.s. George Moore, of Port Glasgow, which was wrecked on the Smalls Rock, in the Irish Channel, during a t-trong gule from the N.W. on the night of the 20th May. On observing signal-rockets fired from the Smalls Lighthouse, the master of the Juno with much difficulty took his vessel as near as possible to the wreck, when a boat manned by the second mate and four of the crew was launched, and in two trips succeeded in rescuing the shipwrecked men and placing them on board the Juno.

The Committee also expressed their approval of ihe conduct of the master of the George Moore iu doing all in his power to help to suve the lives of his crew, he beiug the last to leave the wreck.

June 17.—Two men put off in a boat and rescued a woman from a boat which had been upset at Aranmore Island during a moderate N.FJ. wind.—Reward, 15s.

June 24.—Seven men put off in a shore bnat from Huna anil rescued six men from the fishing-boat Helen Ann, of Banff, which had sunk off S*t. John's Point in the Pentland Firth during foggy weather. -Reward, 11.

June 27.—A deaf and dumb fisherman of Cadgwith rescued two men whose boat had sunk aljout 300 yards from Cadgwith Beach during squally weather.—Reward, 10s.

June 30.—Six men put, off in two rowing bouts and saved three young men whose bout had been capsized off Walton-on-the-Naze during a strong E. breeze.—Reward, in addition to local subscriptions, 21. Si.

July 3.—Two men put off in a boat and res- cued four men from a boat without oars or sails which was drifting helplessly off Broughty Ferry during a strong gale and a heavy sea.— Reward, 15s.

July 13.—The crew of the trawler Susan, of Groomsport, saved five men from two boats, one of which had put off to the assistance of the other, which were in danger off Bangor, Co.

Down, during a gale from the S.—Reward, 11.

July 18.—Two men put off in a small boat, and rescued two men whose boat had struck on a rock off Polpear, Cornwall, during a N. wind and a strong breeze.—Reward, 15s.

July 29.—Three men saved two men from the boat Bessie, of Kirkcaldy, which was capsized off Aberdour, Fifeshire, during a heavy S.W.

wind and a rough sea.—Reward, 11. 2s. 6cJ.

11. was also granted to the salvors, as compen- sation for the loss of fishing sustained through effecting the rescue.

Aug. 5.—Four men rescued a man who was in a helpless condition in a boat in Ballyhorne Bay, Co. Down, during a moderate S. breeze.— Reward, 11. 10s.

Aug. 6.—The crew of the fishing-boat Isabel, rescued a man who had fallen overboard from a boat off Lerwick during a strong breeze.— Reward, 11. 15s.

Aug. 15.—The crews of two cobles rescued two men from a boat which had been capsized in Runswick Bay during a moderate breeze.— Reward, 41.

Aug. 18.—Six men rescued four men from a boat which had been capsized off Seven Heads, Co. Cork, during a N. breeze and a rough sea.

—Reward, 2/. 5s.

Aug. 19.—Two men rescued two men from the boat Irex, of Poole, which sunk near the entrance to Poole harbour during a very strong W. breeze, squally weather and a rough sea.— Reward, 11.

Aug. 26.—Eleven men saved twelve persons from the pleasure sailing-boat Monarch, of II- fracombe, which sunk off that place during a fresh S.S.W. breeze.—Reward, 51. 10s.

Aug. 30.—Twenty-one Lowestoft men put off in a large beach-boat and brought ashore the crew, consisting of six men, from the three- masted schooner Maurice, of St. Vaast, wliich had struck on the Newcome Sands, during a moderate breeze from the W.S.W., squally weather, and a rough sea.—Reward, 101. 10s.

Sept. 1.—Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution andla copy of the vote inscribed on vellum, to Sergeant PATRICK McPniLLiPS, of the Royal Irish Constabulary, for putting off in a boat and rescuing a man who, while suffering from delirium treiaens, had gone out to sea in a puat without sail or thowl-pins and was drift- ing on to a ledge of rocks off Aranmore Island during a strong N.W. wind on tne 19th July.

