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Kattie Darling and Prothesa

RAMSEY, ISLE OF MAN.—One of the worst storms ever experienced on this coast prevailed on the morning of the 1st November, the wind blowing almost a hurricane from the S.S.E., and the sea running mountains high. At 9.30 a signal of distress was shown by a vessel in the bay, and the Life-boat Two Sisters was at once taken out, and proceeded by land to Port Lewaigue, it being considered unwise to attempt to launch her anywhere near the harbour; the sea and wind would have rendered it impossible to propel her to windward. She was successfully launched, and being handled most skilfully by her coxswain and crew, rescued the crew, consisting of three men, from the schooner Kattie Darling, of and for Chester, from Coleraine, and the crew of seven men from the brigantine Prothesa, of Teignmouth, bound from Buncorn for North Shields with a cargo of rock-salt, both of which vessels were dragging their anchors in the bay. In returning ashore some of the ropes attached to the drogue broke, in consequence of the great strain upon them, and the Life-boat broached to and was filled by an enormous wave; the crew, however, kept cool; the boat, which was under oars and running with the ;ale, soon recovered herself, and was anded by another great wave high np on ;he steep beach, north of Beachmount, about four miles from the place where she lad been launched..