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The S.S. Castleford

ST. MARY'S, SCILLY ISLANDS.—On the night of the 9th June, it was reported that a steamer was ashore on Crebawethan, one of the rocks to the westward of St.

Mary's; a dense fog prevailed at the time.

The Henry Dundas Life-boat was launched at midnight, and on reaching the vessel found she was the s.s. Castleford, of Liverpool, bound from Montreal for London with 450 head of cattle and a general cargo. Some of the crew had left in boats, and, at the request of the master, the Life-boat took' off twenty-five men, and transferred them to a ship's boat, lying off, which proceeded in charge of a pilot for St. Mary's. As the sea was rough with the flowing tide, the Lifeboat returned to the vessel, and remained by her until daylight..