Fifteen shillings was also grante 1 to two boatmen who took out Sergeant McPmLLiPS and towed the boat back to shore.

Also 10?. to the owner of the fishing-boat Jessie Mary, of Great Yarmouth, as compensa- tion for damage received by his boat while MAY 1,1888.] THE LIFE-BOAT JOUENAL.

495 endeavouring to save life on the occasion of the i capsizing of a pleasure-boat in Yarmouth Hoads I during a S. viud and squally weather on the] 28th July. "I Also 11. Ws. to a man for swimming out to j try to save life on the occasion of the wreck of ' the schooner Anne Elizabeth on the rocks at Joppa, Scotland, during a very high sea on the ! Slat March, and for rescuing a man who had fallen overboard from a small boat off Portobello during a light breeze on the 20th July.

Sept. 10.—Two men put off in a boat and re ued two men from another boat which had been capsized off Rosses Point, Co. Sligo, during a strong breeze.—Reward, 15s.

Sept. 19.—Four pilots saved four men whose boat had been capsized by a sudden squall near Newburgh, Aberdeenshire.—Reward, 2Z.

Sept. 20.—Three fishermen saved at great risk, owing to the broken water, two men from a fishing-boat which had capsized off Umfin Mand, Co. Donegal, during a moderate breeze from the N.E.—Reward, 2Z. 5s.

Sept. 24.—Two men put off in a boat and at considerable risk, the heavy sea nearly filling their boat, saved two men from the fishing-boat Friends, of Christchurch, which had sunk on the Hook Sands at the entrance to Poole Har- bour during a fresh breeze from the E.N.B.

and a heavy broken sea.—Reward 21.

Sept. 27.—Three fishermen saved three men from the boat Maria, of Skibbereen, which had capsized in Clonakilty Bay during a strong breeze from N.W.—Reward, U. 10s.

Sept. 29.—The chief officer of H.M. Coast- guard, and five Coastguard men at Morris Castle, Co. Wexford, put off in the station boat and rescued the crew of four men from the schooner Fame, of Wexford, which had stranded on the Blackwater Bank during a N.E. to N. W.

wind and stormy weather.—Reward, 61.

Nov. 3.—Voted the Silver Medal of the In- stitution, accompanied by a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum, to the Misses MAKIA and JOSEPHINE HOBSTOKD and Mr. WILLIAM C. L.

SULLIVAN for rescuing, at great risk, owing to the smallness of their boat, two ladies and two gentlemen from a sailing-boat which had capsized in Courtmacsherry Bay on the 12th August.

Dec. 1.—Voted the Silver Medal of the In- stitution, accompanied by a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum, to Mr. WILLIAM BRADLEY, Light-keeper at Southend pierhead, for rescuing a man from the capsized boat of the steam tug Jubilee, of London, during a strong S.W. breeze and a moderate sea, with rain, at 11 o'clock on the night of the 2nd November. On being" apprized of the accident BRADLEY at once got up from his bed, and, without waiting to dress, lowered his boat, rowed to the man, who wag clinging to the bottom of the capsized boat, and rescued him, the service occupying an hour.

The following is a copy of a Handbill circulated on the Coasts of the United Kingdom by the Institution, for the purpose of informing Boatmen and others that it encourages laudable exertion s to save Life from Shipwrecks: — TO BOATMEN AND OTHERS.

To encourage prompt and energetic exertions in time of Danger on the part of Boatmen and Others, by quickly putting off to save Lite in CASES of WRECKS on the Coasts of the British Isles, either by SHORE-BOATS OR OTHER MEANS, |laimnal f ife-ljoai Institution Rewards of Money or Medals. In all cases the Rewards are given without further delay lhan is necessary to obtain proof of the merits of each case, and to ensure their being paid to the right parties.

Application to be made to the Secretary.

By Order of the Committee..